
Living as a Lord in another World is unsurprisingly easy!

Jin was a young man who had just graduated from university. He felt lost in this so-called "adult" world like any other normal graduate. Did he already have to find a job? Is this the moment when life finally turns at you while showing a wretched smile?! Will his "definitely-not" strict parents pressure him into finding a girlfriend, even though he hasn't experienced the touch of a woman since time immemorial?! "Bro..." Yet, on an ostensibly ordinary night, while answering a random but totally-not suspicious survey, he suddenly found himself in a completely different world. And to his surprise... [Bootlicker69: wtf man?!?!?!?!] [a_racist: they told me this was a racing game?!] [Tod: I want to die.] [guywithoutamoustache: I HAVE A MOUSTACHE!] ... .. . "This...-" Ding! Congratulations Host, you have been granted the 1000 Times Amplification System! Good luck in your endeavors, and may you strive as a Lord! "- is damn awesome!"

Cythiano · Anime und Comics
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27 Chs

Local Man Sulks After Being Denied of 'Superhero' Landing


[Monstrous Strength (Kingprotea/Active Skill) →Titanic Vigor 60.000P

→Description: An evolved version of the Monstrous Strength skill, which allows the user to tap into an even greater reservoir of unrivaled power. With this, the user can temporarily experience the power of what a Colossal Kin at its prime was truly capable of.

Stellar Synergy →Celestial Harmonization 80.000P

→Description: The evolved form of Stellar Synergy enables the user to perfectly harmonize with the present celestial energies permeating the cosmos. Once activated, the user faces two choices. They can either utilize this energy to form a Cosmic Seed within themselves that will continuously generate celestial power on its own, or utilize it all in one go to enhance their strikes, by either unleashing a widespread AOE attack that would scorch the very Earth itself or a concentrated killing blow that guarantees complete evisceration. However, upon evolving a Cosmic Seed into a Cosmic Core and mastering the fusion of personal and celestial energies, the user will be able to enter into a state known as Celestial Fusion for a limited duration of time. 


"I wonder how long it'll take to form this Cosmic Seed..."

Before Jin could contemplate further, he shrugged his shoulders.

"If it ain't present's me problem, then it's future me that has to take care of it."

Nodding as if he had done something world-changing, which he did not... Jin finally took a look at the Token that would allow him to change his appearance.

And to be frank, he didn't want to alter his appearance that much. 

He was considered quite tall to be fair, standing at 193cm or in freedom units 6'3. As such, he'd only increase his height by an extra 2cm, because 195cm looks neat on paper.

As for looks... 

"This might be corny and all, but I like who I am, not gonna lie... besides according to granny and gramps, I'm quite the handsome lad myself."

If Jin was Pinocchio, his nose would be touching the ends of the universe, in fact, that shit would be extending faster than the expansion of the universe itself. 

But hey, self-confidence is self-confidence!

As long as it doesn't cross the line of narcissism though...

"Hmm, indeed! I'll just enlarge my cock."

Without an ounce of shame, he whipped his gun out.

"Uhh... how big when erect?"

As if on cue, it suddenly expanded...

"Eh, should I apologize for thinking about you... Miss Eirene?"

Pondering whether to apologize or not to his former university teacher, he put his magic wand back in.

Shortly after, Jin swiftly added a plus-two sign on that section, before quickly moving on while innocently whistling in bliss.




Unlike when he chose his skills, traits, and bloodline which probably took days, it only took him a few hours to finish customizing his appearance. 

Overall, there weren't any big changes to be fair. If the people he knew from his previous life saw him now, they'll probably blame it on those damn mewing or glow-up challenges or whatever the fuck it was.

His general body structure stayed the same as well, so not much to say about that. 

Oh, he also added another inch-

[We noticed that the selected Lord has completed their final decision. We suggest reviewing their Information Panel one last time to ensure their satisfaction with their choice. Once you've done that, you'll notice that a gate has opened up nearby. Step inside and await the beginning of your new life!]


Getting sidetracked by the noise nearby, Jin curiously looked over to the right just to see a swirling black and blue portal appearing.

After the initial commotion of the portal's appearance, it settled into a quiet presence, eventually becoming nothing more than a sight to admire.

"Damn... that's fantasy alright."

Whistling in amazement, he stealthily shoved his third leg back in his pants, having forgotten about it amidst the distraction of the portal's sudden appearance.

"Well then, one last look over then, eh?"

Besides, he was also kind of curious as to what his overall evaluation will now look like, after getting a slight buff.


