
Chapter One

They hit us, It was unexpected and we were warned too late. They showed up in swarms, hitting the big city's first. Like they knew everything. The president of year 2019, Donald Trump, initiated a U.S ground force in Los Angeles on Dec 6. But there was no holding them, it was a one-sided war that could not be won. Creatures that the human brain couldn't even fathom hunted in the shadows, as there is no sunlight any more. The sun was engulfed from a red like planet that had a station beside our moon. Today, Dec 8, two days after the evasion, the second ground units were deployed.

Sergeant Derick Alo, a 5'5 Filipino male, late thirties, with silky black hair stood up holding a helicopter door open.

"Once we get down there, I want your goddamn game face on. You hear?" I don't want no fuck ups!" Containment Specialists looked at each other, not moving, all scared for what's to come. The helicopter taking mad turbulence from the gross storm, strong enough to move the cars off the road.

"I'm ready to kick some ass," said Stewart, an African male, standing holding his M14 while checking his mag.

A female soldier planted her face in her hands, crying, trying to grasp more of the situation.

"Whatta-you fucking talking about!" She got loud, freaking the others out. " there gonna fucking kill us all." her freckled face turned red, tears smeared in with snot. Stewart and Alo pinned her down, as she started to freak out, wanting to jump to commit suicide. The others backed away observing the scene. Accidentally pushing her into the corner of the helicopter, she begins to scream with more agony holding her uniform shirt up. Stewart, who tripped trying to subdue the women soldier, saw some what throbbing underneath her vest and didn't take long for the others to catch on. Everyone had vacated away while Sergeant Alo was the last one to move, but the closest to witness the horror. Only god knows what pain she was going through. Stewart hinged himself close to the heli door holding for dear life, watching as millions of spiders tore a hole that became a rip from neck to bottom like a zipper being undone. Her jaw was split with ease, still alive, she felt every single one eating her innards before spreading throughout the helicopter.

"Jump!" Captain Alo yelled. Most of the men already stunned from the potent venom weren't obligated to do so. The spiders grew fast with every bite, killing the pilots by borrowing into their backs while still alive, controlling them. "Stewart! Let's go," Alo repeated. He reaches for his M-14 on his right hanging on the heli wall. In the distance of Los Angeles crashed the heli, a huge explosion could be heard from miles, luring even the most ferocious creatures. Rain fell harshly on the hollow recruits face. He was soulless after a harsh fall.

"Get the hell up soldier we got-to-go!" Captain lifted up Stewart who was breathing hard trying not to believe what he saw was real.

"W-was that real, did her stomach really ju-." Stewart was interrupted by a M-14 being slammed in his chest.

"Don't go fucking soft on me now Stewart, you know what you signed up for. I need you bro." Alo put his back against a Burger King wall in an alleyway where they fell out the helicopter, turned his head towards Stewart with rain dripping off his boonie hat. "You take point, our main objective right now is to find the MTF Alpha 92 team." Stewart nodded, gripping his weapon, he moved in front, stepping over a dead cop that had his chest torn open.

"You see that," Stewart said. "What the hell man, what the hell can do that?" Alo looked down as well, catching a glimpse, Stewart saw the big question mark on his forehead. "Let me guess, you don't know"?

"We don't get paid to know, but you know what we do get paid for, yup! You guessed it! It's keeping the fucking world from knowing these goddamn SCP's exist. But we failed at that didn't we Stewart!

"What about your radio, does it work?" Stewart fired back.

" No, mine busted." They rushed out in the streets where a holding line was being formed by a Asian Chief policeman.

"Took you guys long enough," the Chief said. He was crouching behind two cop cars. "Where the hell were you, the army was supposed to be here hours ago!" It was hard for Stewart and Captain Alo to hear him with all the gunfire. The people scream as well. The whole world was in chaos. You had people killing each other, others just went straight mad. Those unfortunate to be seen by the creatures were eaten or used.

"Where not the Army Chief," Sergeant Alo replied.

"What!" Chief policemen took cover. "Who the hell are you two then?" that got Stewarts attention, he wanted to tell. Given that the world was going in chaos, what was there to lose, he thought.

"Unauthorized to tell Chief," Alo butted in, clearly seeing Stewart not able to keep his mouth shut.

