

Rare genius who manipulates mana with imagination. Creating limitless magic at will, incantation-less. Grew up with only his father away from the city. One day he starts using magic just by imagining. His father realised his potential and decided for him to have proper learning. His life story grows from the academy. Not all looks sweet and nice, hardship always comes. There will be a broken heart, grieving to be expected. Still there is always a dim light in all darkness. ========= Characters name and places based on Turkish, Roman and Greek Mythology. Storyline is fiction and historical names are just a reference. Cover credit to Oreiio. Thanks for your support and please enjoy the novel.

EichAr · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 4 - The Class Examination

It's a brand new day. A new world is waiting for Kaan today, his very first formal class. Kaan is thrilled for his very first day of class. With a joy on his face Kaan greeted his father while walking towards the door, "I'll be heading to the academy first. See you later father". "Have a safe trip and make lots of friends", replied Emir to his son.

Joyfully Kaan walked to the academy. As soon as he's at the academy entrance he could hear Gray's voice calling for him. "Good morning Kaan. Did you sleep well last night?", asked Gray. "I barely sleep because I'm too excited to come to the academy today", replied Kaan.

"Let's go. I will guide you to your class examination", Gray said to Kaan. With a smile never leaves his face, Kaan nodded his head and followed as Gray guided him to the class examination.

"Here we are. Come and look for me at the cafeteria during break okay", as Gray leaves for his class. They both agreed to meet at the cafeteria later during break. Here Kaan in front of the class examination. Kaan then joined by the other three new recruits and with the exam instructor a short while later.

"Here's what we're gonna do now. Use your magic and shoot the target prepared in front of you", as the exam instructor started her speech. Kaan looked at the ten meter away target prepared for them. One for each.

"How are they gonna blow the target?", said Kaan to himself. "I never seen anybody using magic except father", Kaan whispered to himself.

The first recruit steps forward and starts chanting, "In the rage of Ifrit, I command your power as mine, augue". From the palm of his hand, a red pentagram glowed and spit out a palm sized fireball that flew and hit the target leaving a burnt mark on it.

Hearing the chant, Kaan turned pale. "He sounded so cool with the incantation", whispered Kaan to himself with a sparkle in his eyes.

Then the second recruit steps forward. "Guardian of the sea Leviathan, lend me your power, aqua adipiscing", a smooth blue pentagram glowing then flew a handful of water splash soaking the target. The recruit grinned with satisfaction while moving a few steps back.

Again Kaan turned pale and amazed with all the amazing incantation made by the first two recruits. The third recruit can't wait any more and steps forward. "It's my turn now", said the third recruit. "Oo sprite the wind fairy, dance for me and blast my enemy, ventum dromonem". A gust of wind appeared on a green glowing pentagram and hit the target in front of the third recruit and barely made a scratch on the target. "See if you can beat that", mock the third recruit with his arrogant face.

Kaan really can't handle all this amazing incantation by the recruits and starts wondering why his father never taught him any incantation before. Kaan started to panicking and sweating.

"Next will be Kaan, please take your spot", as the exam instructor pointed Kaan his spot. With a smile even Kaan is panicking, he still stands on his spot, getting ready to hit the target. Kaan started to calm down. Feeling pressured with how cool the recruits before him, Kaan took a big breath in.

"I can do this", whispered Kaan to himself. Kaan raised his hand to the target. In his mind, Kaan imagines the target being blown to pieces. Kaan then felt the tingling sensation from his body to his arm then to his palm. A white glowing pentagram appears then, BOOM!!!

All the targets set in front of them get blown away by Kaan. The recruits were surprised by Kaan's attack. "There's no chant!", said one of the recruits. "I never seen an attack using spatial magic this great before", said the exam instructor in awe.

"Am I in trouble?", asked Kaan with a smile while scratching behind his head. "You are certainly not", the exam instructor answered. "Everyone take a break and we will meet after your break at the field", added the exam instructor.

Kaan then looks out for Gray at the cafeteria. From afar he can see Gray waving his hands. "Go get your food, I'll reserve a spot for you", said Gray while pointing at the food collection area.

Few moments later, with the food on his tray, Kaan comes back to where Gray is seated. "How's the examination earlier?"asked Gray, starting the conversation while they ate. "I accidentally blew up all the target practice", Kaan replied with a smirk.

"Sounded like you're not a level one mage to me", said Gray. Kaan only replies to Gray's question with a smile. "I still have a lot to learn and I need to go to the field for the next examination after this meal", said Kaan while munching his food. "Very well then. Let me know your result at the end of the day", said Gray to Kaan.

Once both of them finished their meal, Kaan went straight to the field for the next examination. Kaan is the first to arrive at the academy field. The other three recruits come together with the exam instructor.

"I need all of you to get to the end of the field. Since this is a mage academy, you may use magic as you please", said the exam instructor.

The recruit with fire element enchants his fire unto his feet to make him fly, "Blazing fire of Ifrit, burn with velocity and make me fly, igneus".

Meanwhile, a recruit with a water element enchants her water to envelope her feet to make her slide on the field, "Guardian of the sea, Leviathan. Grant me divine protection, lapsus".

At the same time the recruit with the wind element enchants his whole body to float and fly across the field, "Dear sprite of the wind, embrace me in the air, volare".

The field is as wide as the eye can see and Kaan can see the other end of the field. As Kaan thinks the end of the field is his new standing point, in a blink Kaan teleports there in an instant leaving the other three recruits behind.

"Very impressive move. You need to be at least Level three Battle Mage to use teleportation", praised the exam instructor to Kaan. Few minutes later, the wind element recruit arrived at the end point. Fire element recruit arrived slightly later than the wind element recruit. Followed by the water element recruit a moment later.

All three of them were surprised to see Kaan had arrived way earlier than them. Once everyone arrived at the checkpoint, the examination instructor led all four of them to a room for their magnitude test.

"I need each of you to place your hand on the crystal ball in front of you and focus all your mana to it", the examination instructor shows them the crystal ball. "This is to determine your magic magnitude level", the examination instructor added.

They all placed their hand on the crystal ball and focused all their mana to it. The fire element recruit turns red with two mana circle stack on each other. Both wind and water element recruit turn green and the other turns blue with a single mana circle each.

Kaan crystal ball on the other hand didn't change its colour, instead the crystal ball exploded. "This crystal ball is designed to withstand up to level three mana circle. This means that this kid has above level three mana circles", the examination instructor whispered to herself with her eyes open wide.

"The results will be announced in your class later. Kaan, stay here and the others, you may dismiss", as the examination instructor ended the class examination.

Thank you for reading. I hope this book bring joy to your day.

EichArcreators' thoughts