

Daffodil Street was quiet the entire night, with the morning sun rays dispersing all the fog

The relaxed Klein changed into formal attire, wore his top hat, held his cane, and went all the way to Zouteland Street . He greeted Rozanne at the reception hall

"Good morning, Klein," replied Rozanne happily . She suppressed her voice and said, "I heard the huge operation last night failed?" .

"The operation to nab Instigator Tris?" Klein asked in curiosity

"Yeah!" Rozanne nodded heavily . She shot a glance at the partition and said, "Apparently an informant of the Mandated Punishers discovered the Instigator at the harbor . They were planning on waiting for additional Beyonders and another Special Operations squad from the police to arrive before beginning the operation to do the deed instantly without alarming the commoners . Unfortunately, that Instigator was extremely sharp . He charged out of the encirclement when he noticed something amiss, successfully escaping as a result . " .

"At such times, they need a Beyonder with tracking abilities, such as me . " Klein made a joke

"There was no lack of trackers back then . " Dunn Smith's voice suddenly sounded

Rozanne turned her head abruptly and saw the captain wearing his black windbreaker . He was glaring right at her with his deep pair of gray eyes while leaning against the partition's frame

She hurriedly raised her hands to cover her mouth . Then, she shook her head incessantly, expressing her futile innocence

Dunn turned his gaze to Klein and after some thought, he said, "There were a total of six Beyonders from the Mandated Punishers, the Machinery Hivemind, and us Nighthawks . We traced the injured Tris to Iron Cross Street's Lower Street . We found his temporary residence, but the clues ended there . Be it Beyonder methods or ordinary investigations, nothing worked . It was as though he evaporated into thin air, disappearing completely . " .

"Do you need my help with divination?" Klein asked probingly

Dunn shook his head gently

"The Machinery Hivemind had a Machinery Hivemind . He is a senior Beyonder as good as Old Neil . I even suspect that he's already at Sequence 8 . I'm just unaware what the name of the corresponding potion is . " .

Klein thought and said " Captain I think differently about his Sequence he must be now on sequence 7 level or in process of becoming one and knows some methods of disruption in divination. And as you said he was injured and all Beyonder from Tingen is after him so he will be planning to leave Tingen in future." Klein said everything which comes in mind.

Dunn ask "how you can say he will be a Sequence 7."

Klein already prepared his answer " Because even if he was a Sequence 8 Instigator so he must have use that ship incident to more analyze and tried to becoming a Sequence 7. Or it could be a mission from some organization backing him."

Dunn only nodded and leave. Klein took a sigh of relief.

For the rest of the morning, he continued his mysticism curriculum, read the historical information and documents, and practiced various techniques just like always

With lunchtime almost approaching, Klein's mind began to wander

Another few minutes later, he put away the documents, having heard the summoning of his stomach

At that moment, Dunn Smith came into the clerk office . He said in a deep but mild manner, "Klein, follow me to Chanis Gate . Sealed Artifact 2-049 has arrived . The subsequent operation might require your sensing of that notebook . " .

" . Alright," Klein got up and replied.

While in this rather tense silence, he followed Dunn down the stairs and into the tunnel

After going straight at the intersection, Dunn suddenly stopped and turned his head, saying sternly, "Do this action together with me . Keep doing it and absolutely do not stop . Remember, absolutely do not stop . This is for your own safety!" .

While speaking, Dunn bent his arm followed by extending it . He repeated this action without stopping

While speaking, Dunn bent his arm followed by extending it . He repeated this action without stopping

Klein looked at the captain demonstrate in a befuddled manner . Suddenly enlightened, he asked, "Has this got to do with the uniqueness of the Sealed Artifact?" .

"Yes . " Dunn nodded with abnormal seriousness . "Repeating such an action will allow us to discover if anything happens to you immediately . Saving you in time will not result in any life-threatening dangers . " .

"Okay . " Klein did not hesitate further as he began the repeated action of bending and extending his arm

"If your arm is sore, use the other one," added Dunn

Klein repeatedly bent and extended his arm as he watched Dunn push open the Keeper's room with his body sideways .

The captain's carefulness and high alertness, as well as the ridiculous and laughable "protective actions," left him feeling abnormally tensed . The feeling was identical to what he felt when taking tests of courage that required him to walk through spooky cemeteries at night in his youth .

At that moment, his brain suddenly turned numb as though a power switch had been flicked off .

Everything in Klein's vision turned slow . Even his arm actions shared the same fate .

He saw Captain Dunn stop in his tracks . He came close to him as though in slow motion, extending his palm out slowly before pushing him in the shoulder .

Suddenly, Klein's thought processes and vision were restored to normal at the same time . It was as though everything from before was just an illusion .

I understand something more that force which brings me back it can help me in outside influence which includes curse and mental attacks and it can't help me in physical attacks and can't stop controlling my spirit thread.

"What happened?" he whispered amid his fright and confusion .

Dunn shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Observe carefully . "

The moment he finished his sentence, he turned around and walked into the Keeper's room . Klein followed closely behind and saw four other people in the room; they were either seated or standing .

