

At the beginning of the story, it is shown that some rich people of Thailand are having a meeting and their children are in a separate room, one of them is named Alex.There is an entry of a boy whose name is Jake Alex is surprised to see Jake After that Alex asked Jake what are you doing here, this is a party for the rich people of Thailand.

Jake said, we have been called here and have seen you after a long time, Alex, come on, I will meet you later.

Alex said don't lie You will stalk me that you still haven't been able to move on over me since our breakup

Jake said Stop giving yourself so much importance. I had a performance here and my dad has been called here and everyone else starts watching their argument. I think you should not break up with me.Jake said You have move on, so what problem do you have with my not being here?Then Jake's manager comes. The manager said that it is time for your performance, get ready. Jake said ok, I am getting ready for performance

Then we look at what happened 4 years ago

<Jake> babe why are you not answering my calls and messageslo

<Bodyguard>Young Master your father is calling you

<Jake>tell father i'm coming i'm coming

<Jake>babe i'll text you later There is no point in eating because you are not replying to my messages.

<Mr taimur>call my son right now

<Bodyguard>Master your sons are coming

<Jake>yes father

<Mr taimur> Son, we have to leave this country, you know how our work is, we are gangsters, anyway we have many connections in this country, now we have to go to a new country and make more connections.

<Jake>I know Papa, we have to make connections, but where are we going?

<Mr taimur>Why are you so sad today? I am your father, you can tell me. If you are thinking about your boyfriend, you can still tell me. It doesn't matter to me that you are gay

<Jake>No dad, I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, you didn't tell me where we are going now.

<Mr taimur>Oh I forgot, we are shifting to Thailand because some of my old friends live there and we can make connections more quickly there.

<Jake>What!! Thailand

<Mr taimur>there is some problem with it

<Jake>No papa

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