
chapter one

As I sat on the toilet seat waiting to see if the test was positive I could feel my heart thumping in my chest I was only 18 heck I was still a kid I couldn't take care of myself how was I supposed to look after a human being

A knock on the door interrupted me from my thoughts "hey Ari what's taking you so long ?" Asked my one night stander "Uhm nothing I just need some time why don't you grab your things and leave while it's still early " I said as I heard him sigh from the other side he was handsome not gonna lie but I'm not into a long term relationship

"Its.... It's okay to be in a relationship Ari I wouldn't hurt you " he said as I replied

"Please just leave " i said almost whispering the word 'leave'

"Okay I'll ... See you around " I closed my eyes shut wanting to escape reality my reality in some movies there's always a prince charming saving the poor girl from her problems giving her love and protection but like I said they just movies

I opened my eyes as I looked down at the test in my hands showing two lines

My eyes widen as I ran to the box that laid on my basin I opened the instruction menu and saw

*Note : if the test shows one line you are not pregnant and if it shows two lines you are pregnant*

Tears rained down my tan cheeks I felt my throat close my heart ache my knees weak my stomach turning all this through my stupidity

I needed a job that was the first thing that popped into my head I mean the money I had gotten from my late grandmother's will was just enough for me to buy myself a small apartment it had one bedroom ,one kitchen ,one bathroom and a small open space which I had turned to my lounge I wasn't to big or fancy but it was home

I grabbed my coat along with my phone texting my bestfriend Astrid to meet up at our favorite spot in the city park

'hey my loveeee!'

'watsup youuu!'

'meet me in five minutes at the park ?'

'hmmm for you always!'

'Asrtid stop acting gayyy!'

'okay okay ! See youuu my love's

I smiled as I pushed my phone in my coat pocket and stopped at a cafe

"Hey mister Alan !" I said cheerfully as I gave him a side hug

"Afternoon Ari you growing bigger and more beautiful by the day " he said as he hugged me back

I broke the hug and walked to the counter

"So Uhm I'll take two ordinary tea one sugar cube each but..."

I trailed off as mister Alan smirked and said "it's on the house "

I gave him an apologetic smile as I waited for the tea I decided to tell him the big news , my father wasn't really a role model for me neither was my mother all I had was my grandmother and well my made up family they weren't blood but they felt pain for me

"Mister Alan "

"Yes ?" He asked as he put the cups onto the counter I grabbed each one in one hand as I smiled and said "I'm pregnant" his smile seemed to have reach each ear as he walked over to my side and pulled me in for a hug

"Oh I'm so happy for you "

"Huh I honestly don't know how to feel about this " i sigh as I felt my tears ready to stream down my face

"What ab-" i cut him off because I knew what he was gonna ask and right now I needed less people to know about my sleeping around

"Uhm I have to go I'll see you later thanks for the tea again mister Alan I promise I'll bake you some of my grandmother's sponge cake !" As I rushed to the door

"Byeee" he yelled

I walked as fast as I could to the park where I saw a blanket spread on the floor along with my best friend sitting down with her legs crossed her dark brown skin highlighting her perfect hazel colour eyes along with black curly hair

"My lovvveeee !" She yelled as she ran to me to give me a hug just as I screamed "don't you'll spill the teaaa!!"

But unfortunately clumsy Astrid tripped as she tried to stop and tripped on me

"God karma got you good !" I said to her as we both burst out in to laughter

She got up and held her hand to me as I took it and she pulled me to my feet

We walked to the blanket as we both sat down legs crossed she pulled out of her bag two books one titled 'my prince ' and the other 'love him '

"So which one ?" She asked holding both up

"I'll pass I wanted to discuss something with you " she then looked at me to see if I was serious because I loved reading books well books on ancient animals or ancient kingdoms not now days 'love story's ' I didn't believe in love my parents were an example of it

"Uhm okay go on I'm listening " she put the books back into her bag as I stared at my hands which were on my lap

"Well you see .."

"Oh god Ari spit it out your gonna make me nervous which is gonna lead to a panick attack or whatever that attack is that you get !" She said pointing at me

"Firstly it's an anxiety attack and well im ... I'm pregnant and i don't know who the father is" I said as tears rolled down my cheeks

She then hugged me by my shoulders and laid her chin on top of my head since she was so much taller than me okay okay I'm exaggerating maybe like 3 inches taller ? Well they always teased me for being shorter

"Aww I'm gonna be an aunt oh no a father your pregnant with my baby !!" She yelled as tears rolled down mine and her cheeks

"I'm so ... I'm so scared Astrid what if I mess up I only wants what's best maybe an abortion or maybe adoption ?" She pulled back meeting my gaze

"No ... You won't be getting an abortion or putting my child for adoption we'll get through this I'm basically your sister slash soulmate I'll help you okay ?"

