
Listen to your heart

A 19 year old girl who has a very low self-esteem,burns with insecurities and has been caged all her life finally gets the taste of the outside world when she goes to college. College being not how she thought it was. She experiences a lot of hardships and learns how naive she is actually and how the world deals cruelly with people like her. Losing all the people she met and turning into a complete joke was not on her list. Her depression became serious until she couldn't take it anymore.

LiebronzeoKuc7 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

The next my grandfather and I decided to go to campus so I can get accomodation. I was very nervous. It felt like the world was coming to an end but the good type of end. You know the one that makes you cry hard in joy because you can't believe all this is happening. Well my analogy has always been shaky but that's not the point. When I got there I saw many people, mostly looked like they were my age. I am a talker so of course I started conversing when my grandfather was not around. I talked with a first year student who was apparently an IT student. She told me about the lines and how it all goes. It was my turn. My grandfather wanted to come with but they said I needed to be alone. I was quite nervous. I sat down as they asked for my student number. I forgot to mention how my family thought this was all a scam so, me being very nervous was also due to that. It all happened fast so I was scared it was all fake. It was the 17th of February, a Friday. Most universities' applications were closed so there was no hope if this one was fake. They checked my proof of registration. They shocked me when they asked me if I registered for Auditing or Chemistry. I asked, "I got accepted for Auditing?" The woman who was checking my portal nodded her head. She then replied, "But I see it's for the Chemistry course that you registered." I couldn't believe that. Why did I have to find out now. Why when I've already registered for a course I know nothing about. To make things worse there's Math,Physics and Chemistry as a module. I wanted to scream but I didn't because that would cause a scene and I'm not a fan of attention in a wrong way also, it was not a scam so I was in a way happy. They pointed me to an area where the other accommodated students were sitting. I went to sit there in a very happy mood. My grandfather approached me. He whispered, God knows why, "What did they say? Did you get allocated?" I smiled and answered,"Yes at old resident. They said they will come and fetch all of us so we can see our rooms." He smiled and yelled, "See? That's it! Let me inform your grandma." As he went off to inform her I was so excited I started talking to the IT girl again. "So are you excited about varsity?" I asked her. She replied, "Yes of course. I am so happy. What about you?" I smirked, " I am too." She looked at me and asked, "Did you get here easily or did you also bump into the 'Quota full' situation?" I giggle while adding, "I too am a victim of that." She smiles at me and says, "Well we are officially soldiers. " I look at her and raise my fist. Another girl adds to the conversation, " This made us end up doing courses we don't even want to do but, as long we have an education. " both of us agree to the girl who joined the conversation. "What course do you do?" I ask the other girl. She answers, "IT, you?" The first girl says excitedly," I do IT too." They smile at each other. I remember we hadn't exchanged names. "What are your names?" The girl who I had a conversation with first responds, " Lisa is my name." I smile at her. The other also answers, "I'm Olivia but you can call me Liv." I smile ,"Well it is nice to meet you both. I am Season."

There is not much in this chapter since it is also just forming as part of the intro. Please do not mind the informality of the script. Please enjoy and feel free to drop advice in the upcoming chapters since this is based on a true story. Thank you for reading.

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