
Emergency Exit

"Ivy? It's okay. Alyssa is with Kevin and will make sure he is okay." Ivan kept rubbing my back to help calm me down.

"I.... I know...." I gasped trying to get some air into my burning chest. Why is this happening? He was fine just and then bam he was gone! Ivan grabbed a cup of water, pushing it into my hands. Shakily I took a sip, spilling some down my top. "Bro, I... I can't lose him to. Not again." stumbling I made my way to the bathroom. Barely making it in time I hurled into the toilet. Ivan came in and shut the door.

"Thank god you made it in. I don't want to clean it out of the sink like yesterday." He grabbed a hair tie from the countertop and began collecting my messy black hair from around my face. "And, thank god your hair is shorter now. I remember when we were little and you just had to eat the whole cake you made. You were spewing chocolate chunks all over the kitchen. Your hair made you look like the Grudge." Ivan laughed finally getting my hair in one of the worst ponytails ever. I glared at him through watery mascara and eyeliner.

"It's not funny Ivan. I cant eat chocolate anymore since then. It always tastes like the underside of a foot." I began to relax as Ivan giggled to himself grabbing a towel off the shower door.

"Well, as I see it. It was the best thing that ever happened. I got all the chocolates you couldn't eat. Probably why I'm such a fatty now." I wiped my face making the black smears worse. "Alright raccoon, let's get you to bed."

We stumbled out of the bathroom towards my door. With a heave I threw myself on to my poofy purple blankets. Ivan threw a blanket over me grimacing.

"Did you HAVE to make your room all purple? I looks like Barney threw up in here." he pushed my purple egg chair towards me sitting down.

"Of course I did. Purple was mom's favorite color." I glanced at Ivan seeing what reaction he would have. His mouth frowned as he stood up.

"She would have hated this room as much as I do. Now go to sleep. As soon as I hear anything from Alyssa, I'll let you know." Ivan closed the door and shuffled down the hall. Now alone, my thoughts returned to Kevin. He was always the quiet one. Kevin's lanky structure was made more obvious with his curly afro hair. Always wearing his favorite purple sneakers paired with jeans and variety of hoodies. He had a crooked smile which he always tried to hide. Sure he could blend into the crowd, but not from me. His gentle nature always pulled me towards him.

I grabbed the stuffed animal he gave me for my birthday. It was a large purple and white bird with a lavender dress that had white polka dots on it. After a long shift at the local arcade, we decided to see who could get something out of the claw machine in the least amount of turns. Kevin got it in two turns.

"Happy birthday Ivy." he smiled handing it to me. "I was going to ask you, if you would like to go out sometime. I mean if you want." Kevin shyly fidgeted waiting for my answer.

I watched him squirm for a bit longer, enjoying the sight. "Kevin, are you asking me on a date!" I yelled loudly making him squirm even more. "Oh my god! You are!" I laughed hugging the bird even tighter. Kevin's face began to turn red as he shifted from side to side. "I cant say no now! The whole world would look down on me." before he could react, I rushed forward and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I would love to go on a date with you!" planting a kiss on his cheek I smiled up into his hazel eyes.

"Really!" he smiled down at me showing every one of his teeth.

"Yes really! I was waiting for you to ask!"

I smiled hugging the bird closer. We had kept our relationship secret for so long. Alyssa is the only person who knows under threat of death. Tears welled up in my eyes. He better be okay.