
Long Story Short

‘Long Story Short’ is the prequel to ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’. These are the only books in this mini book series. (if you would even call it that) Genevieve James is a seventeen year old girl pretending to be a twenty year old guard for the Royal Family of Aurora. She has been fed up with the traditional mindset of Aurora for awhile now. With this new mindset she decided to tryout to be a bodyguard for the Royal Family, undercover of course. She ended up being so good at the tryouts that she was promoted to be Princess Elaine's personal bodyguard in less than a month, thus beginning her rigorous training and secret keeping abilities. Princess Elaine Beckham is Aurora's upcoming Queen with her coronation being in a mere two weeks. With her mother constantly on her tail about ruthlessly rejecting Princes left and right she decides to take things into her own hands, approving of an arranged marriage between her daughter and a well known Prince. Prince Bane is what you would call 'a wolf in sheep's clothing'. He craves power, yet due to his family's tree he will never be allowed to take the throne. This persuade Bane into agreeing on Queen Beckham's arranged marriage. When Elaine finds out that the two of them plotted this behind her back she is very happy to say the least. Does Elaine go along with the arranged marriage out of fear of disappointing those around her or does she throw the traditional rules out the window and marry her childhood crush?

mekaylapridget · LGBT+
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46 Chs



/"Are you sure?/" I ask my best friend as I balance myself on the ledge on the right side of her car

She chuckles at me and glances over her shoulder to look at me.

/"Yes!/" She continues to laugh

I go to jump only to hesitate for the third time and lean back against the silent vehicle.

/"This is dangerous!/" I exclaim

The brunette turns around so that she is now facing me with crossed arms.

/"More dangerous than risking the possibility of stepping on a broken piece of glass?/" She deadpans

I roll my eyes at her sarcasm.

/"What if I fall?/" I stress

The brunette just raises an eyebrow at me, another laugh bubbling past her lips.

/"Elaine, you're jumping half an inch onto my back,/" she deadpans again

/"Scratch that, you're literally just wrapping your legs around my waist/" she states

I continue to panic.

I mean- what if she drops me?!