
Playing the Part

A quick little note: [The Archive] is not a system, it's more like an Appraisal ability. It only knows what is public knowledge, so it can't tell the secret abilities of a being, only their name and what they are.

It's been eight days since I made the promise to myself, to act my part as their child. And I don't think I can keep this up, I'm emotionally exhausted. It's not my fault though, I have to act all cutesy for hours on end as my mother won't take her eyes off me. My father has ordered three times more patrols to ensure I can't sneak away to train. And I mean this in the nicest way, MY PARENTS ARE ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED WITH ME. I can feel them breathing nearby even when I'm trying to sleep, like all of a sudden I'm going to disappear in front of them. I think I might have mentally scarred them, and it's causing this behavior.

Don't even get me started on their way of showing affection. Father takes me into the courtyard to show off, literally anything he can, his magic, fighting skills, once he even raced a horse. When he does this, I have to act like it was the most amazing thing ever. Mom hasn't done anything especially crazy since Day 2, when she showed me off to the whole kingdom and I mean the WHOLE kingdom. If you didn't attend, you were fined 10 silvers, at least that's what I heard from the servants.

That's another thing, these servants gossip all the time. I'm mean it's thanks to this chatter that I've learned a few things. Like how there are animals and monsters, but animals can become monsters. The story went something like a farmer woke up to find that one of his cows had grown three times its original size, grown an extra pair of horns, and started drinking blood instead of water. The rumor also said that the monsterized cow's milk was hundreds of times more nutritious as well as being absolutely delicious. There are also stories of people dogs and cat growing to the size of horses and becoming more aggressive to strangers. What I gathered from this hearsay is that when animals become monsters, their loyalties don't change, but they can become ultra-aggressive to others. I think I've come up with a future experiment, attempting to discover what causes a normal animal to become a monster.

I'm lucky enough that today has been pretty uneventful, giving me some time to think. Although, I'm sure that this peace is going to come to an end soon.


Speak of the devil, here comes my mother.

"Did you miss me? I missed you! Daddy should be coming home any minute with tonight's meal. Speaking of which, I think you need yours."


(A few minutes later (I know what you were thinking, pervs))

FREEDOM! Never in my life would I think I'd be sick of breasts. This is really draining my sanity, I'd like some teeth, please. Is there a magic which can age me a few years? Maybe if I forcefully burn some vitality? No, I'm a Dragon, the most that would do is make me unable to move for a day or two. Actually, that might be useful as a trump card, it would cause my strength to grow exponentially. But that's for when I can actually walk.


"Hey, I'm home, I managed to find a colony of Warrior Boars. Tonight I can eat my fill and we might even have some leftovers to turn into provisions for the soldiers."

Brilliant, I get to watch my father eat like a professional competitive eater. If I'm sounding a bit cynical, it's because I'm bored out of my mind and my father eats like an orc. You wouldn't think such a handsome man could eat so disgustingly. OH, GOD, what if I eat like that in the future! No, no, even if I do have to consume that amount I'd eat like a gentleman. But, I'd still need to age a bit before that time comes. How long before Dragons can eat solid food?

<Another week and you'll be able to eat food>

Really? That soon? Well color me surprised, I guess this isn't all bad. Why so soon?

<Dragons typically eat solid food much faster than any other Race because of their energy needs. While milk is nutritious, Dragons burn through energy quickly, even when sleeping, meaning they need copious amounts, way more than a mother can provide normally. Since you are Half, your energy requirements aren't as strict but you still develop teeth faster.>

I suppose that makes sense, aren't Dragons more of a reptile? Why would they produce milk?

<While Dragons are reptilian in nature, they do have some mammalian qualities, the ability to breastfeed being one.>

You learn more everyday, I suppose. Speaking of which, I should find out what kind of library there is here, there might be more to study. I guess I could practice some magic while they are eating, maybe trying to apply Aura energy to other Magics. It should work, considering that I'm just replacing Mana with a more potent energy. It might require some finesse, though.

(3rd Person)

Lugh begins with mimicking Fire Magic, which goes smoother than expected. A simple application of will, and poof, a bit of his golden aura morphs into a bright white flame, which houses a golden orb inside. This new Aura Flame is incredibly hot, so much so that some of the stone ceiling begins to melt within seconds of touching the tip. Seeing this, he quickly douses the fire and breathes a sigh of relief.

Moving on with the experiment, Lugh tries compressing wind with Aura rather than Mana. Well it worked. In fact, it worked so well that he cut through 10 feet of stone with one Wind Blade. This event caught the attention of his parents who started secretly spying on him, after Durge ate three more plates, of course. His father stares at him, more specifically his Aura, which is a beautiful gold, with specks of silver light dancing around it, like moths to a flame. His mother is drawn to the fact that her baby boy is currently casting high power spells like it's nothing. Her light smile adds to her already unrivaled beauty, and she becomes as dazzling as a ethereal goddess gazing upon her subjects. She can already imagine the future of her child, his figure being displayed in the stars.

Lugh, unaware of their presence, moves onto an Advanced Element, Lightning. The air in the room takes on a more turbulent form, signifying the approach of Thunder. Outside, the clouds slowly darken, becoming sinister, and crackling can be heard. It's as though the Heavens have been angered, and everyone is going to pay the price. If one looked to the sky, the could see various colors of Lightning forming in the clouds. They ranged from red, blue, purple, silver, gold to jet black. If a master of Lightning Magic were there they'd surely turn pale and say that somebody had angered the wrong man. In the end, a single bolt fell, striking a forest not too far away. It was the black bolt, and when it touched ground, the thunder that had been building is released all at once. The sound is deafening, and the place where the bolt fell, was annihilated.

Lugh, however is unaware as he passed out from Mana Deprivation meaning that one spell took all of his available stores. Everyone in town is scared of what is now called Judgement Crater, and of the mysterious God-like figure who struck down in the first place . His parents are now wary of Lugh's abilities, and are planning on teaching him restraint when he grows up. They both decide to check the forest to see if the bolt may have unearth anything.

(Let's see Lugh's thoughts while he casted the spell)

Well, this is taking a lot more than I thought it would, it only takes a little mana to call down a Lightning Strike. Maybe using Aura caused a bit of a change? Let's try using more.

Still needs more? Alright I know it might be dangerous for an infant's body but I'm converting all my Mana into Aura, I'll see what happened when I wake up.

*Fades to Black*

What happened is that he created a massive crater, and unearthed a giant deposit of mithril and adamantite, as his parents found out. He also changed these ores into stronger materials with special properties. But all of that is for a later time, a point at which Lugh will actually be awake.

Okay, so this might be a bit comedy heavy, if it's a bit too much I can dial it back. It might also be a little cringey, maybe. But I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. If you wanted to know I updated the Race chapter with Lifespans. And I'm still willing to hear opinions/choices for the heroine's Race.

As Always,

Thanks For Reading

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