
the comeback this is a Truth Story

so when I opened the door,he looked so sad apologizeing.i accepted his apologies and took him back.i must admit I loved him him like his name.so we started at fresh.this time he was so we'll behaved, looking after me taking me out and coming home early from work and I even moved into his new apartment he rented wow I felt out of this world.he would cook for me and bath me when I wasn't able to.we where like white on rice we couldn't be separated after four months of enjoyment with him his demons resurfaced,this time he started beating me up and sleeping to different women places, disrespecting me and cursing me outside,taking advantage of me I had no right,I had no saying.one raining day love knocked me out so hard until I couldn't stand on my feet.ooh it hurt so bad their was blood all over my clothes and face.i didn't knw what to do weather to cry or die.he left me their and walked away In that blood and pain it was one of the neighbors who helped me.my face was swollen and my surgery make on my face almost opened up.i couldn't go sell or do anything for myself.i stayed indoors untill I healed with help of that good neighbor who fed me n give me medicine.he kick me out his house,I went back to my oneroom apartment luckily I didn't give the key back to the landlady.i started from where I left off.i started selling again and started putting my life together till after a year,he came back again this time he said he have changed and now go to church,and he brought his friends with him to beg me.wow,I was so scared and thought about how he treated me.so I thought over the years I haven't gotten no proposel from any man,so I accept again n I told him we should take it slow before we get marry.we went on for a year we where cool,until one-day he said we should go for a ride I wore my best clothes and was smelling good did my hair and everything.we were going on the ride he stop the car and told me to sit on his lap and that he wanted is to make love, I said honey can't u wait untill we go home?he said no he wanted u and that if I don't he would beat me mercilessly.he sip down and forced me to do it...when he was through he said you are useless to me,you have no value like the other women.he was insulting me so horribly and driving at the same time and was speeding.i sat down so dumb remembering the all the phone calls late at night, coming home late, switching off his phone when I call him, coming home smelling with all those female perfume,the beating,his curulty to me I sat there remembering until I heard that heavy sound.when I came to myself it was an accident.i forgot to wear seatbelt,but LOVE had on his he was save but I wasn't I was badly hurt.in my uncouiousnes he said u are on ur own,I wonder what that meant?the next morning I wokeup in the hospital.

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