
Love Attraction And Lust

BADASSGIRL143 · Teenager
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70 Chs


" So now you finally got time to check my post. And like and comment but didn't have guts to call me to asked me.. you bitch.. " she yelled at me.. and I laugh..

" Well helloo to you to my favorite girl on this Earth.." i said to her. And she giggled..

" Yeah yeah whatever.. " she said..

" So finally huh... " I said to her with smiling..

" Yeahh well we are dating like two years and people want us to now change the status.. well he want to.. and also sometimes I also wants to.. so why not.. so yeah... " She said with excitement..

" Well I am so happy for you.. congratulation. " I said..

" Thank you so much Bella.. it's all because of you you know that.. if we don't go New York i never meet him and now see where we are not.. " she said to me.. and I laugh..

" Ohh it's nothing.. but whatever happen.. I am happy for both of you.. and tell him I said hyy.. and yeahh so when is the wedding.. " I ask..

" Well we didn't decided just yet . But verry soon.. and you have to come.. no matter what.. or I will kill you.. " she said. And laugh at again .

" Yeahh sure.. whenever it fixed just text me or something.. so I will be come.. but don't break this news in last movment.. " I told her..

" I know i know I see how bussy you are.. I saw your post.. and I am happy for you.. so how's America.. " she said to me..

" Well its oky.. i mean first it's to hard for me to where and when and how to start.. but I am happy that I didn't give up on this.. for now it's frist step.. but I know I will work hard. And one day I will on the top rank like if I successful in my dreams. " I told her..

" You will Bella.. I see how you working hard.. you don't have to time for me.. but I talk sometimes to aunt Mary.. she told me that how you sometimes Skip your meal.. " she said..

" It's nothing haz.. she just sometimes you know taking things granted.. " I told her..

" Yeahh and I also know that how she keep telling you to get settled down.. " she said to me..

" You have no idea.. i am happy that dad is here.. I don't know what will happen if he's not here. " I told her..

" Well I think that you have settle down Bella.. it's like three year's.. and you still are single.. how can you just stay without sex.. " she said.. what the hell she talk about.. I didn't say anything.. I just stop and what for her to continue..

" ohh my.. don't tell me Bella that you still.." she said that I cut her of..

" Yeahh i am.. and it's not problem.. see I am happy haz.. just drop the topic.. now don't you start now like mom.. ughhh" i said to her..

" Fine.. you don't want to settle down fine by me.. at least you can get lead you know what I mean.. " she said..

" Now I am regretting to answer you call.. and again once again congratulations.. I am bussy now.. I will talk to you later.. byy" without hearing that what she said next. I hang up on her. I mean what the hell is her problem.. I mean she want me to just go to random man and tell him to fuck me . hell no.. I don't want to do this.. fuck them all..  I still not ready for that . And she.. mad woman.. I can't believe it that she's my Best friend.

I reach home.. and straight go to my bedroom before  face to mom.. and I am happy that she's not home.. maybe dad and she both are went to date.. or something.. I am happy for that..

I get in my bedroom.. throw my heels in everywhere.. Remove my all cloths only with in my bra and panty.. I jump on my bed. Grab my laptop..  and started to work out.. I also creat some page to my side.. to  post all photos and my business development.. and there is not that more followers or anything.. but I know one day it will..

I see there is any mail I get.. I already tell about to give me some photos and videos to our office.. so I can posted it.. andd haa.. Maya did her work.. I don't want to asked her again.. she did her work properly.. so I downloaded all faills. And posted it in my side..

And also see that hows the work a going.. well normally Maya handle it everything mm but in week one time i will supervisor to see all are doing well or not.. I started to handling to make some calls. And talk about that there is anyone problem in that.. or anything.. any improvement.. so I know that what to do next.. I have some ideas in my mind.. for this.. I am looking for some land so I can try to do something little big that i am doing it.. I want to take risk.. to see that I will get in that success or not.

When I get free. I closed my laptop.. and see that I still in bra and panty.. in all this I don't have stamina for got up and get shower.. I lay down in my bed.. and sleep...

