

The rain falling down seems not hard but strong enough to create a puddle and strong enough to draw a mark in the soil that the April month had dried. What's louder than the sound of a rain beating her umbrella is the noise, she hears; It's becoming stronger as the rain is starting to weaken down its force.

Her eyes followed the small canal created by the rain and it was being gathered at the foot of an old house for the reason that the soil in that area is sunken. Fate looked up at the house, and clearly this is one of the old style house where it was elevated by four strong poles. It's to protect the owners from flooding and maybe animals, but dang!!! the owner forgot to protect someone else also.

Fate looked down again at the foot of the pole then shivered at the baby's cry.

"Thank my dear, I really appreciate your sincerity"

is the last word that she heard from her employer. She was expecting to be in her quiet place but not this soon. Anita had been a caregiver for not more than five years but the little time she spent with her now deceased employer seemed like forever. They clicked together.

Their relationship more than just employer and employee. They care for each other like they're a mother and a daughter, two peas in a pod.

Anita, clearly after grieving for her late employer thought about going home back to her country but, another opportunity opened up. Her employer's family asked her to continue her job in the house except she will be taking care of the family's baby now.

She was nervous, of course she is always nervous for everything, nervous to hold a baby once again. A baby…

She had been feeling really cold ever since she had a video call with her mom back home in their country. Anita doesn't know if her body just reacted to the chill that her mother described now that its rainy season back home. Is this just it or she is just really tired after the moving and the burial that just happened. Well it just seems it's not; for its been like a thing now for her.

That she would always feel cold like there's a cold and wet blanket around her waist during rainy season back at home.

Fate had been talking to the house owner that she had visited and they said no one is living there anymore.

They really left it because it's too far and old now. She can see why, their new home is much more spacious, accessible and of course no dead body forgotten. Fate has been trying to get to the conversation about the reason of her visit but can't get the timing.

But then, Anita woke up in soaked with sweat and tears because of a bad dream. She really can't bear it; she wasn't able to even if this kind of dream had been with her for at least five years.

Anita pushed her thick and numerous blanket away from her body, leaving the blanket up until her waist, because she is feeling hot now. But what is this, there is a mud in her bed. She pushed all the way down the blanket and found a trace of mud as if the carrier crawled. Her eyes followed where the mud came from, it started from her door and then slowly made its way to her bed,and then she felt a small,cold,and tiny hands in her stomach, as if attempting to hug her.

Anita can smell the strong smell of the mud, that was created during a rainy season.

"how many of your children survived?"

Fate asked, after she had the chance.

She was met with raised eyebrow because clearly, she knew the owners and they knew, she knew that they are all well and alive.

"then who is this baby, that had been clutching me on my waist. It's been months already and I had been cold here around my stomach even this past summer"

Fate complained.

"Maybe because you're getting old, that's why you need to get married already, were you inspired by Anita. She had called yesterday and told me the same thing, about being cold in her waist and in her stomach"

"Auntie, you do know I can feel others pain, they are letting me feel the pain if they want help, what was buried in your old house near the post? he or she is getting wet and is crying because he or she is in a muddy place", Fate said, she can still feel those tiny cold hand in her stomach.






Anita is watching it live as they did a proper burial for her deceased baby. She cried her heart out after her mother mentioned what Fate said; apparently she was not the only one who felt this. Though she had been suffering from this but thought it was just nothing. After she had her miscarriage, she tried to forget about it, until she really forgot about it. The miscarried baby was buried in a suitable place, it's usually where the water gathers, that's why the baby had always been in a muddy place.

The baby was just trying to appeal to her mother for a nice place.

Fate watched the whole service for the baby until it ended before she left the place, she seems out of the picture. Who would believe that they did that because she told them about it. At least she is happy, they are happy now, and she is relieved for them, and the baby let her sigh a sigh of relief.

But when she was walking home, alone. She felt a hand making its way to hug her, except it was warm and welcoming.

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