

boy meets earthlings

Natsuz_nimas_3228 · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Dive Three

For someone who's on a foreign land its normal for me to worry since time flows different than home which means I've been missing for like three days. But sadly I can't spend any minute worried about it I just have to work hard and train hard here at kittnev . I trained a lot both physically and mentally , turns out mile's a tough trainer cause I hardly slept , we only rest when necessary cause the high jumps the kicking , the punching were so intense that I lost track of time.

Each and everyday we fought low level monsters as part of my training , and since I wasn't that good with magic yet miles never used his either just to be fair. Also being in kittnev helped me learn about new things about earth that I didn't know like the existence of a weird organization that produce and naturing monsters when I say monsters they were big enough to destroy a city but the two masters of kittnev always handle them properly by taking them to kittnev and kill them if necessary. But survival instincts makes some of them escape their prison and that's where miles and I come in through training. Kittnev itself looks like a secret organization fighting threats without getting humans involved how cool .

Its been seven days since I came to kittnev making it 21days back at home, almost a month. I bet everyone thinks am dead or something while am here working my ass off and learning magic although I haven't used it yet. Am sure mile's hoping I'd do well considering he been staring at me awkwardly

"I know what your doing miles! but am so tired!"

I exclaimed and threw myself on the grass

"Well for now you should rest..that was a good punch there" he teased

"aye aye ..I'll take that as a compliment!" I said

"by the way Kim...is this really your first time at kittnev?" he asked suspicious

"Was that your idea of a joke? Cause I hell would know if I had been here before"

I said sarcastically cause his question didn't make sense at all

"No no no..that came out wrong, you see our grasses change color when a familiar soul sleeps on them.." he explained

"Well I've been here long enough..maybe they got used to me being around em.." I made a point

"Well its a kid's soul they sense though." he added

"Really? maybe am young at heart"

I added sarcastically cause clearly he doesn't make sense at all. I mean if I had been here before I wouldn't be struggling to get out right?

"Well that makes sense!"

He agreed as if its a normal thing. I give up , I can't even get through him! He's too much of a carefree. I decided to close my eyes and imagine the sky back at home full of stars at night, how peaceful.

"You should be going back soon ...I just don't know why Nevis is being stubborn about this!"

A voice that's definitely not Miles exclaimed so I opened my eyes and saw long brownish haired guy , definitely not Miles

"Who are you?!"

I jumped up ready for combat

"What a beautiful form u got there, but you don't need that though." he said and smiled

I can totally see Miles in him but he ain't miles so I couldn't let my guard down.

"Relax Kim, that's sir Kitts" miles whispered behind me

"Sir what now?" I whispered back

In a way I was expecting to see an old dude in his twenties or seventy but this sire looked so young , like a twenty something! In a way it was disappointing , cause how can he be the master!

"Nice to meet you too Kim"

he said noting my disappointed face

"Its Kimberly, so you're the master? How old are you?" I asked casually

"5,3,1..5,3,2..I think it should be five hundred thirty three..?" he replied uncertain

"Huh...why am I not surprised..your personality is as worse as mile's"! I replied uninterested

"Well...he looks like that but he's pretty old!"

miles said proudly, I mean is aging a thing here?

"Enough about that corner...why didn't you ever allow Kim to use her powers?" kitts asked

But how's miles corner? Allow me to use my powers? I thought that's the masters job

"Huh...I thought you'd ask that!" miles replied " its gonna be a little bit weird but bare with me Kim" he added and hugged me

"Who ah I don't hate this but I must ask...what are you doing Miles?" I asked miles

"Exactly, what are you doing corner...shouldn't you be taking her clothes off" sir Kitts suggested seriously! I don't know if he's a carefree or a pervert. In all the hugging Commotion miles caressing my back which is weird.

"Sir Kitts stop saying embarrassing things your distracting me" miles declined Kitts suggestion

"I hate to be the third wheel but what are you doing to my body Miles! " I asked running out of patience

"Just keep being still, you want to use magic right?" Miles replied seriously

I mean am so offended that he can just touch me so casual and not feel embarrassed. But at this rate which girl who has a boyfriend would stay still when a guy is raising their too and holding my bare waist?!

"It won't take long" miles whispered

"cool...I want out so ..I'll trust you"

yes this is for Taylor and him. Of course I need my power awakened to go back. So I agreed to cooperate.

**By the power granted I command you to show your true self!**

Miles enchanted again and slides his palm off my waist slowly pulled back my m top down which was gentle so I also decided to be cool about it and not be shy since either way he didn't feel nothing so I can't be the human girl either! cause we're in war(to go back to earth).

"That was cute! you can go home now Kim...I mean you got the power to open a portal"

Kitts explained to me as if he could read my mind

"THE GATE PASS!" I exclaimed excited

"Yep! the gate pass" Kitts replied back

"Miles! did you hear that! I can go back home! To Taylor!...and others" I said super hyped and hugged him!

"Yeah you can finally go back" miles smiled and hugged me back. This time it wasn't from the back .

"By the way miles..if you had the power to give me my get pass...why didn't you?"

that thought crossed my mind so I asked miles while tightly holding him trying not to break his ribs

"Oh that would be me!"

