
Living the Dream: Starting in Game of Thrones

New inspiration. A wish-fulfillment fic. First World: Game of Thrones Second World: - Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this fanfic except the OC's. All rights reserved to their respective owners! [Author's Note: I'm not a professional nor a good writer. The plot may suck but meh~, I don't care. I write how and what I want.]

Pie_Daddy · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

During the duo's brief yet pleasant chit-chat which had somehow quickly transitioned to a series and exchange of cackles due to some things they've been going on about,-

Arthur had taken the chance to completely shed his wariness and paranoia of being on the receiving end of a possible beatdown and slowly warm up to her.

It was because had gotten to know quite a bit of her personality, at least based on what she had shown him at the moment; loud, outgoing, vulgar, and someone who never hesitates to speak her mind.

"By the way... what should I call you?"

He, who still had the spartan giantess's grip on his shoulder and was shorter in stature, only standing at six feet tall, slightly inclined his chin after turning to look at her and asked.

They were currently trekking along an unpaved land outside the mansion's premises after both coming into an agreement to tour the land for a bit.

"Hmm... beats me. You were the reason that I came to be, like literally the reason for my existence, so it's up to you, the master, to come up with one."

The giantess responded with a shrug and in a nonchalant manner.


"I would prefer something not too feminine though, little Lord. Hahaha!", she added with a hint of mockery.

Mocking his height with her eyes alternating between the top of his head, down to his toes repeatedly, before giving a playful pat and finally taking her grip off of his shoulder.

'Since when did my height become an issue to you anyway?', he thought.

Still, Arthur could only groan inaudibly and put on a wry smile at that and said...

"Ugh, must you have to mock my height? What, you've got a problem with it? No one has asked you to be so... big anyway.", mumbled Arthur.

He couldn't help but roll his eyes sideward, only for them to narrow down before gulping a mouthful of saliva-

as he caught sight of her bouncing bosom and sensually inducing body as if she was slithering gracefully as she walked right through from the corners of his eyes.

The spartan giantess, noticing the glint of desire in his eyes was once again grinning widely and found herself leaning down to his ear.

"Hoo~ Hmm... is my body rousing something beastly inside you, little lord? I've seen that look in your eyes a few times now since we left the manor."

She blew her warm breath right through and spoke in a sultry tone.

"Uhm, sorry about tha- well, you know what? yes! I actually do find your body very attractive and arousing. You can't blame me though, not when you're dressed like that."

"...Kekeke, well, feast your eyes then. No one's, keeping you from doing it. But you can't have a piece of this, at least not yet. Not before you gain my acknowledgment."

Arthur, having been caught red-handed, was about to voice his way out. However, given his newfound impression of her, he decided otherwise and owned up to his actions.

And as expected, the spartan giantess wasn't even affected by the looks he was giving her but encouraged him instead.

Although, having been speechless for a short while for him to unexpectedly admit it himself when she thought otherwise. Furthermore...

"Oh, so you're not repulsed by the idea? I might take you up on that offer, you know..."

"Please, I was molded according to the heroic spirit of the great lion king of Sparta. If you want me, prove your worth- beat me in single combat. I'm not like some of those demure Athenian cun-"

The spartan giantess, with her chin up high and with a dignified posture began to ramble on about something of being an actual spartan herself, until...

"Uhm... yeah~ my apologies, little Lord. I might've gotten too influenced by Leonidas's memory fragments when he was still human. Hahaha!"

Arthur could only shake his head after flashing a wry smile before deciding to add an adjective to his impression of her; a brute.

'Right... she's basically a muscle-head. Still, King Leonidas, huh?'


An uneventful night soon came to pass, gracing the once dark skies with shades of the first light of dawn as the culminating moments of darkness before sunrise arrived...

Tok! Tok! Tok!

Arthur, who was still drooling and occasionally curling the corners of his lips with a foolish smile was still immersing himself deeply in his dream, found himself frowning seconds after when...

Tok! Tok! Tok!

A series of dull and forceful tapping sounds reverberated, breaking the stillness and tranquility of the silent atmosphere...

"Ughnn~ what is it, Tania?", he yawned and asked while getting himself up albeit feeling lethargic.


With an unsteady footing and a slow gait, he went towards his bedroom door and opened it in an unhurried manner, only to...


The spartan chic, whom Arthur had given the name Titania or Tania for short the night before, forcefully pushed the door and slammed it completely wide open.

"Morning, My L- Arthur! How was your sleep?"

She greeted him and was about to formally address him but remembered that she had been told otherwise.

She didn't really have a problem with it though, thus, she called him in a casual manner and asked with a wide grin on her face.

"Hmm... morning, Tania. Well, quite good, actually. You?"

Arthur, who was still rubbing his tired eyes, monotonously responded while bringing his arms high up, yawning and stretching his dormant muscles.

Hearing his words, she only smiled and shrugged her shoulders and responded...

"Slept like a log. And, it's good to know that you're the same as well?"

"...Yeah... had... a good... sleep... as well..."

"Good to hear. Well, go on then. Freshen up and follow m-"

Arthur, with eyes, still closed, didn't even wait for her to finish her words when he interjected with a questioning tone before dozing off again while standing.

"Hmm? follow... you... where?..."

Seeing him slowly lowering his head with his chest heaving with an even breath while standing still, she clicked her tongue and repeatedly tapped his cheeks, attempting to wake him up completely...

"...Hey, Hey! out with it already. Freshen up and I'll wait for you at the ba-"

"Hmm?... wait for me... where?"

And again, she wasn't able to finish her words when Arthur interjected once more after being forcefully awoken, albeit slightly, responded.

"Well, duh... You asked me yesterday if I could train you. So, that's what exactly I'm going to do."

Arthur, who rubbed his eyes for the last time, attempted to completely open his eyes widely and spoke...

"Right... Training."

"Yes, Arthur. Training."

And as she said that, she noticed that Arthur had gone unresponsive again.


Sighing inwardly, she couldn't help but smile wryly before shaking her head, thinking that Arthur was being a handful.

"Alright, we'll get nowhere with you like this..."

Left with no other choice, she took it upon herself and dragged him towards his bathroom and closed the door with a bang before yelling...

"When you're done, meet me at the back. Oh, and bring your sword as well!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Pie_Daddycreators' thoughts