
Lost Love By Raihaan Ahmed

Realistic Fiction
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What is Lost Love By Raihaan Ahmed

Lesen Sie den Roman Lost Love By Raihaan Ahmed des Autors Raihaan_Ahmed, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.What if you found your love after years of seperation....what if what if...


What if you found your love after years of seperation....what if what if

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传说华大校花许晏之和裴家大小姐打赌,大学期间,要交20个男朋友。 而赌注,居然是一套专辑?! 随着赌局流传,关于许晏之的花边新闻也一同传开。 结果,许大小姐在即将“功成名就”之际,被最后一个男朋友绿了?! 原本以为许大小姐会消沉一段时间的吃瓜群众,却又看到网上疯传着,许晏之和沈氏总裁的亲密合照。 所有人都惊叹于许大小姐超强的“自我修复”能力的同时,也羡慕着这样一对仿佛天造地设的璧人。 但谁也不知道,沈寒池从第一眼见到许晏之的那一刻,便隐隐约约觉得,自己此生,大概就会这样陷进去了。 “这一次,我们赌个大的,好不好?”沈家公子看着坐在对面,有些慵懒地窝在沙发里的女人道。 许晏之眉梢一挑,很感兴趣:“赌什么?” 沈寒池走近她身旁,居高临下地看着她,眼神专注而认真,带着一股少见的执拗:“赌你会不会爱上我?” “赌注呢?” “我赢了,你便一辈子在我身旁。” 女人抱住他的腰,笑得荡漾:“要是我赢了呢?” “赢了?我把自己输给你。” “这样我好像很吃亏啊。”许晏之皱眉,一副苦恼的样子。 男人声音低沉而缱绻:“那怎么办?我要定你了。” 你不知道,我们都是行走在这个世界的怪物,而只有你,是我唯一的肋骨。

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Divine Trinity Quest: Into the Server's Edge

In the world of Shannia, the holders of the powerful Divine Trinity Frames waged a catastrophic war against each other. The aftermath of their battle sparked a quest to obtain these fabled relics. For centuries, Frame Users have raced to the Edge of the Server, vying to claim the Frames and bend reality to their will. But the quest is treacherous, and only the strongest will survive to claim victory. Will you be the one to conquer the Divine Trinity Quest and rewrite the fate of Shannia? ————— ⚠️ MC's POV blurb: “Find me at the edge of the Server, Kai,” were the last words my mother before she disappeared. Then I was fooled and got stuck in a game called "Shannia" where 100 years is a measly 1 hour in the real world. Alice—the girl who introduced me to this game told me I will die in real life if I die here. I don't fully believe her. However, I won't take a chance. I will see everything through until I learn the truth. That changed when she told me about the Divine Trinity Quest by going to the server's edge. I feel. . . somehow, I could discover my past by completing this quest. And maybe, hopefully, I will find my mother there. To the Server's Edge! ————— With your support, I can keep writing to the best of my ability! ⚠️Conditions for MASS RELEASING CHAPTERS: *100 Power Stones = 1 Chapter *100 Privilege Unlocks = 5 Chapters *10 Golden Tickets = 5 Chapters Notes: —The Mass Releases of Chapters will be done in the following month. —A maximum of 25 Chapters can be Mass Released in one Month. —May update the conditions from time to time. ————— ⚠️Miscellaneous: Help me grow my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/YFYRj4bx The art used as the cover is from Zeronis. I claim nothing.

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