
Chapter 1: On this odd day

Today was an ordinary day as usual in Wilsberg county as citizens of Wilsberg always started their days bright and early with the same friendly smiles. "Good morning Eli." A edler man greeted a young man that was passing by his shop. "Good morning Mr.Joe, " Eli responded with a smile. Mr.Joe shook Eli hand as he walked Eli into his shop, smelling the fresh baked bread and cookies Eli felt his stomach rumble with hunger. "Man...there's nothing like the smell of fresh dough getting cooked." Eli said admiring all the goodies at the counter. Mr.Joe gave a small chuckle grabbing a small plastic bag and placing two fresh doughnuts into the bag. "Here you are I hope you enjoy." Mr.Joe smiled handing Eli the bag. Eli thanked Mr.Joe as he bagan to take out his wallet but Mr.Joe placed Eli wallet back into his pocket. "It's on the house as always just keep studying for those college degrees." Mr.Joe said looking at Eli baby blue eyes squint with happiness.

Eli left the shop eating the chocolate creame doughnut. Waiting patiently at the crosswalk he heard sirens, he followed the sirens and was shock as he saw ambulances and police cars blocking the route where his dorm is located. "Aw man..." He sighed knowing he would have to find another route. Glancing over to the woods he let out another sigh knowing he will have to walk through the woods alone but lucky it was bright and early. Eli began to walk through woods that lead wide pathways, he pushed tree branches from out of his path as he went further into the woods. Stopping and looking around he wanted to make sure he was not loosing his way. As he continued he had a small uncomfortable feeling come across him as he heard branches cracking. Hearing a loud cracking sound he quickly stopped, looking around he did not see anything in site. He took a deep breath and proceeded to walk until he felt the ground starting to sink in. Eli tried to run but the ground crumbled allowing him to fall. "Ahhh!!" He screamed falling into the ground hitting his head onto the solid dirt.

(10 minutes later)

Eli slowly opened his eyes feeling dazed. He blinked trying to get his vision cleard, He sat up with groan placing his hand onto the back of his head. Looking around trying to focus on where he was he rubbed his head in pain. "Argh my head." Eli muttered. He got up trying to catch his balance, looking up he covered his hand over his face seeing how the sun was brighter then before. He suddenly realized he was trapped down into a deep hole. "I have to try to get out of here." Eli thought as he looked around to see if there was something to help him get out. Looking at the roots that dug into the ground Eli grabbed a hold of them digging his sneakers into the dirt for support. Using all his strength he tried to pull himself up as his sneakers dug deeper into the dirt, his foot slipped against a root and he fell onto the ground again. With frustration he put his hands over his face, suddenly he heard footsteps but he was not sure if it was a person or some wild animal. With hope he shouted out taking his chances. "Hello! Someone help me!" Eli yelled as loud as he could. With a brief silence Eli held his head down not hearing a single voice. "Hello" A deep and calm voice appeared. With a sigh of relief Eli was glad someone was here. "I'm down here please help me!" Eli shouted. "Grab onto my hand." The person said reaching their hand out as far as they could. Eli held onto the roots trying to reach for the person hand, gripping the person hand tightly Eli shouted out. "Okay! Now pull me Uup." He yelled as the person yanked him out as if he was a piece of feather.

"Cough...cough thank you." Eli stood up brushing the dirt from his clothes. Taking a look at the person who rescued him Eli eyes widened as he saw some creature or some thing staring at him. Eli mouth opened with a big gab feeling frightened seeing this creature before him stand 7feet tall, with weird and unusual clothes that were red and orange with armor, long pointy ears, red dark hair, and bright red eyes. But the mysterious creature was shaped like a man. In disbelief Eli snapped out of his stare zone closing his eyes tightly trying to figure out if he is just seeing things. The tall creature began to speak. "Um...he-ll-o their creature," he smiled looking down at Eli. Eli still could not come to any of his senses. "My name is Zura what is your name?" Zura said with a big smile overlaying his face. I'm...umm umm." Eli said as he tried to get his mind to refocus."Well hello umm umm" Zura chuckled. Eli shook his head, "no! I'm...I'm Eli...uhh Owen." he said feeling as if he lost his mind. "Hmm Eli and who is owen?" Zura asked with a unsure look. Eli was now thinking if this was a dream or just a big daydream. "...Owen is my last name." He said not understanding why he is still talking to this creature. "Last name what is that." Zura said with a confused expression. Eli looked in shock. "This cannot be real! I mean after all I did hit my head pretty hard on the ground!" Eli thought to himself.

