
The 8 1/4 Gap

After the battle everyone went home

Ryker enjoyed peace over the gruesome images of war especially spending spending time with his loved ones which were the guard captain Tom,Measter Will,Uncle Beric,and another noble named bella(ruby)

He took trips all over the south of Westeros mostly just hanging around other people's keeps and making friends like Garlan and Loras Tyrell , Bryce Caron ,Brienne of Tarth,Renly,Devan and Edric storm

He also "dated" Jynessa Blackmont

But he had to return home to deal with some things

Ryker has almost completely rebuilt summerhall and renamed it BlackHelm which was modeled after Neuschwanstein Castle but with siege defenses (the original castle took 3 years to build so the peasants had plenty of time ) Ryker used the tax money from the citizens of his land to pay for the building of the castle they weren't upset because Ryker made it clear that most of the money went to the huge walls and siege protection to protect the farmers and homes within the walls

Ryker also gained lordship of house Selmy by marrying to Ruby after her cousin's death he didn't love her like Jynessa but he couldn't be with her because she was too far to keep in touch

After he gained the two holdings he created a road to Harvest hall (house Selmy's home) which allowed him to reach it if he had to also so he could effectively trade his products(food) with the rest of Westeros

Ryker took the name Dondelmyion and created a new banner which featured three stocks of wheat infront of a starry sky with the classic Dondarrion forked lightning bolt

Everything was great he had castles ,money,a awesome wife ,friends ,and possibly a child on the way

This pushed him to his max training with swords ,Spears,and shield techniques

But most important was the harsh training his soldiers endured

All of this was to protect what he had built in this world

After he finished training he learned with a snap of his fingers he could summon a thunderstorm of varying intensity usually he would only use it in the dry seasons to increase profits which made his house very wealthy

Time skip

Daimoncreators' thoughts