
Limitless And Infinity Naruto

Naruto has been in a state of chakra imbalance since the Nine Tails was sealed within him. After Orochimaru sealed the Nine Tails away his body and soul realigned allowing him to awaken his bloodline: The Six Eyes

AARYAN_PATHAK · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Unveiling New Heights

The disrespect was ignored, in favor of the surprise that Naruto, of all people, understood the situation. Even though he wasn't paying much attention, he caught on quickly. With a muddled nod of approval, Naruto left it to the others.

He turned to Jin, who looked sickly, and then made his way to his platform alongside Urea. The man introduced himself as Hate. "If you would all look to the monitor," he said with a small cough. Names began flashing, and after a while, it was Sasuke's and someone named Yuri.

Naruto studied his teammate's opponent and noticed a peculiar quality to the chakra around Yuri's hands. "Sasuke, watch out for his hands," Naruto warned quietly. Sasuke barely heard him and before he could ask why, Kakashi, who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, leaned down with his head next to Naruto's.

"Why is that?" he whispered. Naruto jumped back in shock. He hadn't even realized when Kakashi had arrived. "Whoa, how did you do that, Kakashi-sensei?" he asked in bewilderment.

"It's got something interesting going on with his hands," Kakashi whispered back. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura gazed at Yuri with newfound intensity. Kakashi hummed in interest. So, his eyes did have some sort of ocular jutsu that allowed him to see chakra.

"Well, you heard him, Sasuke. Let's get up to the second level," Kakashi said with a sly smile, leading the way towards the stairs. Moments later, it was just Sasuke and the enigmatic jounin left, and their fight began.

Sasuke made quick work of Yuri, thanks to Naruto's warning and his enhanced Sharingan. Naruto cheered loudly and obnoxiously. "Woo! You did it! You beat that guy!" he shouted, earning glares from some of the others in the room. Kakashi, on the other hand, clapped with an approving smile.

The matches continued, and Naruto made a genuine nuisance of himself. He called out everyone's weaknesses as a joke while they fought, offering both helpful and unhelpful suggestions. His commentary was a mix of playful teasing and genuine insights. Only Shikamaru and his team, along with Kakashi, seemed to be enjoying Naruto's running commentary.

Here, Naruto's observations gave them invaluable insight into the opponents' abilities. They marveled at Naruto's newfound ability to discern intricate details of a fight.

Naruto Uzumaki vs. Kiba Inuzuka was the next match. "Oh hey, I get Kiba!" Naruto exclaimed with a cheer. "Come on, Akamaru, we've got an easy one!" Kiba cheered, petting his faithful companion.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Naruto jumped down into the arena and turned to Kiba. "He's scared," he called out happily.

Kiba glared at the blonde. "He probably doesn't want to waste his time with a dead last. No worries, I got this myself," Kiba declared arrogantly, failing to notice that Akamaru was shaking and looking away from Naruto.

It was unfortunate that his enhanced senses were primarily in his nose, as he didn't quite notice how much Naruto had changed, especially in regards to his eyes. To Kiba, Naruto's transformation seemed like a mere ploy for attention.

The match began, and Kiba's punches came at Naruto with incredible speed. However, Naruto's enhanced perception made it seem like time was slowing down. He could see every muscle twitch and movement in minute detail. It was as if he had hours to respond.

To everyone's shock, Naruto disappeared and reappeared behind Kiba, looking in the direction of his punch. "Who was that aimed at?" he taunted lightly. "I'd advise you start moving a bit quicker, or you'll never hit me," he added with a chuckle.

Kiba shouted in anger, releasing a barrage of attacks. Each time, Naruto would vanish, only to reappear behind Kiba with a laugh. Not once did Naruto go on the offensive.

In the stands, everyone was in disbelief at the blonde's newfound abilities. He had transformed from one of the weaker members of their generation into a formidable force. The genin were in awe of Naruto's extraordinary speed and precision.

Kakashi observed with his Sharingan active, trying to decipher Naruto's newfound techniques. "He's supplementing his body with chakra. I don't think a single drop is being wasted," he noted, masking his astonishment.

Rock Lee versus a Sand ninja was the next match. The fight was a spectacle of hand-to-hand combat, with Lee defending against the relentless onslaught of sand. Naruto, now processing information at an astonishing rate, dissected every move.

Lee's style revolved around rapid and powerful strikes. Naruto watched with keen interest, mentally noting the intricacies of Lee's technique. His movements were lightning-fast, precise, and carried immense force.

The fight continued, and Gara's control over the sand became more refined. Naruto observed the diverse chakras mingling within the grains. "What's he doing? His bandages are moving," Naruto wondered aloud.

Kakashi and Guy exchanged low murmurs of conversation, focused on Naruto's observations. The genin around them leaned in, eager for insight. Naruto continued to watch with growing fascination.

Lee managed to land a series of powerful blows on Gara, showcasing his remarkable strength. The room reverberated with each impact, leaving the onlookers in awe. However, Gara's bandages facilitated a surprise escape.

Naruto seized the opportunity for some mischievous commentary. "That was a pretty good substitution by Sand boy," he remarked with a devilish grin. The ninja around him turned in shock, while Team Guy looked on in horror.