
Lost Soul's

A story of a peasant boy on the southern outskirts of Marxis until his world gets turned upside down by discovering a power long forgotten as ancient evils return, hero's fall, and legends rise

David_Riggs · Fantasie
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30 Chs


Hello, my name is Andrew im a 17 year old boy and I guess you could call me the protagonist of this little pet project and im here to explain to you the settings of the story so here we go. The world is split into four countries, Brelan to the north, Alafore to the east, Calmite to the west, and my country Marxis to the south. I live in a small unnamed village on the outskirts of Marxis, we're a mostly farming village but some choose to be adventurers, they're very rare here and don't last long but everyone admires them non the less. Brelan is known for its incredibly strong and resilient citizens but also its sheer cold winters. Alafore is small country that's relatively centralized on the map and has turned into more of a hub for caravans to travel through and is a very rich country. Calmite, the country of iron, its a mostly dwarven country and is known for mining and having the most advanced military in the world. Marxis, my country's pretty boring and isn't known for much of anything with a mediocre military. Ah! I guess I should also explain the different races, the main races consist of elves, dwarves, and humans, there are a few more minor races but not worth mentioning quite yet. Every country has a royal family/ bloodline and also nobles, but nobility is given not by bloodline but by money and influence, say an adventurer becomes very famous and loved its possible for the royal family to anoint him a noble (This is very uncommon) or if you acquire and give enough money to the royal family you will also be anointed a noble (But this is frowned upon by the general public). 1 gold is 100 silver and 1 silver is 100 copper or bronze. You see in my world many people sign up to be an adventurer through a guild (its pretty much a sword for hire but a lot more loyal than that sounds) in seek of fame or fortune, some do it for fun or for a more personal reason, they are usually hired to clear area's of monster's, hunt certain people (Though it costs a small fortune and a special type of adventurer to make that kinda request) or guard caravans, whatever monsters the adventures miss the city guards usually take care of. Being so far from any major city, no guards or adventurers clear the roads and area's around the village so monster's are very common. But I think that's all the major stuff out of the way so I guess I'll see you soon! -Andrew

(Hi author here, I know kinda a boring first chapter but I really wanted to get all this stuff out of the way so not to bog down and slow the story later on so, sorry about that but anyway I hope you enjoy the story)