
Shall the chaos begin?

"What shall I wear today?"

Jia was standing in her huge walk-in closet which was more like a mini shopping mall, taking up the entire space of the basement of the Li mansion. She had numerous outfit, shoes to match each and every outfit, all the accessories be it bags, sunglasses and even jewellery.

"Shall I go and buy a new outfit, Mom?" Jia asked turning up to her mother who was there to help Jia choose a dress for the lunch meeting/date with Xi Men Yan.

Siyali smacked Jia's head upside down, "I'll kill you if you'll buy another dress! Is this shopping mall not enough for you? Jia, though we haven't forced you into doing and not doing something but do you think that your in-laws will be as lenient?

"Mom, I know about that and I understand. I promise you that I'll try to restrain my shopping," for a moment Siyali felt that her daughter may have matured a bit until she spoke further, "but, didn't you teach me that we should accept people's flaws along with their qualities? So if my in-laws are going to accept me as their daughter-in-law then they should also be acceptable to this shopaholic nature of mine. Plus I brought all this with the money that I earned from my novels and the shares I own. It's not like I will be spending their money."

Jia came to stand beside her mother and placed an arm around her shoulder, "I really do need a new outfit. So, I will go to the mall and buy something, I will go to meet Xi Men Yan from there only. Bye, Mom!"

Jia ran out of her closet and Siyali was left behind in thoughts that whether she should cry or laugh at the situation.


Jia arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes late. When she arrived the receptionist lead her to the top level which she was told was a private level reserved for a few special families, Xi family being one of them. Jia was thankful that she had gone out and bought this new outfit, it was classy and elegant which was perfect for the restaurant Xi Men Yan had chosen for their meeting and it also had a pop of colour which represented her bright personality.

The first thing to catch her attention was the elegant decor of the room. It was classy, elegant and extraordinary. The second thing that got her interest was the terrace garden which you can see through the floor to ceiling glass panes. It looked completely out of princess/fairy tale. Jia saved a mental image of the whole area in her mind hoping to use the decor details in her novel.

When she reached the table Xi Men Yan was sitting on, she greeted him with a "Hello" and went to sit opposite of him. "One should value time because time doesn't stop for anybody." was how Xi Men Yan responded, taunting her for being late by 15 minutes.

Jia smiled and didn't say anything, she had promised her father that she would behave. She didn't counter his comment but that doesn't mean that she was going to apologize either, "This place is very nice, it gives classic vanilla vibes." she said.

Men Yan gave her a flat look before tilting his head to his left and clapping twice. Soon enough a waitress came over to serve them lunch. Jia was watching all this with amused eyes, she couldn't help but giggle as she had written a similar scene for her first novel.

"Though I prefer that we hire a wedding planner but if you can plan the wedding yourself if you want." said Xi Men Ya as if sliced the meat on his plate.

Jia choked on the juice, "Wedding? What wedding?"

"Our wedding, the one that has been arranged by our families." Xi Men Yan said it too casually.

Jia slammed her hands on the table, "FYI, I haven't agreed for this arrangement, okay! I just came here to talk about it, get to know you and see if you are worth it!"

"We should fulfil the promise that our grandfathers made." Xi Men said unaffected by Jia's words.

Jia faked a smile and said, "My grandfather also left me a letter in which he had written that if I don't like the guy he had chosen for my marriage then I have to marry him first so that his promise is fulfilled and then after a month or so I can either divorce the guy or better kill him. Tell me what option so you like the best?"

"The third option." his calmness was adding fuel to the raging fire of her anger.

"Just within 10 minutes of our meeting, you have managed to piss me off! What third option are you talking about?"

"One month, 30 days. That's all it would take for you to say yes." Xi Men Yan was quite sure of the statement that he just made.

Jia huffed in annoyance and leaned back on her chair, "How much arrogant can you be?"

"This isn't me being arrogant but it's the faith that I have on me that I convince you to marry me and that too within 30 days."

"Are you challenging me?" questioned Jia.

"Take it as a challenge if you want." was Men Yan's reply.

"Fine then, you have 30 days to impress me. Let's see if you can convince me in these 30 days." Jia stood up to leave.

"I will do my best."

Jia chuckled mockingly, "We'll see."


Next Chapter - What the Internet says?