
Linked: The Start

Ghilette Haven Fritz pondered the course of her life after graduating and relocating to the City of Bredon. After she was promoted from her previous job, everything started to fall into place for her. She had never anticipated that they would accept her. Yet an unexpected twist had come to her such as being curious from her life, she wanted to know more about her true identity or where she came from..or who is she connected to? She was given a book by an elderly man that contained the answers to all of her questions. Will she make the correct choice? selecting the appropriate route for her to take? or let the forces of nature decide her future.

Cezinne_Ubasa · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Blue eyes

"Good mornin' My lady, Here's your tea and biscuits to start your day," Clara the maid said as she arrives in her balcony.

Geirraven sat there, her head above the clouds as she was gazing at her surrounding.

Clara didn't bother to disturb her as she left quietly from her balcony after placing the tea and biscuits on her table.

Last night, It was like a dream. The princess opened up to her and encouraged her to be her friend.

But was that alright? She thought.

It was a good sign of course but out of all the noble ladies around their empire, why did the princess picked her to be her friend?

Did the duke threatened her or made a deal? or much worse than that she could ever imagine!

Geirraven finally snapped back from her reality and sighs.

What would she do?? She just gave an advice to the princess last night and she didn't expect the outcome of it.

'Did father already knew? Would he be proud of me? That i finally made friends with the royalties?' This has been in her mind lately.

A chill went down her spine upon that thought and remembered that day again.

"YOU DARED TO DEFY MY ORDERS! WHAT KIND OF A DAUGHTER ARE YOU!?"The duke raged and slapped her that sent Geirraven helplessly on the floor.

Her hands trembled while she holds her left cheek. She was terrified from her Father's harsh action and the raging voice that comes from him.

It was just like yesterday when that happened. It was her middle aged ceremony when it occured, Geirraven approached the crown prince without the Duke's permission to do so. She felt like a fool that day because she was so desperate how to made her Father proud by befriending one of the royal family.

Is she not perfect enough to take her first move or make her own decisions? The Duke always manipulated her, on how she can speak, move, and even dressed.

Geirraven just convinces herself that her father just wants a perfect daughter. But is that being 'perfect' good for her?

She felt like she's in prison, waiting for a meal to arrive Infront of her.

She just wished that she's not the daughter of the Duke..She just wished she could be a different person who can do things in her free will..


"Geirraven." The Duke called her in a whole voice while eating breakfast.

Geirraven flinched and straighten her posture.

"Yes, Father?" She answered with a hint of fear.

While the Duchess, didn't mind to bother their conversation because she was afraid to speak too.

"I heard that the Princess had taken you as her friend, is that true?" He asked, his voice softening and this alerted her.

"Y-yes..that's true."

The Duke grabbed a napkin on his side and dabbed it on the corner of his lips as he was already done eating.

"Get dressed and fix yourself, you will be meeting her today." He said and stood up from his seat.

The Duchess looked at his way with a worried look.

"Isn't it too early for her?" She questioned.

"The coming of her age is at near and we don't have much time to gain influence towards the crown prince." As the Duke left from their presence.

Geirraven can't even swallow her food properly from that tension and she's losing her appetite.

"Excuse me Mother, I'm not feeling well anymore." She said in a low tone and stood up from her seat, leaving her mother alone in the dining room.

"M'lady, you must get ready now." Clara said with encouragement to brighten the Lady's day.

The crown prince.., she thought.

Yes, that humiliation she experienced 'that day'. She felt like she is starting to fall apart. Shouldn't she be excited meeting the princess? All of the nobles around the empire wished to have a close relationship towards the royal family, except for her that feels like a nightmare.

"What's wrong, M'lady?" Clara asked in concern.

Geirraven took a deep sigh to reduce her burden and she gave a fake smile.

"There's nothing wrong, please do fix me as you always do." She said in a bright tone which made her excited about the sudden change of Geirraven's mood.

"As you wish! I'll make you a beautiful goddess to stand out from the crowd!" Clara beamed and started to fix her which made Geirraven smile in real.

Clara Citadel, The only maid whose brave enough to take care the duke's daughter. She doesn't even know why the other maids find it hard to take care of Geirraven, was it because of that rumored 'curse'?

But Clara didn't believed all of that, she just wants to give her love and care for the Duke's daughter and showed her how much she matters to the whole world. Clara became her tower to lean on whenever she felt heavy from her emotions thus she was the only one who ever made her feel better than the rest of them.

