
Chapter 78:Pretty

Friday afternoons at Backlund Bridge were always lively.

Whether it's families going to visit their loved ones at St. Estin's Hospital, drunks going to Lucky Bar to drink, they didn't care that it was only 4:30 pm they even drank at 7:00 am or they also visited Bravehearts Bar to get drunk or hidden from the eyes of the police, buy things on the black market.

There was also the Harvest Church but it had barely any members and people coming in, plural 'members' because recently a rather tall woman had joined and was under the mantle of the Father of the church.

There was a small rumor that she had been seen fighting in the tournament organized by Bravehearts Bar but it has never been confirmed due to the fact that this fighter wears a mask that covers her entire head, the very few people who attend the church say that she is too sweet to participate in such a bloody act.

The biggest voice for this is a woman who recently moved here and has been attending church every day, being the only person to do that...

All this information was being reviewed in the mind of a man with his head slightly hanging who moved among the large group of workers having a bag hanging on his arm but he always had the bag close to his body almost embracing it.

'According to Mr. Adryan's words, here it is not uncommon for your pockets or bags to be stolen when you are more distracted,' the man thought alertly as he hugged the bag with his right arm and with his other arm tried to keep the simple hat he had on place.

He also tried to get the hat to cover his face, which was stained with coal, although it seemed that he did it to himself, but since all the people were busy with their own problems, they did not give importance to this, it was also because of the clothes that the man was wearing.

He had ash yellow hair along with somewhat thin eyebrows and a rather delicate face, that face was hidden by the charcoal that stained it and also if one looked very closely he seemed to have used makeup on the corners of his eyes and nose to make them appear deeper making them look older than he really was.

He was wearing a somewhat worn worker's clothing but it still did not have the very worn appearance that the other workers had, but it was enough to go unnoticed.

This man was the Viscount Glaint who had come to Backlund Bridge to meet with Adryan so that he could attend a beyonder party.

A true beyonder party!

Not like the 'parties' he had with his friends!!

This was the real thing!!!

These kinds of thoughts were going through Glaint's head who could barely contain himself from letting out a cry of excitement but he did have a weird smile on his face.

'Maybe I can finally get the Apothecary potion formula!' thought Glaint with great excitement, unconsciously quickening his pace.

Looking around the street without looking up too much, he saw St. Estin's Hospital and nodded.

'Mr Adryan said we would meet near this hospital so where is he?' he thought as he looked around trying to find the man's distinctive red hair.

But no matter how much he looked, he couldn't find the man's shadow, which made Glaint worry and his brows frown in confusion.

'This is supposed to be St. Estin's Hospital right? So where is Mr. Adryan? Did he lie to me?' the man thought somewhat alarmed as he moved his head faster trying to find the redhead.

"You look like an owl the way you turn your neck" an amused voice sounded next to him, surprising him and he jumped in fright.


Turning his head to his side was someone who had not been there before, a tall man with his head slightly bowed dressed in a very worn worker's outfit with a face full of coal and a simple hat.

The surprise affected Glaint for a long time and this caused the man to let out an amused laugh.

"What's wrong, Quico, don't you recognize me?" the man spoke amused as he raised his head, letting Glaint see his bright red eyes.

'Mr. Adryan!' thought Glaint excitedly as a big smile spread across his face.

In the letters Mr. Adryan had written to him, he had said that when they met they would not use their real names until they were safe.

So Mr. Adryan chose the names and he couldn't help but feel that they had some power!

The power of names with weight!

He would use Quico!

and Mr. Adryan would use...

"Chavo! where were you? I thought you had lied to me" Glaint said emotionally to Adryan who laughed and approached him and whispered in his ear

"I never said I wouldn't come undercover~" Adryan said teasingly then walked away from the frozen Glaint with a smile.

"Let's go" he said turning his back on Glaint whose eyebrow was trembling and his expression was deeply furrowed.

'Breathe Glaint you know how Mr. Adryan is' he thought as he took several breaths as he followed Adryan.

In the various letters that they exchanged in the last 4 days, Mr. Adryan always found ways to annoy him and despite the fact that all the interaction was in the form of letters, he almost lost his temper every time he read one.

Sighing heavily as he followed the man, he just kept his mouth shut lest the man bother him again.

"At least say something you almost look like a duckling following its mother~" Adryan said as he looked over his shoulder at the silent Glaint.

A vein pulsed in his neck and he only responded with a forced smile.

"Sorry, Chavo, it's not my day"


It took a while but they finally left the street outside St. Estin's Hospital and were now in an alleyway changing their clothes.

Although Glaint was more uncomfortable doing this than Adryan who couldn't care less.

Trying to distract himself from seeing Mr. Adryan's muscular back, Glaint spoke.

"Mr. Adryan how did you find me so quickly? I thought my disguise was good?" Glaint asked doubtfully and Adryan turned to look at him as he unbuckled his belt.

Adryan just gave a small smile as he answered.

"Although your costume was very good, you forgot one very important detail"

Glaint raised an eyebrow as he awkwardly removed his shirt.

"What would that detail be, Mr. Adryan?" he asked curiously as he watched the redhead turn his body to look at him, revealing his muscular torso and large chest as well as multiple scars all over it, the biggest being claws in the middle of his chest and he was also wearing an necklace.

Glaint saw the man's eight pack and looking down he saw his own slim figure and this made his pride deflate quite a bit.

'Maybe I should train a bit..' Glaint seriously considered.

Adryan, unaware of the man's thoughts, replied calmly as he took off his work's boots.

"Your hands gave you away."

Not waiting for the answer, Glaint first looked at his hands.

His hands looked good, he'd even gotten them dirty with charcoal, but he'd already cleaned it off by the time they reached the alley.

Returning his gaze to the man who was taking off his pants, he just turned around uncomfortably as he asked.

"Why Mr. Adryan?"

Adryan only put the old worker's pants in the bag he had hidden here and took other pants out of it but these were his hunting pants.

As he put it on he responded calmly but had a small smile on his face.

"Your hands are too clean and 'pretty'"

'Pretty!' thought Glaint as he stared at his hands in horror, his pride as a man having been badly beaten.

His hands belonged to a man, so he didn't understand what the redhead was referring to, so he turned to look at the man who was already wearing pants and new boots but also had a provocative smile.

"What <Pretty>?!" Glaint asked indignantly making Adryan laugh out loud.

"It's because you don't have the calluses that workers should have, your nails are also very well cared for and clean unlike the workers whose nails are damaged and dirty, your hands are also free of scars while the workers hands are not"

Adryan explained calmly causing Glaint to open his mouth in surprise, when he made his butler get the clothes he would use as a disguise he never took into account his own body when it came to disguising himself.

He just sighed in defeat and quickly put the worker's shirt back in the bag he brought and took out a different one and put it on.

After a while the two left the alley only this time they both had a brown cloak covering them and also masks on their faces.


Hello guys here are yesterday's chapters, today's chapters will be published later at night.

The chapters from now on will be 1,500 words or more I hope you like this.

Also tell me what you think of these 2 chapters because it is the first time I write such long ones.

Finally I want to say that volume 0 will be published in a while and will have a very big surprise.

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