Eli looked up at Zura. "Look I don't Mean to be rude or whatever but this cannot be real and...and you're NOT real! It's just a dream you're just in my head!" Eli shouted. "I'm going to close my eyes and you will be gone." Eli said closing his eyes, tightly clinching his fist. Eli slowly opened his eyes not seeing Zura. "What is this that you are wearing creature?" Zura said lifting up Eli arm. "Ahhh!!" Eli screamed running away from Zura. Eli slapped himself in the face as he ran trying to wake himself up. He foot tripped over a rock causing him to fall down, Eli quickly turned around to make sure Zura was not chasing after him. Getting a good look at his surroundings he realized the woods he once in has changed. With a unbelievable expression he saw that the whole world has completely changed as he saw tall and curvy trees with the oddish colors, orange skies, un-ordinary clouds, and mythical lights. Eli knew this was something he could only dream about or read in a book, he stepped back looking more at the surroundings. He bumped into something and quickly turned around. His eyes widened as Zura stood their smiling at him. "Beautiful world isn't." Zura smiled. Eli wanted to run but Zura hurried and snatched Eli up in his arms as if Eli weighed zero pounds. Eli tried his best to wiggle out from Zura grip. "Let me go!" Eli yelled with anger and slightly afraid, but Zura did not pay Eli attention as he walked off with Eli over his shoulder.

Zura walked a whole trail as Eli slowly stop swagging his arm's, feeling his arm's get worn out. "HA you gave up on your fight..." Zura smirked. Eli rolled his eyes. Zura stopped walking when he approached a huge dark iron gate that opened with a chivering sound. The gate closed behind Zura, Zura let Eli down. Eli step to the ground turning his direction at a huge and dark gray building that looked like a dark castle out of a old vintage movie. He slowly stepped back having the urge to runaway again. Eli tried to run but felt Zura strong grip grab him. "Let me GOoo!!" Eli shouted out hitting Zura hand as hard as he could but Zura did not budge. Zura gave Eli a small smile forcefully pulling him closer to the building entrance. Eli struggled to get out of Zura grip. When Zura reached the tall double oak doors he opened them. Stepping inside the dark building Eli eyes widened when he saw the big and wide entrance, it was dark but the natural sunlight shined through the tall windows that seemed to have small cracks on them for decoration. Eli was now focused on the inside of the building and could not look away as they walked down the long wide hallway. Eli looked down at the floor seeing how the floors were concrete mix with brown and white tiles.

Zura approached a tall door with beautiful curved handles. He knocked on the door as the sound echoed the quiet building. When the doors began to creak open Eli stopped focusing and tried to release himself from Zura again, still Zura had his strong grip. The doors opened and two creatures who was the same height as Zura was in long brown robes with hoodies covering their faces. Standing by the door way Eli felt his heart began to beat fast thinking if this was some kind of sacrifice. "Your Lead Guardian...I have fetched some short of creation." Zura said with a bow. Eli countined to struggle from Zura grip but was interrupted by a finger snapped. Zura stepped into the room looking at someone sitting in a chair staring out the window. As the person stood up Eli face expression turned into major shock, he could not believe what he was staring at. The creature creeped over towards Eli giving him a stare that would forever hunt him in his dreams. Eli felt as if his heart was going to beat out of his chest seeing this taller and skinner creature with long nails, long dark hair, pointy ears, and a eerie look into her pitch black eyes that was staring directly into his...