One of them was the Midnight Poet, Leonard . The other three were people Klein had never met before . However, all of them shared a common trait . They were all doing the extending and bending arm "exercise" with utmost seriousness .

"Klein Moretti has a miraculous connection with the Antigonus family's notebook . " Dunn gave a brief introduction .

Then, he pointed to the other three strangers and said, "These lady and gentlemen are colleagues from the Backlund diocese . They escorted Sealed Artifact 2-049 here . This is Madam Lorotta, Sequence 8 Gravedigger . She is a master sharpshooter . "

At that moment, the black-haired woman who looked about thirty nodded at Klein in a friendly manner .

Klein nodded and smiled lightly.

"Let's set off . The faster we end this, the faster we can seal 2-049," the handsome Aiur Harson said as he stood, his eyes revealing some wrinkles .

"Alright," Dunn turned and looked at Leonard Mitchell . "You'll be in charge of driving . It is best not to involve Cesare with matters like this . "

Cesare was the clerk in charge of procuring and collecting supplies for the Tingen Nighthawks while standing in as a carriage driver . He was the one who drove Klein to Welch's home to meet the Spirit Medium Daly .

"No problem . " Leonard stopped acting frivolous and nodded seriously .

At that moment, Klein saw Aiur Harson bending over . He picked up a black metal chest which had been obscured by the table .

The chest was carved with resplendent stars and the crimson full moon . It was as though there was a formless barrier around the chest .

Seeing people around him dancing a robot dance he only thought thing I want to advance quickly.

Dunn suddenly said to Klein " Klein with your help we help and narrow down the areas finding Tris and increase the team power. It can be used as a contribution for you."

Klein sense something melting inside him but still something remains their. I don't need much time for digestion I can digest my potion this week.

He followed Dunn's lead and left his cane behind . He then followed behind the five Nighthawks through the tunnel and up the stairs to the second floor of the Blackthorn Security Company .

Leonard had gone ahead and notified everyone in the front of the buildings, so Rozanne and the rest had all made their way to the third level . These incidents rarely involved them, but they were not completely alien to them . Another Nighthawk, Kenley, had replaced Dunn in his watch over Chanis Gate .

Klein heaved a sigh of relief when he reached the carriage . He looked suspiciously out the window and said, "Won't 2-049 affect the ordinary people on the streets?"

From their journey underground to the carriage, Sealed Artifact 2-049 had already caused six sluggish incidents, two of which were targeted at him . He had been jolted awake by Captain Dunn and Leonard Mitchell respectively . The rate of the sluggish effect was rather alarming!

"No worries, 2-049 will target humanoid creatures within five meters of it first . The closer you are to it, the easier it is for you to be chosen . As long as there are three people surrounding it, people who happen to be around when the carriage steers past will not be affected," the beautiful, black-haired lady Lorotta explained with a lazy tone .

Dunn and the rest of the Nighthawks did not speak on the journey to Ray Bieber's house . They were paying close attention to each other's condition . Only Lorotta wore a nonchalant look . At times, she took in the sights of Tingen's not-so-clean streets, and at other times, she praised Backlund's underground water system .

Soon after, the familiar building finally entered Klein's line of sight . The group of six made their way to the third level while observing each other .

The door to Ray Bieber's house was labeled with the Tingen Police Department's symbol, indicating that entry was forbidden to unauthorized personnel .

As Dunn did his stretching exercises, he took out a key . He opened the newly changed lock, then turned around, allowing Aiur Harson who was carrying the black chest to enter first .


Thump! Thump! Thump!

The Sealed Artifact in the black chest knocked violently once again, even more violent than before . This made Aiur Harson's arm waver from side to side uncontrollably . It even made Klein suspect that the chest would be pounded open in time .

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Klein quickly noticed that Captain Dunn's movements were becoming sluggish . He was about to wake him up when a buzz sounded in his brain . His brain became numb, the scenes before his eyes played as though they were in slow motion .

At this moment, the prepared Lorotta and Borgia woke each of them up respectively by pushing them .

Having his thought processes and vision restored, Klein looked around with lingering fear . He nearly blurted out .

"Didn't you say that 2-049 can only affect one person at a time?"

Thankfully, I did not stop my stretches!

"When Sealed Artifact 2-049 enters its berserk mode, it can affect up to two people at once . We can confirm that Ray Bieber is indeed a descendant of the Antigonus family," Aiur Harson said with a mechanical tone .

Lorota let out a faint laugh . She looked at Klein and said, "2-049 becomes very agitated when it meets a descendant of the Antigonus family, even if only their scent remains . Its abilities would also increase considerably . I believe you would be able to understand its feelings . "

Well, I don't . . . Klein asked curiously, "So, is it a living creature?"

Lorotta smiled but did not reply him directly .

"You'll know in a while . As long as Ray Bieber hasn't escaped Tingen, 2-049 will lead us to him . "

" What if someone helping him. He can't do everything alone." Klein said.

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