

Waking up to a loud noise is quite jarring, so I wasn't done any favours when I awoke to aloud sound of-

*Ding Lightning Devil System integrated*

Hearing this noise I was overcome with a wave of joy my only thoughts were ' life just got a lot easier' but before I got lost In celebration communication with this system was key.

'Introductions umm, Is a normal Hello good enough or what?' I thought and responding me politely I heard a gender-neutral voice of-

[yes, a casual greeting is appropriate but also a pseudo-tutorial is neccessary-]

[-this is the Lightning Devil System as the name describes it gives you a strong affinity with lightning and great control over it, well if you work hard enough, It also includes an intelligent system manager to manage intersystem affairs but regarding the Devil in the title that was only meant for dramatic flair decided by myself, cool right?, continuing the system will give you a few functions these include,

status, inventory and skills.]

'oh cool so system can you open my status'



Name: Dai


Affinity: Lightning

CC: 1%

CP: 1/1

'how underwhelming'

[Well what do you expect you haven't trained or done anything of that sort]

'but what about other kinds of stats besides this CC and CP whatever that means'

[CP refers to chakra point which is the amount of chakra you have but quantified and CC is chakra control which is how it said how much control you have over your chakra and the inquiry of other stats. the reason there are no other stats is that they were considered irrelevant]

'Oh so what I'm sensing is I'm gonna forced to be a specialist'

[That assumption is correct]

'wait, system where am I?'

[The Host is currently in the world of shinobi in the elemental nations or more specifically the land of fire's leaf village orphanage]

'oh cool naruto world huh' was the only thought that went through my head. ignoring my own surprise at my lack of reaction of being transported to what is believed to be a fictional world which has supernatural powers and me also capable of wielding those supernatural powers, I thought

'since I'm younger I definitely have to use that advantage to push my chakra capacity, that or make friends' begging the question if I needed friends...

'Naruto's here and he's pretty social so I'm sure a decade or so of solitude is fine'




Before I could contemplate what a loner sentence that was I quickly chose ' Increase chakra capacity' without a second of a doubt, Which soon left me thinking. How?


If anything moving chakra sounds like a good place to start so let's do that. Closing my eyes I attempt to sense chakra within myself knowing I have a small amount I dedicated myself to this. Searching inside the darkness for even a spec of light. Until I hit the magical blue light that is my inner power that tiny 1/1 chakra but what I found was contrary to the thought of unleashing my hidden power as nothing happened so I decided to start moving it around.

This was not the easy thing to do in the world as my chakra control was only 1% which was basically the same as moving a rubber ball by blowing on it.



An hour has past and I have been circulating the chakra through my body just when I was a step away from reaching the start again I hear the magical sound.

*Ding Chakra Rotation Skill Learned*

Yea hope you like it if you don't.





dracbear1111creators' thoughts
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