"You're all done, M'lady. You're ready to go to meet the princess." Clara encouraged with a smile. Geirraven never felt been better from her encouraging words.

She looked Infront of the mirror and her blue eyes were standing out from her features. Having this eyes were proof that she came from the duke's bloodline but she was never proud having these jeweled like eyes.


"Oh Geirraven! I'm glad you came! I've been sending letters to your father if I could ask your presence." Genevieve said in her brightest tone when she meets her inside the palace's green house.

Great, even the letters too can't be directed to her.

She first curtsies Infront of the princess and greeted her back in a polite manner.

"It's so nice to meet you again, princess."

Genevieve giggled softly.

"Come, I prepared some tea while we're here and talk about ourselves." She grinned and then she grabbed Geirraven's hand and drags her towards the table.

A glass table full of sweets and cakes and a exquisite chair awaited them. As they finally took their seats across from each other, while the maids started pouring tea for them.

"So Geirraven, I heard you loved books, is that right?" The princess started after the maids poured tea on their cups and left from their presence.

"Oh yes, I really loved books. They're my cure to my boredoms." Geirraven answered in a courteous manner.

The princess eyes brighten, adding the color of her eyes that shimmered so much.

"Then do you know the tale of Epiphany? Oh how I love that book!" She said in a exciting tone which made Geirraven started to get interest.

"Yes princess, I have read that so many times that I already memorized the whole book." Geirraven smiled.

Genevieve giggled shile clapping her hand in a joyous manner.

"Oh we have so much to talk about! I'm glad I met you!" She said which made Geirraven felt that the missing part from her has became whole.

"Me too.."


Months had passed, The relationship between the princess and the Duke's daughter grew stronger. Unseparable, they said. Rumours spread through the empire about their bond and it became a hot topic for the nobles.

Upon hearing this kind of news, The Duke knew his plan was going well for her daughter.

Geirraven was silently reading a book in her room when all of a sudden, A knock interrupted her. She guessed it was Clara bringing her tea, so she stood up from her usual reading spot and walked towards the door as she opened it.

Appeared, Two fine gaurds were infront of her. Geirraven's eyes widen in surprise. This was the gaurds of her father.

In a matter of seconds, she gained her composure calmly and asked them what do they need from her.

"The duke askes your presence and we are here to escort you to the Aristella." One of the guards reported in a whole voice but with a hint of respect.

'Aristella, Geirraven thought. She started to feel overwhelmed from what she heard, so she had no choice but to follow.

"Please lead the way."

Aristella, The main mansion of the Duke Terrowin inside the dukedom and he is the only one who have access.

At first it was confusing for her that her mother and her father had separate mansions to lived in but in a contrary she understood their relationship and situation as well. It was like she's not living with her family anymore, 'Strangers' was the word that describes their family status but they were the only ones who knew that.

The whole Dukedom and Empire knew that Geirraven lived a rich and perfect life with her most influential parents across the land.

Finally, she rode a carriage with the escorts upfront navigating the way to their destination.

'Was this right? This kind of relationship? Between my parents and I? It felt so…different.' Geirraven thought while she gazed outside from the carriage window.

Well she can get anything she could ask for.

Money, Dresses, food, and jewelries but the thing she can't get was love..their attention, care, and even empathy.

She thought it was her fault that she didn't receive this kind of treatments but she can't come up of any reason behind it.

After an hour later, They arrived Infront of a magnificent mansion that awed her upon seeing it for the first time. It was only today she got to her father's exclusive place but setting foot here was a good idea?

She clenches at her skirt and took a deep breath.

'I must follow…I don't have any choice.' Geirraven encouraged herself as she stepped out from the carriage while one of the escorts opened the door for her.

She stood there nervously while gazing up towards the majestic mansion. As her eyes shimmered upon seeing the carved symbol of their family crest at the top.

One edged sword and two arrows across the center of the sword, adjoining together while vines of the thorned rose entwined around.

The symbol of the Beauchamps. The Empire's shield and the source of their food that sustains the daily needs of the Empire.

By hearing and seeing them was a threat among other aristocrats from different places.

But for her, She felt like a prisoner and an outcast. She don't lived the life of a duke's only daughter instead she was just a puppet and a tool. But it was fine, as long as she holds their family's name and the

shimmering eyes from the bloodline of their ancestors, she has nothing to worry about as long she can survive behind her Father's shadow.