
Light in the captive

After hearing about serial murder news one after another Naveah Tylar participated in the case as an undercover cop and observed the brutal dead bodies with her own eyes! she became determined to find the murderer and made a deep friendship with two fellow cops in the meantime! During these disaster moments, she met up with her childhood friend whom she lost 10 years ago. But their reunion Changed the life of her and the people around them! The dark secret behind her friend who is secretly in love with her seems to be unnoticed and How dark are these secrets and obsessions that some people had to put their lives on the line? However, he gets interrupted by a junior investigator who is also in love with Naveah. A huge havoc appeared among them and made her life desolated. "When will I be free from all this? How much more should I observe?" Naveah's eyes looked up to the lifeless cloudy sky. The end is yet to know. (A/N-This novel contains 18+ contents) and the cover photo is created by me!!)

0_ALkei_0 · Urban
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29 Chs

The two sides

Naveah woke up with the feeling of a gentle touch. She opened her eyes to see zane smiling at her under the morning sunlight.

"Good morning! How did you sleep?" Navee said while stretching her arms.

"It was the most peaceful sleep, a night of sleep without any nightmares. Maybe cause you're here." zane touched Navee"s hair.

"Will it kill you not to say cheesy lines right after waking up? Don't you have an office today? what're you doing on the bed?"(Naveah)

"Emmis there. It won't be a problem if I go a little late. I wanna stay with you a little longer." zane moved closer and hugged Naveah on the blanket.

"HEY! DO YOU WATCH TOO MANY DRAMAS?? GET UP!! OW OW, MY BACK!!" Naveah was flustered.

"Fine! grandma. I'll go cook breakfast." zane laughed and got up.

Naveah tried to sit up by herself despite the pain " ooh! It's not that hard. should I try standing up? "

" Should I bring wat-" zane stopped. "what're you doing?" zane said with a hopeless expression.

"Hehe! I can stand up by myself. Ain't I healthy? Don't underestimate a cop!" Naveah said with her thumbs up.

"Why're you rushing it? Take it slow! Do you hate staying with me?" (zane)

"No! That's not it. I don't like staying home without work. besides, you know there's a murderer out there. I can't just wait a whole week to recover. " (Naveah)

"Should I make you sicker so you can't say these things?" zane mumbled. "What?" Naveah didn't hear him.

"Will you come down for breakfast or should I bring it upstairs?" zane asked.

"Downstairs!! I'll eat with you."(Naveah)



"This is all I could find about 'Tessa'. seems like all the information about her in the UK has been removed. I can't find them." Nick passed the laptop to Samantha.

"This is just like any other citizen. There's nothing important! but whys is there nothing about her in the UK? this is super sketchy. looks like we'll have to contact UK agencies." (Samantha)


The living room is filled with the sound of the treadmill and daylight. Zane suddenly entered the room with his hand on his forehead. "oh! hey! why didn't you tell me you had one of these?" Naveah smiled while jogging on the treadmill.

"That's exactly why I didn't tell you. what do you think you're doing, Naveah?"

"Exercising?? I'm just happy that I'm going to work from tomorrow." Naveah said while turning off the machine.

"And who gave you the permission? What makes you think I'm letting you go tomorrow?" (zane)

"C'mon stop being like this. you can see clearly that I'm perfectly fine. anyway well see about this tomorrow. What's for lunch? should I help?" Naveah walked towards the table while wiping her face.

zane stared at her from behind with his shiny blue eyes while mumbling "Where are you going? should I break your leg?" he slowly walked towards Naveah and suddenly pulled her by the waist "Argh! what's wrong?" Naveah looked at him with confusion.

"The towel almost got into the fire. Why are you so clumsy? can you really live alone?" zane said while letting go!

"Yeah...the hell? Everyone treats me like an officer and you treat me like an underage." Naveah walked away with a frown to take a shower.



"So how did go?" Nick asked while sipping his coffee.

"What else? we have to wait for 3 or 4 weeks for them to dig out the entire information on Tessa and the people she's been in touch with, in the UK. Since every detail was removed." Samantha sighed.

"We're not doing something way out of line are we?"(Nick)

"Sheesh, why do you sound terrifying?"(Samantha)

Just at that moment, 2 shady-looking guys sat beside Nick.

One of them pointed a knife at him under the table and said, "Quietly pass us the moneybag ad whatever you have, if you don't wanna make a mess."

The other one suddenly moved towards Samantha and placed his hands on Samantha's shoulder, "Look at this juicy stuff, dudes probably loaded to have a nice chick like this"

Before Samantha was about to punch his guts out, she noticed Nick's face,

"The fuck do you think you're doing??!! He glared at that man and instantly twisted his hand while handcuffing the other one with the table. Nick made a call to the police to take these two away. Samantha stared at Nick in shock.

"Let's go! Change your dress too." Nick took Samantha's hand and kicked the man who touched her, in the face before leaving.

Normally samantha would complain and walk away but seeing Nick's serious and angry expression, she just tagged along while blushing.

On the other side-

"You're acting awfully suspicious today," Zane said while raising one of his brows.

"Suspicious how?" Naveah blinked her eyes.

"Combing my hair, telling me its fine to take a day off, playing games with me, cleaning, you even offered to bathe me just now, which is beyond imagination." (zane)

"Oh! Ahaha I was joking 'cause you also said that to me. How is this suspicious? I'm doing these cause I'm feeling better."(Naveah).

"Don't even think abou-" Before he could finish, his phone started buzzing. His expression completely changed after looking at the phone "Hang on a second! I have to take this." He went to the other room.

Naveah unintentionally overheard some of the conversations when she was bringing her uniform.

"Then why don't you bring another obedient dog? How long do you think you can continue? I'm warning you don't lay your dirty hands on what is mine." zane hung up. He sounded angry.

At night-

The room is silent. Both of them are laying down like usual.

Suddenly naveah whispered, " Hey.....you sleeping?"

"....No. What's wrong?" Zane turned to Naveah.

"Nothing just wanted to talk a little."(Naveah)

"What do you wanna talk about? zane said while turning on the lights. He froze when he turned to naveah who was looking at him with her white shirt half-opened and messy brown hair.

Zane walked closer to her and caressed her cheek while pulling up her shirt. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He stared at Navee's rosy lips and pressed them with his thumb. "Mmhh....w-what?" When he heard navee's little sound he couldn't hold back anymore.

zane's eyes became shiny, he grabbed Navee by the neck and placed his lips on Navee's. "Mmhmm...haah" Navee was too surprised to struggle.

Then he shoved his tongue in! Navee grabbed his t-shirt tightly, he was too strong for her to push away. "Haahh..s-sto-mmhh...haaah...wai-mmhng...p-please I can't breathe..haah haah!!"

zane stopped after seeing tears in her eyes. He stood up in shock "I'll sleep in the living room" he left immediately leaving Naveah all red and flustered. She covered herself with the blanket trying to calculate what just happened.

In the other room, zane bit his lips until they started bleeding. His mind went crazy while thinking about Navee's face.