
Lookism: Pornhwa

Basically, what if Lookism was a pornhwa? Daniel discovers he now has a second body and takes full advantage of it. A/N: At the start, Daniel is still socially awkward, but as he meets more girls, he starts to become more confident and has more rizz. Caution: This is a Harem story, so MC will be more of a scumbag and has purely physical relationships with girls. NTR-haters rejoice, there will not be any in this story. I'm only writing this because I am bored at work and I wanted to practice writing romance and R18 scenes. There is going to be more 'plot' than actual plot, so, just a heads up. I created a new account to post this story because I didn't want my previous works to be associated with this story. Maybe one of you can guess who I am from my writing style.

PeakCulture · Anime und Comics
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72 Chs


His curiosity was driving him crazy. What kind of a person would post so many videos that were so long consistently every week even though he only received single digit views for all of them? The thumbnails were also all of an empty room that had a blue mat on the floor, with both the Korean flag and United States flag framed in the background.

So he just clicked on the earliest video to feed his curiosity.

"Hello!" A voice cried out in English. "Good day! I am ehrgkrTkdna!"

The funniest thing about the video was that the person speaking in the video was wearing a white Dobok (Taekwondo uniform) and also a chicken head mask for some reason.

'Is this a slapstick comedy channel?' Daniel wondered to himself, but then his thoughts changed when he the man continued speaking.

"I started this channel in order to teach people my fighting skills! This is only for self-defense knowledge, so don't use what I am teaching to commit crimes!"

'What the hell, a fighting tutorial channel? Lame… and if there are no views on the videos, how effective can it be?' Daniel was about to close the video but stopped when he heard the chicken man's next words.

"Have you ever felt powerless?" The chicken man asked in the video with his arms folded.


"Have you ever cursed yourself, wondering why you couldn't stand up for yourself?"


"Do you want to win fights? Do you wish to protect yourself and your loved ones from those who threaten to hurt them?"

'This guy… why does it feel like he is talking directly to me?' Daniel recalled the times he had been punched and beaten up by Logan and all the other bullies in his miserable school life. He had never tried to fight back, because he knew it would only make things worse. Furthermore, with his stature and size, what would be the point of trying to fight back?

"Let me tell you this: It doesn't matter if you are short or tall, big or small! Once you know how to fight, once you have the mentality of a fighter, then it doesn't matter what your body is like! Because most people don't know how to fight, and they do not understand how to properly move their bodies, they tend to make wasted, inefficient movements. The purpose of these videos is to teach not to teach you how to win in a martial arts competition – it is to teach you how to defend yourself in a street fight!"

Daniel felt like his eyes brightened all of a sudden from hearing the man's words. This… this was something he never knew he needed until today! He then unexpectedly spent the rest of the night watching the videos and emulating what he saw in it.

Honestly, he didn't know whether what he learned from the videos would be useful or if it was just shitty advice… but he also hoped that he never had to find out. It was best to avoid conflict after all, and who would be crazy enough to start fights randomly on the street?

Throwing the previous night's events to the back of his mind, Daniel made his way to the subway station to meet Brooke for their date.


Sophie shyly approached the counter of the pharmacy.

"What can I get for you miss?" The pharmacist asked.

"Uhm, c-can I get a morning after pill?" She asked quietly, hoping no one else heard her request. Sophie had already looked up how to buy one of those pills before going to a pharmacy. They were available over-the-counter, and they were sold without restriction to anyone who asked, regardless of age or gender.

After all, it would be insane to withhold a pill that prevented pregnancy just because someone was too young to be having sex.

The pharmacist looked at the young girl who was asking for a pregnancy prevention medicine but didn't think much of it. Teenagers were having sex at younger and younger ages it seemed, he thought to himself.

"Sure, miss." He handed a small box to her which only contained a single pill within.

"A-and can I ask if, I can also get a box of b-birth control pills?" Sophie asked, feeling as though her face was red enough to be another light source in the pharmacy. She had also researched other methods of contraceptives, aside from condoms after discovering that bareback sex felt a lot better than sex with a condom.

And if she was going to be having sex with Daniel regularly from now on… They never specifically made any plans to have sex again, so was it presumptuous for her to buy birth control pills expecting to sleep with him again? She didn't mind having sex. No, if she was being truthful to herself, she was looking forward to the next time they did it again.

But what if Daniel didn't want to have sex with her again? Such a good looking guy, would he want to keep doing it with the plain-looking her? (Plain looking in her teenage insecure mind)

In the end, Sophie thought it would be better if she was taking birth control pills. It would be better to have it and not need it, rather than to need it and not have it.

The pharmacist nodded, "Of course miss, though I would recommend that if you are sexually active with your boyfriend, you should be using condoms instead as a contraceptive. The chemical hormones in the pills can potentially have various side effects including headaches, nausea and irregular menstrual cycles. And it can be worse for someone in your age group."

Sophie considered whether it was worth it to potentially suffer through those side effects just because she preferred the sensation of bareback sex and the feeling of receiving a creampie. If it was just that alone, she might not have thought it was worth it. But remembering how much Daniel enjoyed not having to wear a condom, and how much he liked cumming inside her, which he repeated several times last night, Sophie decided that it was worth it if Daniel liked it so much.

"It's fine, I would like to buy the pills."

"Of course miss. For the morning-after pill and the birth control pills, total comes up to 25,500 won."

Sophie held on to the purchased birth control pills with a look of embarrassment and nervous anticipation. She was embarrassed to be openly buying contraceptives which basically announced that she was sexually active, but at the same time she was looking forward to telling Daniel that he didn't need to worry about condoms anymore and could just cum as much as he wanted inside her.

She thought back to the sensation of being ravaged by the insatiable Daniel, letting him finish inside her and being filled to the brim with his semen… She never thought sex would feel so good, though she also wondered if it was because Daniel was just really good at it or if it was because he had a big dick.

'Ah, I'm getting wet again… Oppa is going to meet Brooke soon, right? …Let's tease him abit.'

Sophie pulled out her phone, snapped a picture and sent Daniel a few messages.

Sophie: (10:50) I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking of you, my panties were a mess when I woke up. *blushing emoji*

Sophie: (10:50) *Picture of birth control pills*

Sophie: (10:50) We won't need condoms anymore *heart emoji*