[⌲Personal Information Panel↓

Name: Jin Wulfric ♚

Age: 23 🎉

Race: Human ✧

Bloodline: Colossal Kin Bloodline

Traits: Tranquil Serenity, Weapon Primacy, Fist Sovereignty, Mastery of Self, Transcendent-Hyper Sensory Perception, Transcendent-Hyper-Tuned Reflexes, Transcendent-Hyper Awareness

Passive Skills: True Mind's Eye, Spider-Sense, Battle Continuation (Old Man of the Mountain), Eternal Arms Mastery (Lancer-Berserker)

Active Skills: Manju Musō (Infinite Image Defense), Titanic Vigor, Celestial Harmonization, Spiritual Connection

Combat Skills: Greco-Roman Wrestling (Pioneer), Muay Thai (Pioneer), Alpha's Swordsmanship (Crimson Weave Version/Novice)

Miscellaneous Skills: Cooking (...don't ever cook), Driving (Journeyman), History (Expert), Cleaning (Novice)

Divine Arcanum: ✖ 


▽Karma Shop

Overall Evaluation: If Kratos were to encounter his one and only, old yet annoying friend during his travels in Midgard, who had somehow survived the destruction of Olympus, it would undoubtedly be you, that trusted and reliable friend.


"Not gonna lie man... wish I could meet the embodiment of 'too angry to die' himself."

Jin sighed in regret, before closing his Information Panel and steadily walking towards the portal. 

However, he abruptly stopped, his eyes unfocused as he got drowned in his memories of the modern world.

He closed his eyes for a few seconds before a determined yet fiery expression appeared.

"Ma and Pops, granny and gramps, and the lads I made along the way... I'll make sure..."

With a strong step, he shot forth into the portal like an arrow.

"I'll continue to be myself and procrastinate harder than ever!"



With a confused expression on his face, Jin thought that he was gonna drop from the sky or faint right away the moment he entered the mysterious portal, but lo and behold...

"I- uh- arrived?"

With a 'are you fucking kidding me' type of face, he looked around only to see nothing but lush greenery around him. 

His face twitched in annoyance.

"So... you're telling me I imagined all that goofy backstory, just to end up here like a dried-up towel."

His expression contorted into an even more horrid grimace, resembling someone who had swallowed a bucketful of raw dough.

In an attempt to suppress his initial disappointment, Jin decided to plop down on the grass.

After assuming a meditative posture, he positioned himself with one hand cradling his chin, while his elbow found a comfortable position to perch atop his knees.

Lazily looking over the landscape, he couldn't deny that it was breathtakingly beautiful, especially when the occasional gentle breeze softly caressed his skin like a mother's embrace.


{Ding! Host!}


{Cheer up! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡}


Imperceptibly, the corner of his mouth rose a little. 

In all seriousness, he wasn't that annoyed or pissed off, he really just wanted to sit down and enjoy the view before him. 

It's just that the initial 'super-hero' landing he always wanted to experience as a child, got ruined by the anti-climatic entrance. 

Besides, he had more pressing matters to attend to.

"Lord of a territory... since I didn't buy any skills relating to managing at all, in any under normal circumstances I would've been fucked, but since I have a reliable scapegoat- *cough* assistant, I'll... probably be fine?"



"Holy shit, I actually forgot about that!"

With an uncertain look coupled with a frown, Jin hesitatingly asked the system in a doubtful tone.

"Yo... uh-where she at?"

{Ding! (๑•́ -•̀)}

"I'm talking about a Roman Emperor."

{According to my knowledge, a Roman Emperor can not be referred to as 'she' since there are no records of any women being-}

"Fate's confusing, you'll get used to it."

{(,,•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ ,,)?...}

"Nero Claudius... that ring a bell?"

{Ding! Searching... searching... Ding! Indeed, as expected of the host!}


{The system made a thorough scan of the host's body and found a ticket in the right-hand pocket of your pants!}

With robotic-like movements, he reached his hands into his right-hand pocket and pulled a card with golden-like ridges around the edges. 

Eyes narrowing at the familiar Saber Class back cover art, he flipped the card over and-

"That's her alright."

Looking at the saber-like face with green eyes and blond hair tied up into a complex bun, Jin was now certain that it was Umu.

"Though the art is... quite different from what I'm used to."

He noticed the differences between the one from FGO and this one. This time she held a beautiful rose with both hands. Nero was still adorned in her revealing red and white dress with long poofy sleeves, a transparent front, a leotard, and knee-high golden armored boots, so that didn't change much. And she seemed a bit older as well... but what is that look she's giving him?

It's almost lifelike as if she...

"Wait a goddamn minute!"

Upon scrutinizing in extreme detail, an almost imperceptible smirk arose on the woman's face.

"Hell nah..."

Jin swatted the golden card out of his hand, but it stubbornly stuck to him like glue!

As if enjoying the realization dawning upon the young man's face, the woman on the card suddenly smirked.

"Hey!... Hey!"

As if 'frightened to the core' Jin suddenly did the helicopter with his arms, flailing them around so hard, the wind started to pick up as he... fucking flew?!

A look of absolute horror appeared on the woman's face, and as such, without hesitation...



