

Rare genius who manipulates mana with imagination. Creating limitless magic at will, incantation-less. Grew up with only his father away from the city. One day he starts using magic just by imagining. His father realised his potential and decided for him to have proper learning. His life story grows from the academy. Not all looks sweet and nice, hardship always comes. There will be a broken heart, grieving to be expected. Still there is always a dim light in all darkness. ========= Characters name and places based on Turkish, Roman and Greek Mythology. Storyline is fiction and historical names are just a reference. Cover credit to Oreiio. Thanks for your support and please enjoy the novel.

EichAr · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 5 - The Combat Class

Rain is pouring heavily. All new recruits are in the class. Everyone starts to chat with the person beside them. Kaan looked dumbfounded but always had the most bright smile on his face. He remembered the day before, the examination instructor did a second magnitude test on Kaan in the presence of Dean Ecrin. "This crystal ball is able to withstand up to level 6 mana. Focus your mana to it", as the examination instructor placed the crystal ball in front of Kaan. The crystal ball starts to shake and five colourless mana circles appear spinning crosswise with each other in synchronisation.

"Brilliant!", shouted Dean Ecrin. "You are officially a Level 5 Battle Mage, Kaan. Your strength is almost to the instructor level here", Dean Ecrin sounded exhilarated. As Kaan deep in his thoughts, he is still able to notice footsteps coming closer to their class.

An instructor coming into the class. In the black and yellow robe, an astonishing lady with long silver hair reached down to her waist standing in front of the class. "My name is Rabia Samara. I am your class homeroom instructor", As Rabia introduces herself.

All recruits listen to her with absolute silence. "I believe everyone has taken their class examination. Every year we evaluate new recruits and have a lineup of high scorer candidates which we call Ranker. Here with me are the results of this year's new Ranker", as Rabia holds a piece of paper in her hand.

"Before I announce the new Ranker list, here is the four main responsibilities of the academy's Ranker;

First, a ranker is responsible for their classmates' safety.

Second, a ranker takes priority to assist their classmates in the absence of the instructor.

Third, a ranker is strictly not to abuse their power against other recruits.

Lastly, the First Ranker is to lead other Rankers in every given task to keep everything in order", explained Rabia to all recruits.

"And here is the list of this year's Ranker", Rabia chants the paper in her hands and the paper shines brightly floating in the air. The paper then emits classical writings in the air which reveals the ranker's name.






"As everyone can see, Kaan Is our First Ranker for this year's recruits. Let's give him an applause and let's all work together", as Rabia announced Kaan as the First Ranker.

"One more thing. All recruit Magic Level will be deemed confidential until graduation day", as Rabia congratulates her class recruits.

All recruits congratulated each ranker and everyone in the academy started to know about Kaan as the First Ranker. During recess, Kaan met Gray at the cafeteria and told Gray of his appointment as the First Ranker. Gray was so happy for Kaan he even bought everyone in the cafeteria a drink to celebrate Kaan's appointment as the First Ranker.

As days go by, Kaan learns so much at the academy. It's only the method of executing mana to take form as magic is different for Kaan. All other recruits execute their mana to magic by reading out incantation. However Kaan on the other hand, just by understanding the process and the result, gave him the picture of what kind of magic he could think of. And because of that, Kaan is not restricted by any incantation which will limit his use of magic.

One of those days, Kaan's class is having a combat lesson. Here they gain experience by having a mock fight among recruits which include the Rankers. Combat class is designed as a mini stadium. By the time the recruits enter the combat class, they are welcomed by the combat instructor himself, Instructor Emir.

Kaan smiles the brightest when he enters his father's class. Emir had the recruits seated and began his lecture. "Combat class created for the recruits to gain real combat experience. There is time recruits will be given a task to raid a dungeon. Or even recruits get a task to defend a small village from a monster's swarm", said Emir at his lecture.

"So here we have physical training for you to master your movement, to make quick decisions on what magic you should use, how long you take to chant your incantation. Anybody want to give it a try?"asked Emir to the recruits.

"I would like to challenge First Ranker, Kaan", Balto speaks up to take the challenge. "For me to acknowledge Kaan as my leader, I need to test out his ability myself", added Balto.

"Now that's the spirit", said Emir. "Any objection Kaan?", asked Emir. "I would love to have this match, Instructor Emir", Kaan replied with a smile.

"Now take your position. The others take your seat around the ring and pay attention to the match", Emir reminded the recruits on combat learning. "Whenever you are ready", instruct Emir to Balto and Kaan.

Balto immediately spread his leg and squatted a little. He crosses his hands and starts his incantation. "I prayed to you earth god Tlaltecuhtli. Hold my fort. Defend my honor, terra clipeum", Balto read out his chant. A dirt wall emerges from the floor and becomes a shield.

Then Balto ran to the side of the shield with his hand aimed at Kaan, "terra mittent", Balto chanted his attack and a brown pentagram appeared in front of his palm and shot out spear shaped rocks at Kaan.

Kaan stood smiling at Balto who made the first move. By a flow of his hand, Kaan sends out a space shield to block Balto's attack.

Balto ran towards Kaan while chanting, "terra manibus". Immediately Balto's fist covered by thick hardened soil. Balto came so close to Kaan and swung his right fist to Kaan's rib. Just right before Balto's fist hits Kaan's rib, in slow motion view, Kaan makes a side somersault on top of Balto and slowly lands swiftly next to him.

Shocked by Kaan's reflexes, Balto jumps back to make a gap between him and Kaan. This time Balto rushed again towards Kaan. As Balto got near to Kaan, he chanted "terra mittent". The brown pentagram appears behind Kaan and shoots out spear shaped rocks and at the same time Balto strikes Kaan with his left fist from below.

BOOM!! The impact of Balto's attack makes a very loud noise with a smoke screen surrounding Balto and Kaan.

As the smoke faded out, everyone saw Kaan manage to stop both of Balto's attacks. With his right hand, Kaan emitted a transparent shield blocking the spear rocks and his left hand, a white palm sized pentagram blocking Balto's fist.

Other recruits looking at this scene cheered uproariously as the excitement from Balto and Kaan match was so intense.

With a smile Kaan looked at Balto, he struck Balto in the face with his right knee. Balto was sent flying out of the ring. Balto fainted immediately which made him lose as a knockout. Kaan blink next to Balto and instantaneously heal him. In Kaan's mind, he imagines all Balto' injuries healed, the bruise faded and Balto came back conscious.

At once Balto kneels in front of Kaan and admits his defeat. Balto pledges loyalty to Kaan and acknowledges Kaan as his leader. With a smile Kaan hands out his hand and says, "Let's be friends. I want you to be my friend".

"That's enough for today's class. Let us congratulate the winner of this match and move to our next topic, fast casting", said Emir to the recruits.

And so they continue their class on fast casting which is very helpful during combat. As for Kaan, it is a good opportunity for him to experience real battle in order for him to come out with various skills with his incantanless magic.

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