
Little Red Riding Hood Retold

We've all heard this tale. A girl who found herself in a situation where she was confronted with monsters and heroes alike. This isn't that tale. Not exactly. Instead, Ealga is given a chance to prove herself in the dark against monsters. To understand her magic, her worth, and what it means to be a witch. This is a trial by fire. The matriarch of Ealga's coven waits for her grand child to step through the flames to claim her birthright.

d33KODE · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Family Secrets

The earth beneath Ealga's feet lost its grip as the she floated upward through the branches of a nearly ancient apple tree. She snatched a perfect fruit from its high perch.

"Mine!" She exclaimed gleefully. The invisible force that suspended her wavered slightly which made her yelp sharply before she steadied herself.

"Ealga!" Rayona's harsh whisper from below broke any remaining concentration Ealga had. The subtle magic that surrounded her fizzled out noiselessly. She fell to the earth barely managing to orient and slow her decent.

She landed on her feet with a thud that made her legs ache. She grunted from the impact. Rayona stood disapprovingly by the trunk of the tree with her arms crossed and disapproving stare. Her mother's eyes bore right through Ealga's very being. It made her cheeks flush having been caught so obviously. She knew she was not supposed to be using her power in broad daylight.

"Sorry mother. I just saw the apple and I had to have it. It's perfect. Don't you think?" She held up her prize sheepishly.

"Ealga. This is important." Her mother's voice left no room for childish attempts of grandstanding. "You must assume you are seen at all times. Even at night. We live in secret for a reason. You risk us all, and our livelihood. No more antics like that, or I shall make sure you will never have the chance to use magic again." The features in her mother's face were hard reinforcing the truth of those words. Ealga could only nod in understanding. Reflexively, she turned her eyes away from the awful gaze directed toward her.

Rayona waited a moment before deciding that her scolding had the desired effect. She let out a sigh once satisfied there was no argument forthcoming and redirected the conversation. "Do you have enough to bring to your grandmother?" Her voice tender once more.

Ealga looked up with a small smile. "Yes, I've filled a basket there with all the apples I could find." Rayona peered down where Ealga pointed to the over flowing basket of fruit and smirked.

"You have such a sweet tooth child. Your grandmother eats more than apples you know."

Having realized she was slightly disheveled Ealga smoothed her day dress down while she spoke. "Yes I know, but they're so good! And I like them so I don't see why she won't like them."

"She'll love them. I know that she's looking forward to seeing you." Rayona bent down and hoisted the basket over an arm and started to walk toward the small manor that rested at the base of the hill.



"Why do I have to go to her house tonight? Why don't I just go in the morning instead?" Ealga had been wondering this all day. She'd been told she was being tested, that it could be dangerous, and that she'd be trained as a full witch if she were to succeed. None of that explained what the test was or why she was just walking to her grandmothers to prove herself. It was confusing.

"Because tonight is special. And you will have the chance to do something that very few ever have the chance to achieve." Rayona paused very briefly before adding, "You're also nearly 11 years of age. Failing to face this trial now means you'll never get the opportunity again." Her words had finality in them.

"Come along. We need to make sure you're rested. We leave just after dusk." Rayona turned and started down the hill again.

Ealga's mother moved with a strange grace as though she drifted across the ground instead of actually walking. She was beautiful too. Long brown hair, green eyes, and a elegant frame that exuded maturity and something else that would sometimes draw many men's attention. Ealga very much hoped she would look as graceful and feminine someday.

It was barely passed midday and Ealga could see the green hills and trees spanning out from around the manor as they approached. The road they walked was dark brown as it snaked it's way to the small gated front entrance. It wasn't a large manor, as some could be, but it was iconic against the viridian scenery. Much like looking at an oil painting. There were sounds of insects and birds everywhere among the hills covered in wild flowers.

Despite the peacefulness of the surroundings Ealga's mind drifted to curiosity again. "Mother?" Ealga asked.

Rayona sighed revealing some exasperation, "Yes child?"

"Why do I have to do this test? I already know that I have magic."

"Ealga." Rayona turned to her daughter looking thoughtful though a little drawn. "You don't know that what you possess is dangerous. You don't know that you can put everyone you have ever loved at risk. I can tell you these things, but the meaning will be gone from your mind before morning. This test of your womanhood and power is meant to show you what you need to know so that you don't abuse magic. So that its meaning is lifelong." Rayona searched Ealga's face for confirmation that her words had been heard.

"Alright mother. I-I think I understand." Ealga felt her guts tighten slightly at the thought of traveling through the forest in the dark. Somehow her mother's answer made her consider what she was doing more carefully. If only for a moment.

"Come now. We'll talk tonight." Rayona ever so slightly picked up the pace as she walked with Ealga keeping close behind.