Kitts replied innocently. So I turned and glared at him with the 'explain yourself' look

"Well if I allowed him then he'd been lonely , fighting monsters by himself that would be sad! So I wanted to relieve my cute corner"

He's cuddling with Miles! he keeps calling him corner! And he's been getting on my nerves since he arrived ,

"Everyone run!"

before I even attacked Kitts with another look someone shouted and grabbed my hand and I ran along, this is what you call adrenaline rush! Cause I had been tired from training and normally I wouldn't have any strength left to run. So while hiding is when I calmed down and of course a handsome stranger was holding my hand

" Huh! and who are you ?" I asked him tired of more handsome man appearing from nowhere

"Oh you might be the new mage, Am Nevis nice to meet you"

he replied and cracked a little smile and set my hand free. Well here's one who's not a 'Miles' cause he doesn't look that much of a carefree like those two (Miles and Kitts)

"Oh hi there sir Nevis"Miles whispered behind us

"My little cute corner! Papa missed you! Come here you!"

Nevis said to Miles and jumped him! And here I was thinking he's different. What a turnoff.

And why's Nevis a 'papa' to Miles? I'll ask that later but for now we got bigger problems

"I hate to be the third wheel again...but we got larger issue right now.."

I said pointing at the monster who seemed to be sniffing out for human life existence

" That's our pet Hugo!" Kitts exclaimed causally

"A pet? then why are we hiding?"

I asked dumbfounded and amused by their level of stupidity

"Because of that"

Three of them replied in uniform and jumped to attack what 'that' was.

"That couldn't have gone any better"

I stood up and cleaned myself from the leaves

"Kim! time to shine newbie!" Nevis said

"Newbie? as in me?"

of course its me I just wasn't ready for combats right now but my waist had other ideas, since it was glowing! I guess this is what Miles did that time, is this the popular 'awakening' !

"Finish this monsters am kinda hungry "

Kitts added whining like a bored spoilt puppy, sorry master Kitts

"how do I do that! Am glowing!"

I asked clueless of what they want me to do miles chuckled

"I'll you give you a hand." and he added

Since he meant it , he started by reaching out and held my hand , got close to the almost dead monster and directed my two fingers after my thumb of right hand got behind me and did his thing. But seriously he's got to stop this emotional attacks on me.

"So what do I gotta do?"

I asked trying to keep my head in the game

"Place this two fingers on your lips"

he said, he could just say I should kiss my fingers

"okay..like this?" I asked kissing my fingers

"Good..now hold your breath ..breath out ,and put the hind of your left palm on your waist like. this.." he directed me to touching a mark on my waist

"Okay..what's next" I asked excited

"Next..just say the following as you point the two fingers you kissed on that monster"

He said as he directed my fingers on that monster

"So do I do that 'by the power thingy'?"

I asked recalling what he's been doing so far

"Yeah..command it to do whatever you want"

he advised me and let me go. Its all up to me now, but will whatever I say really work? Time to do this, I took my breath in then out and enchanted

**by the power granted to me by sir Kitts and sir Nevis I command you to burn to nothing**

and suddenly a certain circle formed in front of my fingers and created a portal like hole which fired out sharp yellow strikes and lightning bullets like objects to the monster and like I commanded he was burnt to nothing! That was gratifying I mean I just blurted out whatever that came to mind.

"Wow! he really got fired!" Kitts teased

"thanks..I guess"

and I decided to take it as a compliment, since am so darn happy I won't let his jokes get to me

"Well, for a newbie.. you did well"

Nevis complimented , but was that pause all about!

"Sooo wanna try opening the gate now?"

Miles asked more excited than I am, one would think his the one dating Taylor

"Should I?" I replied excited

"Well you could...after three days though"

said the guy who's not been picking a fight with me since we met today master Nevis but looks like he's picking one right now

"Cool ... only three days! and you'd better not add more! Cause I rally must go back!"

I commanded! I mean it'll be a month then , might as well finish it.

"That Was easy!" Kitts said

" Here I was thinking she'd put up a fight for the Taylor' guy.." Nevis added

I mean how do they even know that! Well its their kingdom I bet they got eyes and ears everywhere here in kittnev

"What's the point! Your still gonna make me stay either way!"

I replied making peace with the deal

"Good then, we gotta go now.."Kitts added

"You two live together?" I asked

" Of course we do"Kitts replied

"Just out of curiosity I gotta ask this...who's older between the two of you? I've been so curious about it.."

I finally let my curiosity get the better of me cause Nevis might look older but he ain't that far from Kitts so I just had to ask.

"Am older!"

Kitts replied with his stupid smirk on his face

"Sir Kitts twenty years older than Sir Nevis.."

Miles added , holding back his laugh, am sure he wants to laugh at me for being confused cause they all look twenty+ old to me

"So if its five hundred plus..what does that make you? cause am sure human stopped growing that old centuries ago" I asked shamelessly

"Well that's a story for another day, for now just know am Miles dad and Kitts is my dad making him Miles grandfather."

Nevis said handsomely, as I thought these ain't normal people! I lost the energy to be surprised

"Sure.." I said uncertain

The two masters of kittnev disappeared to only they know where and it was back to me and miles again.

"three days huh! lucky for me am used to the time flow that it actually feels like three days and not six like it'd be on earth."

I exclaimed restless

"Well let's to everything you wanna do before you get back to Taylor!"

miles suggested smiling handsomely. Maybe its cause he ain't human but his smile is worth a life.

I almost feel sad that I won't be seeing this cute smile again in three days.
