
Lily Green

She is just a normal human living a normal life, suddenly she got to know that not only she have powers but she is from a different planet too .All of her life she was living till now was a lie. How did it happened and who is behind it? what about the memory she had lose about her past ,who was she in the past?and will she be able to stop the evil era of the other kingdoms ....Read the story and get to know about Lily's story and Adventure...

lalalahouse · Fantasie
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44 Chs


As I read the "The Letter From King Aslore" I didn't even think twice and open it

"To lily Green,

As I've known that you are alive so let me tell you ,your best friend Nyloon ,whome you call Nylu is with me-" as I saw the word Nylu , in my my mind suddenly everything got blank and I saw a kid with blue eyes and blonde hair ,he is playing with me, "Lili lets learn the new curse!" he is saying to me but I can't say anything and I can't even move ,who is he ? I suddenly said to him "sure Nylu! I I'm coming!" wh-what? so he is Nyloon!? wait!! is this my memory!? and suddenly everything got black in front of my eyes , I think i fainted.

As I wake up ,my head was aching very much and I was laying on my bed and Salum was in front of me , reading the letter. "I thought so that why didn't he send any warning till now? well we should hurry up and get out of this place. Aslore had known about our whereabouts" Salum said. I replied" where will we go then? and I wanted to tell you tha-" "we'll chit chat later ,he can come here anytime " Salum interrupted. he got up and stretch his right arm ,and make a magical big circle with his magic, probably. "get up and lets get outta here, let's go to our real home"

I got up and enter in the circle with Salum. Every thing was dark until someone burn a candle and I saw a face of a woman in front of me. when she saw me her eyes fully covered with waters and she ran towards me and hugged me. I found this hug comfortable I don't know why..