I wake up in evening something 7 o'clock.. thinking about should I go to club or not.. I got up an take bath.. and stay there like half an hour.. it's feel nice.. it's make my all strees out sometimes.. my mind get rest little bit.. my bathroom is my personal favorite thing in this america.. whenever I want stressed or anything.. I always come here. And take bath.. my mind little bit relax.. and I sometimes clear my thought to make decisions..

My home is everything to me.. I still didn't get chance to see properly america how it's look like.. I heard about lots of things. But I never get chance to explore.. my traveling it's always about to work.. meeting's.. or sometime to check places or land for buy it.. otherwise I always home with my laptop with my phone's. And working on with fails and taking calls.. Nnd everything.. whenever I get time.. that time I made lunch or dinner or bathing or sleeping or eating.. sometimes I read book. Otherwise I just working..

I never get time to see movies or news that what's going on in this world.. I never heard about that what happening in Gray's life or Shawn's life.. well I still have there numbers. Sometimes gray try to call me I didn't pick up.. well I know he's still my Best friend but still.. after that he give up.. and about Shawn.. well I don't know about him anything.. what's going on in he's life.. how's he doing all this.. i didn't even know when I last see him.. because I truly remember that when I left New York we didn't even not in any good terms or just like I said before attraction is gone.. I didn't care that time also if he care or not.. or he can't come to me or talk to . Last time.. and I didn't even try to talk to him.. for me it's just that it's better to be like this.. and I am happy that I made this decision.. if i didn't i know today I am not in here.. but I never forget him that he's my first kiss.. thinking about that sometimes I smile.. how I act like teenage girl.. how I did lots off things that time.. stupid me...

I get out of the bathroom.. and stood up on my closet.. wapping that towel to my body.. and thinking about it.. what to do.. wear night dress and make myself home.. spending time with family.. but I know if I did mom will again start that topic.. And if i go to the club.. well I will have some great time with Maya.. and drink couple of drink.. plus it's will be supervised that how it's going it.. after all it's first day.. finally i agree that i will go to club..

I search perfect dress for club.. it's blue shainy min dress's. With Full sleeves.. and with deep neck.. same gose to in my back.. well it's is perfect dress for tonight..

I started to dress myself.. and wear little bit make-up to be look little bit presented.. and with matching heels. I look at myself.. it's look hot.. I wear black roundshape necklace it's black color.. and it's look little bit in that.. and also wear some rings in my fingers to look attractive to my hands.. looking at myself I look little bad girl.. but I like it.. I didn't tie my hair.. I just want them to open..

I grab my purse and get little bit things with me whom I always carry with me.. and get my phone. See it's fully charge or not.. and my look it's 50 percent charge. It's will be work it for now..

I look at myself once again.. and smrike at myself.. and than leave my room.. mom and dad both are sitting in living room.. when they hear my heels tik tok.. they turn and look at me.. an they both surprise looking at me like this..

" Where to Young lady.. " dad said with smrike..

" Are you doing to meet someone.. or it's date.. " my mom ask me.. and I know looking at her she is in her mind hoping that I just nodded.. but I didn't..

" Well like you know guy's this is first day of our club opening.. and it's Saturday so Maya insist that come.. I really don't want to go.. but she said it's our club.. and plus we can also see that hows it going on.. so I thought why not.. so here I am.. " i explain them..

" Oohh that's good idea.. you should have to go and do some fun.." dad said. And I nodded with smile..

" And also make some friends.. " mom said. And I know what that means.. I rolled my eyes. And I ignore her..

" So guys I am going.. but I will be back soon.. don't worry about me.. and don't wait for me for dinner.. I will go with Maya somewhere maybe later.. " i said to them. And they nodded. And I grab my car Kay's.. and left the house..

In on my way.. I get in car.. and open the map in my phone. And start the location so I don't get lost.. it's 9.30 in night.. I know be there by 10. I text Maya that I am own my way to come there. So she can't freak out to ditch her again.. she reply me that she's waiting for me.. so I just started the location. And started the car..

After good 20 minutes driving i reach the place.. I park my car in parking lot. And walk to the club.. there is bouncers are standing and checking everyone's ID and than give them entry.. I also show them my I'd and that they nodded with head and I enter.. thank God they not like to flirting type.. if I see that any of this.. I would right way kick them out.. but no.. so I am happy about it knowing that..

