
Lord of Villain

In the past few hours, I've endured the most excruciating moments of my life. From attending my own funeral, devoid of any emotions, to facing the prospect of imminent death, I thought I had experienced it all. Little did I know that a ray of hope would emerge in the form of a mysterious mechanical voice. [Congratulations, you are selected as a Special-Grade Player.] [As a Special-Grade Player, you are provided with something special that will set you apart from other players.] [Transmigration has been chosen as the form of transportation to the game.] [Completed.] [Starting Transmigration.] At first, being a Special-Grade Player with access to cheat sounded thrilling and enticing. However, little did I realize that this blessing was nothing but a disguised curse, especially for me. In a world where the line between right and wrong blurred, and where the Gods' intentions remained shrouded in mystery, my life as a player was destined to be an arduous journey. A journey from a mere player to the Lord of Villain.

Creator_Destroyer · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Funeral (2)

I have no memory of my parents; I've been in the orphanage for as long as I can remember. Meanwhile, Amelia's parents tragically passed away in an accident, but she found solace with a kind woman named Rose Flinn, a member of the orphanage, who adopted her.

Amelia and I grew up together, having been close since childhood, like childhood sweethearts. We attended the same kindergarten, school, and high school.

Over the years, it was only natural that we developed feelings for each other. Amelia was a cold and hardworking girl, while I was friendly and hardworking.

On the day our high school ended, I mustered up the courage to confess my feelings to her. To my surprise, she cried tears of joy and accepted my feelings. I still remember her words that day, "You dummy!! Do you know how many days I have waited for this moment?"

Even though that moment was the happiest in my life, I couldn't feel any emotions deep inside. Not then, but now.

Now, as I stand here, witnessing the girl I once loved crying, I can't bring myself to feel anything.

The rain finally stopped.

The funeral ground was now empty, except for me, the woman, and Amelia.

The woman closed her umbrella and left Amelia uncovered, giving her some time alone to grieve. As the woman walked away, she didn't spare me a glance.

I approached Amelia, unable to pass through the ground due to some mysterious barrier that prevented me from phasing through.

From behind, I observed the black tombstone.

Wasius Grey

A hero who sacrificed himself.

Ignoring the words below the name, I focused on my own name, "Wasius Grey."

My name, the name people used to call me, now etched on this tombstone.

Currently, I was attending my own funeral.

Then, my attention shifted to the words below, "A hero who sacrificed himself."

A hero?

I scoffed at the thought.

I was never a hero.

I don't know why, but my body moved to save a child from being hit by a truck, and now I find myself here as a ghost instead of being reincarnated.

Yet, even though I wanted to curse my fate, I couldn't find a reason to do so.

As I stood in a daze, staring silently and motionlessly at the tombstone, I heard Amelia's sweet voice filled with dissatisfaction, "You are really the worst."

I turned to look at Amelia, her face obscured from view, and noticed a glowing aura around her.

Fear suddenly gripped me as emotions finally began to surface, but they were not feelings of joy; instead, a deep sense of dread and fear washed over me.

Amelia's golden radiant light intensified, shrouding her completely, and I could feel an invisible force gripping me tightly, preventing me from backing away. It was as if an unseen hand had taken hold of me, and with each passing moment, the pressure increased.

Despite my ability to phase through almost anything, I was now trapped.

Amelia transformed before my eyes, revealing a heavenly beauty with some resemblance to her. Tall and elegant, with long silky black hair cascading down her waist, her bright green eyes were full of life. Her perfectly proportioned face, jade skin, and curvaceous body with two beautifully shaped breast and a round , perfect buttocks, but these words are not enogh to describe her beauty. In short her beauty is indescribable.

'She... seems familiar,' I thought, struggling to understand.

Her cold face showed no emotions as her icy gaze fixed upon me.

In an instant, she appeared right in front of me, and before I could react, her lips brushed against mine. I longed to feel that touch, but being a ghost, I couldn't.

She smiled for a brief moment before she muttered in a very low voice filled with countless emotions while looking at him, "To fall in love with you again , I don't know whether I am lucky or not...but she really hates me. huh."

She muttered something but I could not hear anything at all.

Suddenly, her warm eyes turned cold and emotionless as looked at me and said, "We shall meet again." With a wave of her hand, she vanished.

Questions filled my mind, but as soon as she disappeared, my consciousness began to fade, and a feeling akin to drunkenness overcame me.

I found myself in a dark space, floating aimlessly.

Am I finally going to die?

Then,a mechanical voice echoed around and inside me.

[Congratulations. You have passed the test.]

[Your score: 91/100.]

[Congratulations, you are selected as a Special-Grade Player.]

[As a Special-Grade Player, you are provided with something special that will set you apart from other players.]

[Please choose the form of transportation to the game:

- Reincarnation.

- Transmigration.]

[Detected that the player is not in the condition to choose.]

[Initiating auto-choose.]

[Transmigration has been chosen as the form of transportation to the game.]

[As a Special-Grade Player, Game-1: Tutorial, will be conducted in a world that will be created from the Player's memory.]

[Searching through the Player's memory.]

[Suitable World Found.]

[Creating World.]


[Starting Transmigration.]