
I'm Smart

The other fights went on as normal. Did I pay attention, no? After that, the day ended and I went home. The car ride was pretty nice, arriving home I made myself food and went to my room. Mother and father already said they will be at work until tomorrow. The maids mostly cleaned since my mother and I like to cook put own food. Father can't cook, at all. Almost burned the toast and he use a fucking toaster. How he did it, it's still a mystery to even me.

I got to my room and ate food while watching movies. While doing this I was on my laptop designing a lad, I was going to build it in my dimension. It will have normal lab stuff and I was planning on adding an alchemy station and even a forge and maybe a rune station. I had no books on runes so I decided not to buy the skill.

Enchantments are similar to runes but both have their advantages and disadvantages. Then I looked at my status and said "Evolve Art and Science."

[Science (Master) can become...]

[Magic Science (Master). Credit: 60]

[Science (Grandmaster). Credit: 40]

[Magic Science: Magic is integrated into science or science is integrated into magic]

[Art (Intermediate) can become...]

[Art (Advance). Credit: 15]

"Magic Science and upgrade art."

[Skills evolved]


[Name: Collen Alastor]

[Titles: Student of UA]

[Age: 14]

[Soul Bound: Austin]

[Race: Primordial Demonic Devil 90%]

[Lv: 95 | Progress 72%]


[Stat Points: 286]

[Gacha: 138]

[Credit: 268]


[Strength: 783]

[Agility: 787]

[Intelligence: 785]

[Stamina: 790]

[Vitality: 775]


[Energies: Mana]


[Skills: Probability (Master) Lv3, Blood Manipulation (Master) Lv9, Fire Manipulation (Master) Lv4, Thread Manipulation (Advance) Lv4, Space Manipulation (Advance) Lv4, Ice Manipulation (Intermediate) Lv7, Susanoo (Intermediate) Lv2, Earth Manipulation (Basic) Lv8, Gravity Manipulation (Basic) Lv3]


[Passive Skills: Cold Nullification Lv7, Art (Advance) Lv1, Cooking (Master) Lv9, Cleaning LvMax, High Regeneration Lv4, Magic Science (Master) Lv1, Coding (Master) Lv6, Sword Mastery (Master) Lv2, Bow Mastery (Advance) Lv2, Mechanics (Advance) Lv8, Perfect Memory LvMax]


[Magic: Fire Magic (Intermediate) Lv8, Blood Magic (Advance) Lv9, Space Magic (Advance) Lv5, Ice Magic (Intermediate) Lv7, Earth Magic (Basic) Lv4, Anti-Magic (Intermediate) Lv3]


[Master all your stats need to be 900 to use a combat bases skill at Grandmaster or overuse can course damage]

Ah, okay. Good to know, then I continued with my lab. After working on it for hours I looked at the time and it was 11 p.m so I packed everything up and took a shower. After changing I went to bed falling into darkness' embrace.

I woke up early and decided to get ready and wait around. While eating I was looking at skills in the shop.

[Abyss Magic. Credit: 450]

[Time Magic. Credit: 600]

[Shadow Manipulation. Credit: 90]

[Gate of Babylone. Credit: 800]

[Infinity. Credit: 190]

[Word Magic. Credit: 750]

[Matter Manipulation. Credit: 450]

[Shattered Heaven. Credit: 180]

[Wood Release. Credit: 100]

[Excalibur. Credit: 350]

[Cursed Energy. Credit: 50]

(A/N: Please tell me if these prices are good, I want to make them slightly overpriced)

The list went on and on. Ice coated my hand then I started to slowly raise its temperature, but it didn't melt. After half an hour and my mana pool being drained to only have 45% felt, I did it. It was red ice that burned you.

[Red Ice Manipulation]

(A/N: Is this possible, probably not but it's magic, just go with it)

Was much harder to create than I thought it would be, but it was worth it. I might not use it a lot but now I know that it's possible to do something like this. I was also wondering how magic worked, from what I found out mana is just an energy in the air and in your body.

It's nothing while also being everything, and there is elemental energy, this is what is in things like fire, water, darkness, and in your body. Everybody has a type of elemental energy in their body, All Might has earth, Momo has light, Bakugo has fire, and wind, everyone.

So im guessing these are their affinities with an element, but they can't feel it or mana. Magic spells are former by fixing mana and elemental together to create spells. Something like fire manipulation is using mana as a fuel to freely control elemental energy, you don't mix them.

The most surprising person's affinity was Midoriya who has an affinity with darkness. Like quirks, affinities are determined by birth and are only what the person has a high affinity for. And every living thing has affinity, humans, animals, even fucking trees have an affiliate with nature, earth, wood, or water. No one here can use it because they can't use mana, mana is fuel and affinities are a car.

Useless alone but together are very dangerous. When I gain a new affinity, it's like writing a line of code within my soul. A very, very long, and complex line of code. To give someone something as simple as a water affinity would take me hundreds of years as I am. Much less giving someone time, space, or abyss magic. And the system does that instantly.

The soul is like the body, the body is made up of DNA that is like code for your body. If done right you can stop aging, reverse it, speed it up just about anything. And the soul is the same, the soul has trillions of trillions of lines of code that make up, well your soul. The body and soul and not connected, the body is just a husk for the soul. Without a body, the soul is almost useless, and without a soul the body is useless.

Just like mana and elemental energy, the body and the soul need each other to function to it's fullest. You can just give someone a new body if you have their soul, it's like a file. You can transfer it to a different computer or in this case a body, any time. But souls cannot be destroyed, they are one thing that is absolute in existence.

You have an empty soul that has no ego or code but you can't destroy it. So that begs the question, what would happen if your body and soul were perfectly connected. Who knows.


Mc: I sounded really smart in this chapter, huh?!

Author: Finally, I'm sure some were starting to think you were stupid and lazy.

Mc: Hey, I resent that! I'm smart.

Author: Hm.

Mc: That was that "hm" for.

Author: Hm.

Mc: Would you stop!

Author: Hm.

Mc: Go damn it!

Author: Hm

Mc: Aghh!!!!!!

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