I enter there.. and see there is already lots off people are here.. feel like it's not open today.. I felt happy that it's not empty.. I told about this to Maya. And also told her that before we open we have to know people that we are opening it.. for that we made in invitation card and paper and we posted and link at to every where so it's everyone know about this opening.. and it's really work this idea.. proud of myself.

I walk and search to Maya where is... So I can seat with are drink something and than go home..

Like I always do whenever I go to club or event in my past life.. I always go to bar and get some for myself to boost me. So I walk to the counter.. and I am surprise that what I see..

Maya is in there and making drinks of everyone.. well I know she told me that it's her favorite thing to do.. so I smile. And go there to approach her.. I seat there comfortably.. and wait for her eyes lead on me.. I look at her.. she's feel happy to making drinks. And than serving that person the drinks.. her eyes land on me.. and she smile..

" So what you want boss." She said and I laugh..

" Supri me.." i said to her.. my favorite drink.. I like more.. she laugh and started to making my drink.. after long time I will going to drunk that drinks.. something excitement come to me.. and I just don't know I feel happy..

" Here you go.." she said.. and than told the bartender to cover it.. she get on counter and jump on to get out for it.. and seat beside me..

" Thanks.. " i told her. And she grab for herself beer..

" Well thanks to you to to come.. " she said and roll my eyes..

" Ummm.. after long time.. i falling in love with this drink.. I never know that you will welcome me like this.. " I told her and she smile..

" Well you look kinda not bad.. like old times.. hot and sexy.. long time how's you feel.. " she said to me.. I laugh..

" Well you know I don't want to come.. but I also don't want to hear mom's lecture so yeahh . And i also in mood to get do like old times so here I am.. " I told her..

" You are lot of change.. I mean I know it's work.. and I am happy that you are giving you 100% in all this but you know Bella.. you have to some time for yourself.. live life.. enjoy.. like you do in your past life " she said to me..

" Who said I am not enjoy my life.. I am.. but in different way.. and I like that way Maya.. I am happy.. " I told her..

" Well you think that you are happy.. but I don't think so you are.. oky tell me one think that you feel do and you enjoy your movment.. " she said to me..

" Well it's easy.. when in I was on my penthouse I sometimes cook and that's make me happy.. reading the books. And than stay in bath an get relax and it's feel happy.. it make me happy.. get proper beauty sleep.. and also I do my work without distraction.. what's more I want..tell me.. " I told her.. she just look at me for sec an than roll here eyes..

" No.. it's not true Bella.. you cook because you got bored to doing stuff and you want eat something that you can't want to tell Mom to cook for you.. you get bath and rest there beautiful you are executed with work.. and you want to clean your head to make some rest.. and you read book because you don't have your life any special so that you just search in there. Love and what so ever that.. and that's the truth.. " she told me.. and I amused that she just showing me mirror that what I am missing my life.. I didn't said.. she than Continue..

" Oky.. tell me when you last watch movie.. or you hear the now song any of this.. did you see the news that what's going on in world.. tell me.. " she ask me.. and I just don't have answer of her all questions.. she sighed when she see that I didn't have any of answer in her question.

" Bella.. i am not telling you that stopp all this.. I know your are doing well in your work.. and I know how much you passionate about it.. you see I also do all this.. you see ever that I also live like you.. well you work I don't telling that don't do.. but give sometime for yourself.. to get out this your house.. and see come place.. I doubt that in a this 3 year's you didn't even explore this city.. did you.. " she ask me and I just shake my head.

" You always do is one thing it's your work.. even sometimes you also do my work. You know I felt wrong. You mom also want you to live your life little.. well I know what she want from you.. but I am not saying that you listen to her. But you just give yourself like you do that all in past life.. to enjoy life also. And also do your work.. nothing will change.. " she said to me.

" Well I get it Maya.. but that time it's just that I was working under that company.. that time I don't have responsibility.. but now I have.. I have to think about this all of things.. you know" i told her.

" Everyone's have responsibilities I also have too.. so what.. I didn't change or do anything that I forget about live for myself too.. " she said to me..

" Oky fine I got it.. I will think about it.. now let's change the topic.. " i told her. I am thankful that she didn't say after that anything...