
Hidden Love

I lead Daisy to the kitchen so I can put her to work and find the stuff I need to work on the Lord's sword. As I start getting things together for the sharpening and cleaning of the sword Daisy starts with her questions. I hold my tongue from just saying if you can't see what needs to be done and do it then just leave the manor.

"What do you think I can do for today?" she asks me, I shake my head.

"Why don't you ask Lord Terminus if he has a special task or bring him another cup of blood" I say almost coldly I have had enough of her constant questions.

"You know I think I'm fine by doing nothing" Daisy says, I wish I could smack her. I work on polishing and sharpening the Katana. I make sure it is very sharp and polished to a mirror shine. While I'm working on sharpening the sword my mind wanders back to the lords kiss on Daisy's forehead.

The more I think about it the more I realize I'm not jealous about it, I'm envious of it. Not once in all my years here has he ever given me a kiss like that. He hasn't ever come to my chambers at night like some of the other maids. Why won't he ever show special treatment to me?

Once finished I head to the study to return the lord's sword. I knock on study door and wait for my lord to answer.

"Come in." Terminus says, his voice sounds so hurt and sad.

"My Lord your Katana is ready" I say as I enter the study. I can hear a music box playing in the room.

"Here is your sword" I say approaching his desk. I know that music box it was lady Shelly's this year it must really be hitting the lord hard. I wonder if it is because his brother the Duke has started making moves against him again.

Lord Terminus is looking at a magic picture frame, he smiles, but when I come in the room he closes it and wave his hand to close the music box. I noticed the movements but said nothing and just stopped right before the desk sword in hand. I wonder why did he not want me to see what was in the picture or hear the music box.

I ignore my own questioning mind and heart. I wait quietly for my lord to let me know where he wants the sword placed. Normally it goes on a shelf in the study but every so often he likes me to hand it to him. So this the way we always do things I wait rather then just putting it where I know it goes.

"Put the sword on the shelf for me please. Thank you Knittin." He says in almost an indifferent tone. Placing the sword on the shelf, I turn to look at the Lord and ask, "Is something troubling you may Lord?"

He looks at me, but he prefers not to mention his latest turmoil.

"No." He says flatly, and it hurts my heart that he won't trust me enough to tell me. I look down knowing something is wrong, but I choose not to press the matter.

"Is there anything more you need me to do my Lord" I ask before heading out of the room, one last hope that he will talk to me. I can see a picture of a young Lady with the Lord's hand on her shoulder.

"This is enough, thank you. My darlin'." He says as I walk out the door.

"Yes, my lord" are my last words to him and I go out to tend to the garden. Once I reach the garden I take a deep breath. I knelt down and started to pull weeds from the flower beds. I remind myself that I need to ask the Lord if Daisy can go to town to buy more chickens.

"Knittin I'm bored can I help you?" Daisy says to me as she finds me in the garden

"Why not pick some fresh flowers for the study and then come and help pick weeds and spread mulch" I tell her hoping not to get more questions from her I am not sure how many more I can take.

"Alright" She says and walks away to go find flowers.

Thinking to myself of what could be troubling the Lord as he seems different after his journey to the south and his rest once home. I work while lost in thought pulling weeds from the garden.

"How can I pick the weeds I don't know how to do it" Daisy asks me once she returns with the flowers, bringing me out of my thoughts

"Just reach down as close to the ground as you can and give it a good tug trying to get the roots out" I instruct her. Finally asking a useful question to do some work, I think as I take the flowers from her.

"Yes mama" is her reply.

Walking inside to place flowers in a vase with water, I walk to the study lost in thought again. As I head to the study I think I hear some sort of scuffle but I could be wrong. I don't remember us having a guest today. I am sure Gerald would have told me if someone was going to be showing up.

"Mi Lord I have brought some flowers for the study" I said before I enter the study waiting for his reply. As I wait I can for sure hear something going on in the study. Daisy joins me as she has finished in the garden. I put my finger to my lips to let her know to be quiet. She looks scared and I'm not sure how to help her right now. I just stand there and stay silent waiting hoping Daisy can do the same.

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