I nodded as she pulled back

"How far are you ?" She asked as she typed something on her phone

"I'm not sure I only found out today because of all my symptoms"

"Well how late are you ?" She asked as she continued to type

"About a month"

"Okay we have an appointment with the doctor Tommorow then " my eyes widen

"I can't firstly I can't afford secondly I have classes "

"No biggie it's on me and it's after classes !" I hugged her

"Thank you bestie "

"No problem my loveee!" She yelled as she smacked my ass

"Hey "

"Well it came with a price "

I laughed at her ... We spent the night talking about baby names and who the father could possibly be once I find out how far I am i think I'll be able to tell who the father is

I then left because I had classes the next day me and Astrid where from two different worlds but because of her family being wealthy they practically raised me they sent me to an expensive university to study with Ari she was studying engineering as I was following my passion history I always loved it ever since I watched Indiana Jones it's being my dream to go to Egypt and dig up a long forgotten Pharoah

I changed into PJs as I threw myself onto my bed as soon as my head hit the pillow I thought

Well new day new me

And with that I drifted off

I woke up to my alarm beeping I woke up five minutes later as I brushed my teeth I stared into the mirror my ice blue eyes looking back at me my tan skin pale my black hair all messy I sigh as I placed my hand onto my belly

I then grabbed my hair into a bun and stepped into the shower hot droplets hitting my body

I got out as I looked into my drawer I found a pair of ripped blue jeans along with a black lace body suit which I paired off with black pumps I then grabbed my hair into a messy bun adding a chain that my grandmother left for me

I walked out of my apartment to see a black jeep parked outside I recognised it instantly as the owner jumped out

"Hey " he said his voice deep and gruff as he walked towards me I stopped dead tracks

"What the fuck do you want leo !"

"I just want to talk !" His Italian accent strong Leo was one of those few people I let close to my heart but sadly he was a liar just like everyone else snooping around when I was occupied just to get some

"There's nothing to talk about now leave me alone !" I said as I took a step back he grabbed onto my wrist and squeezed it yes if I didn't mention earlier also abusive well sometimes

"You will listen !"

"Please Leo it's over just ... Just let me go to school " i said pleading him

"No you either talk now or never end up seeing the next day " he screamed

"Okay fine make it quick please " he flung my hand down causing me to gasp from the pain I grabbed onto my hand with the other

"Get in the car !"

I ran up to his car and jumped into the passager seat as he jumped into the drivers seat

"Look what I did what I do it's a mistake I love you and I'm not gonna hurt you I promise I'll go for therapy " he said as he looked at me but I just looked out the window.

"You say that everytime you ... You were the only one I let close to my heart but you were same like my parents and i don't want that because of people like them ...people like you I don't believe in love anymore " i closed my eyes

"Fine get out of my car now !" I quickly opened the door and jumped out before he changed his mind

I for once was late for the bus so I had to walk to the university causing me to be 10 minutes late but I was the what you say class favorite when it came to my professors so they didn't bother

"Morning miss Joseph" i smiled as everyone started laughing at me

Not many people liked me let's just say I was the nerd and the it girls personal punching bag

"Morning professor Alex I'm sorry I'm late I over slept " he nodded as I walked to an empty desk

"Okay class we have a new student joining us all the way from South Korea so I want you guys to be nice to him okay " I sighed as I rolled my eyes I bet you Ria aka the It girl will be the one to give him a personal tour since she had a thing for foreigners

The door opened as a tall lean figure walked into the class room I placed my head onto the desk and closed my eyes not bothering to look up at him or make eye contact

"Everyone meet Max Young " I heard some of the the boys click their tounges and some girls gasp and some whistle

"Nice to meet you all" he said his voice soft and melodic it sounded so ... So welcoming and beautiful

"Hi I'm Ria I'd like to give you a personal tour of this school !" She screamed as I mumbled to myself

"Of course you do " before laughing to myself  teasing my brain

"I told you so didn't I ... Didn't I tell you you take me for a stupid when I Ari Joseph told you brain to Ari Joseph that she will ask to give him a personal tour " i laughed at myself I honestly only knew I suffered from anxiety and depression but the talking to my brain problem remained unsolved

"Thanks but I think I'll manage " he said calmly

As everyone laughed

Ouch that must be embarrassing oh wait it is sooo embarrassing

"Miss Joseph are you feeling okay ?" Professor Alex asked I raised my head as I locked eyes with the new guy

His brown eyes ... His tallness ... His lean slightly muscular body his black hair as his bangs sat on his forehead his pink lips wasn't to big nor to small he looked perfect

"I uh I Uhm yes I'm fine " I said struggling to find the words I broke the eye contact but unfortunately he didn't he looked at me making me squirm in my seat

"You sure you don't wanna -"

"I'm fine professor Alex "

"Okay then Uhm Max would you like to sit next to Ari ?" I looked at the professor he had a wierd smirk on his face as I turned to see max or whatever smiling he nodded and walked up to now our seats

I moved and got stuck to the wall as he sat down his cologne hitting me it was so musky and spicy I felt myself drawn to this man whoever he was

He turned to face me with a smile "hi nice to meet you " he said his voice turning me on or maybe it was this pregnancy hormones

"H...h...h...hi " god bloody anxiety

"So it's my first time in this place I would love a tour do you mind ?"

"Uh ria offered why didn't you accept ?" He smiled as he said

"Well I already knew I wanted the girl sitting and talking along with laughing at herself " I smiled well basically started sobbing with the embarrassment my cheeks went red as he smiled

"Your secrets safe with me " as he winked

"I thought I was blocking my face you can't blame me !" He smirked as he raised an eyebrow

"So will you take me for that tour?'

"Uh yeah sure "

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