
Anger and Loss

" Where are...? "

" No.... my lord... I swear .... "

" Then we .... find out! "

As I stand outside the study door, I hear a young girl scream outside the study on the balcony

"Knittin what's going on?" Daisy asks as she runs up to me. I stand silent trying not to hear

"Daisy I'm not sure just go this isn't good and you don't need to get involved." I tell her trying to get her away before she gets herself into trouble.

"But someone was screaming" she says with fear in her voice and a look of pure terror.

"I know but just ignore it and go unless you want to see the Lord's wrath." I say as a final warning as I stand there ignoring the screams coming from the study.

"But…" She starts to say but gets that she better stop before she gets in trouble.

" You rather .... or else .... your .... daughter .... orphan! "

"My ... he ... at ... border of Valeria and Bonelake, I swear on my life" the mystery man in the study yells so loud that both of us hear it clearly.

"It's okay just work" I tell myself, just try to keep working as if nothing is happening. So I move and place the flowers on a table in the hall outside the study but for some reason I never let go if them. I jump a little when I hear someone slammed the door behind the study, guess that is the secret door to the Lord's room. I stand very still eyes down and stay silent trying to give no hint of hearing what happened.

the girl screams but then it becomes silent I can only guess what happened I hope Daisy doesn't catch on.

"Guards, take the father to the Valerian dungeon and the daughter to her grandma's house, make sure to tell them that her father is on a work trip " Terminus says to the guards in the room. the door opens and the Lord sees me with the vase of flowers still in my hands as I have not let go of them yet. Daisy stands there tears in her eyes as she clutches her work gloves from the garden.

"Thank you, now both of you leave." He says in a cold angry tone. I let the flowers go then start walking quickly to the laundry area and leave not saying a word. I tend to the laundry trying to push what was going on out of my mind.

"Lord Terminus is very very scary" Daisy says her voice laced with fear as tears start to well up in her eyes.

"Yes, he can be but just do as he asks and keep your head down you will be fine" I say cold and flat tone. As I know nothing else to tell her to comfort her.

"But what had that man done to deserve that?" She asks

"I do not know Lord Terminus did not share with me before when I asked and I suggest not pressing the matter unless you want to see his wrath first hand" I warn her, I did once and only once I will never do that again.

"Knittin okay, I will drop it" Daisy says. I try keeping details to self to protect the new young staff. I see the Lord come out of the manor. He heads to the small field and is practicing with his sword. I watch the lord from the corner of my eye as I hang the laundry to dry. With one sweep, he had decapitated the dummy with his sword then he put the sword into the sheath. I smile knowing the sword is as sharp as ever and that I did a good job. Terminus walks back into the kitchen.

"Knittin" Daisy says pulling me from my thoughts and watching the lord out of the corner of my eye.

"Yes" I say blinking and looking at her.

"I want to go to the town" Daisy says sheepishly.

"Let me ask the Lord" I say and take my leave to go ask him in the Kitchen. Perfect time to see if she can get more chickens too.

"Okay" she says as I walk away, and she finishes the laundry.

"Mi Lord may Daisy go to town? Maybe she can buy more chickens while she is there as well." I ask him timidly afraid he is still in a bad mood.

"Yes, Go ahead have her buy chickens. She doesn't have much work today." Is all he says to me.

"Thank you, my Lord," I say and take my leave to tell Daisy she may take a carriage and a guard to go to town. I can see the Lord's hand has blood on it, I hope all is well.

"What did he say Knittin" she asks me as I walk up to her.

"You may go, take a guard and the carriage that is waiting out front also we need chickens you can but 12 if they have any for sale." I tell her but there is worry in my voice.

"What's wrong" she asks picking up on my worry.

'My Lord I am worried about you' I think to myself

"I'm not sure Daisy but not much work to do go have fun in town" I say to her getting her to head out.

As I finish the last few things needed to be done for the day, which go much faster when Daisy isn't asking question after question. I head to my little corner of the library where I work on my needle point. I am making a surprise gift for the Lord's birthday that is coming up soon, it is a field of sunflowers. The sunflower was lady Shelly's favorite flower, there is a flower bed that I take extra special care of as it was hers. I hope the lord will like it and that it will not upset him too much by reminding of Shelly. As I work my mind wanders off in a dream like state that almost fall asleep. The lord has snuck into the library and is watching me work on my gift. I get the feeling of being watched but brush it off as I fall asleep. The lord picks me up and takes me to my bed. After placing me in my bed he brushes a loose hair off my face and gives me a light kiss on the cheek. As he leaves the room I start to talk in my sleep and say.........

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