
"Rituals are about giving blessing...or handing out curses."

Hi again, once again, Deshenne here, as of now, we will talking about...rituals and boy oh boy, we have...too much to talk here so. we will waste no time and go ahead.

you might be thinking about...¿Satanistic rituals? that's just childs playing with candles.

Soul-giving ritual

Cursed forest ritual

Reversion ritual

and my no by any means, less favourite and still on frecuented by THE CULTIST is, The world drive ritual

¿What are all those rituals listed above? let me explain to you with not many details, but with it most important points.

Soul-giving ritual, as the name suggest, it's giving a human soul, to another thing, that could be an inanimated object, a recently deceased person, animal and even, just to give a real sense of power, like a cross.

¿have you check the vatican's crosses? ¿made of gold, with jewels and that? yeah, no, that not for decoration. no.

let us say that special metal, gives special properties to each thing, gold cross with jewel decorations can be, quite the powerful thing, you see the cross made of gold works as a catalyst and the jewels, works as a way to actually amplify it's capabilities.

some cultist or really influencial people used in the past the sould-giving ritual for another kind of, perverted purpose, you see...how to say this...

¿have you ever wanted to hear a...inflatable doll to moan and be like as if its alive...? i think if you read this again, you might understand where i am going with this...no need more words for this kind of ritual, it just disgust me, when magic goes along with perverted human desire.

Cursed forest rituals: not much to be said about this, its not directly harmful to humans, but to actually care about the enviroment, this ritual consist on making a intrincate desing of nordic runes with stones, 2 skulls of a deer, female it's better, a grand number of sticks, a fire in the center of it, a strand of hair of a witch of the north, 6 candles, any colour is good and you are good to go.

this ritual consist in calling forth a monster with as it name states, curses the forest with grand protection, creating a heavy fog, for protecting both animals and the forest itself, grand witches used it to actually conceal their homes on the forest, alas witches have advanced using old buildings lost in the forest.

the creatures evoced usually are humaniod, varying from 6 meters tall and 1.3 mides wides on the shoulds, with the both heads of the female deer, the female deer heads are used as the catalist to call for the motherly nature of the femaly deers, using 2 in this case intensify the effects to make the creature a really overprotective mother...with murderous tendencies.

the form, height, weight and rank varies from the called, i nthis case, the person who makes the ritual.

there are 3 ranks to this beast.

Rank 3 is only achievable by witches of about 200 to 600 years old, as they have been in tune with magic and nature for many years, getting their meaning, having the knowledge of the herval properties or both plants and flowers as the many uses of blood, bone and other things of both animals...and humans, both alive, dead, or naturally deceased.

Rank 1 can be done by a normal person, but that's not a good idea to begin with, as this ritual should be performed by a witch, old or atleast a novice who's have an actual idea of what will happen when the creature is called forth.

usually when a "Guardian" is called forth, as stated before is to protect the witch domain that is the forest she's currently living in, altough the guardian can be altered in many ways, the summoner in this case should only change the head of the guardian while being aware that this is not so good of an idea...in this case, The fox head is used for a cunning guardian who will hunt down the tresspasers and no leaving traces of them behind, to ensure the witch iddentity kept in secret.

next is the wolf head, aggresive, quick and extremely clever, it will use if present, any if not all the wolves on said forest to hunt down any intruder, they will leave no trace either, as the wolves will feast of the intruder till no bones are left.

lastly the worst of them all. Bear head. this does not think, only charges forth.

Brute strengh, dense muscles, and a total disregard for any living thing, this guardian now will just charge forward to destroy the intruder, not caring if it destroys the forest completely, does not care if it kills innocent animals, nor other humans outside the forest, this creature marks the intruder for death, and death will deliver.

i need to keep on moving now...cannot stay put in one place...not for long....i'll update when i can.