~"Something happened to one of my men on the bird, causing us to crash. Listen, we need a way to contact our team that landed two days ago, me and my Rookie here lost radio signal. If you can spare some men, it'll be well appreciated ''Chief''?

Two more shots went off from the Chiefs gun struggling to maintain his accuracy, the cost of missing resulted in the gun devouring more ammo, with no ammo, No survival. A few more shots fired along with Alo and Stewart, Stewart shooting four slugs from a Mossberg 500 which he picked up from a dead cop lying on the hood of a police car. Chief bent down going for a reload for his standard police gun, "O-okay, okay i can only spare one Officer." Before he realized, the Chief's hands became like squid, "what's happening!" He screamed. His face inflated with massive bubbly pimples, pus oozing from out of them. His upper chest lunge's his rib cage out slowly revealing a second humanoid head. The frightening look on Nykels face, especially Alo's. It wasn't the feeling of fear, it wasn't the feeling of horror, no… it's the feeling of no hope. Transformation was just beginning for the poor Chief, crackling of bones spewing out, Chief painfully screaming as his head was being peeled off his now gashed neck stump. With no hesitation, "BANG"! An officer shot without warning, angering the creature in the middle of evolving the Chiefs body.

"Get out of there!" Captain Alo said. But time wasn't on the poor cop's side, the creature already had him by the leg with its huge tentacle appendage extending from the chief's open rib cage. Other cops were shaken, they've given up, life they know is long gone. How can that be? A day with the family, then an anomaly like this happens. They watched the way the creature fed upon him. First flipped upside down, begging for help, holding off the two legs, then violently ripped apart. It gave them an idea of how strong it was. It wasn't long for It to kill the others, tearing them limb from limb. Alo took the initiative, firing, drawing the intention of It, the way it moved was like a drunk man trying to walk. Squid appendage in the chest, neck stump was spreading apart. Intestines dragged on the cold wet ground releasing numerous amounts of blood. There was no way for it to move fast.

" Stewart! What tha fuck, fucking shoot, It's coming straight for us,"Alo backing up while firing his M-14. The aim was off due to the Immense rain, "why the hell aren't you moving Rookie?'' The hardest question was asked, but really. It wasn't hard at all for Stewart, in fact it was the easiest question of all. The bravery, spunk, he had in the copter was long gone. After seeing this nightmare of a dream… the question was clear, he's afraid.

"SORRY! Sir." Stewart responded. Stewart raised his gun but heard loud whispers only he can hear, softly spoken words of a woman calling to him. The voice sounded familiar as if it was, "Ma"? He quickly turned silent with his weapon. There she stood in a tank top and sweats, twelve feet away, mocha colored skin.

"Hey, h-hey! Get back here stewart" Alo reaches for him, "goddamit Stewart, I can't focus and baby sit you at the same damn time, shit!" 'Reloads new mag, automatically dropping the old. "What's your name cop!" Alo hollered. The last officer alive stood side by side with Alo, holding a MP5. Even with all this going on, he kept cool. "Romeo Ro! Sir," words solid, no hesitation in his tone.

"I need ya to buy me time to get my rookie. Don't worry I've been watching It, It's wobbling wont allow it to sprint, just keep shooting its legs. It can't regenerate quickly enough, understand"? Alo said, sounding so sure of himself.

"Right, I'll keep him busy." Romeo responded.

It rose using the tentacle as leverage, a humanoid head creeping out the chest letting a piercing cry, shattering the very glass all around. Alo was slammed against a store wall after running for Stewart. Blood leaked from his mouth, eyes that were brown, are now colored in blood. Alo tried to yell Stewarts name, but blood was blocking the words, soon passed out from his injuries. His fingers one by one fell off a rusty pole that laid still inside of his left shoulder. Romeo saw this and rushed, dropping the MP5, tackling Stewart down, both sliding on the pavement, halting by a dumpster.

"Let me-go! That's my mom man, C'mon!" Stewart thrashed around in officers Ro's arms trying to break free.

"It's not her, trust me," Ro said. Buckling hands together ensuring no escape, Ro continued to persuade him. "I may not know what your mother looks like, but I'm sure she doesn't look like that!" Stewart blinked accuple times, it was only for a second he thought, "what's happening to me."