
The beginning

It's raining hard, and I let it pour on me. Next to me is a girl, her long hair getting soaked by the rain. I feel the rain. I let it wash me and wash the blood off my face and hands. It soaks my jacket and my jeans. And it hides my tears. I don't quite understand why I'm crying, but that's the beauty of it. I'm surprised by how good it feels to just cry and be here. I'm up on a muddy hill, staring out onto an old park. The playground old and rusty, paint peeling off the metal. The dirt beneath it muddy and slippery from the rain. It's dark out but I think I can make out a figure. I hope for the best. I hope it's him. Daniel.

My eyes shoot open like I have been sleeping for days. I'm in an unfamiliar room, glowing with morning light. Glancing around, I grasp for something I recognize, something familiar. I come up short. The light peach walls are bare, besides some open pink curtains and a painting of light roses in a garden. I swing my legs over the bed and stumble over to the mahogany door, my legs like jello. I grasp the wall for support while I walk, racking my brain for memories. I know myself as well as my appearance and name. I have a plain silver ring with small blue stones on my right ring finger, and I'm wearing jeans and a black scratchy t-shirt. As I wander through the house, I remember a coffee shop and a boy with dark hair. He smiles genuinely, and I lose sight of the memory. The house is small, but covered in morning light and light pastel colors. It has many windows, a large kitchen, and a big green backyard.

There seems to be four rooms, but the third room is locked. Another person flashes through my mind. A girl this time, with long blonde hair and peircing brownish red eyes. She whispers something, then leaves. As I walk through the house, my mind races. I, Sophia, am in an unfamiliar house. I am unsure my last name, and I am unsure my age. No family comes to mind. I am frightened. I walk hesitantly through a darker hallway and find myself in a large bedroom. There is nothing familiar in this room either. Walking to the bed I collapse in exasperation. Finally, I get up and halt in surprise and fright. In a mirror is a girl staring back at me. I know her face and it isn't my own. It's the girl from my dream.

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