
Light in the captive

After hearing about serial murder news one after another Naveah Tylar participated in the case as an undercover cop and observed the brutal dead bodies with her own eyes! she became determined to find the murderer and made a deep friendship with two fellow cops in the meantime! During these disaster moments, she met up with her childhood friend whom she lost 10 years ago. But their reunion Changed the life of her and the people around them! The dark secret behind her friend who is secretly in love with her seems to be unnoticed and How dark are these secrets and obsessions that some people had to put their lives on the line? However, he gets interrupted by a junior investigator who is also in love with Naveah. A huge havoc appeared among them and made her life desolated. "When will I be free from all this? How much more should I observe?" Naveah's eyes looked up to the lifeless cloudy sky. The end is yet to know. (A/N-This novel contains 18+ contents) and the cover photo is created by me!!)

0_ALkei_0 · Urban
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29 Chs


Navee's looking at Samantha while spinning her pocket knife on the table beside Nick who is standing while biting his fingers.

"So you're telling me there's not a single Clue about these 4 murders that happened? These victims' relatives, phones, work info everything was investigated but nothing was found Except for Juvia's office. But why Juvia's office tho?"(Navee)

"It's because 2 of the victim's friends work"s in the office! It's the only place that has at least an indirect connection. So the officer told us to keep it on the list." (Nick)

"Then it's no use wasting our time by wondering there if there's no suspect." (Samantha)

"True! But we still need to confirm. How did the culprit find out about them? Is The culprit killing just for fun? or for personal grudges?"(Navee)

"It'll be troublesome if he/she's killing for fun you know!" Samantha crossed her arms.

"Only a psycho would do that." (Nick)

"You think murderers are sane? This serial killer is a complete maniac. Didn't you see the bodies? No, more like a lump of fleshes! There's 80% possibility he's killing for fun." (Navee)

"How do you know it's a woman or man?" (Nick)

"All the victims are a woman isn't it obvious?" (Samantha)

"Well, we can't be sure about that though!" Nick turned to Navee "So what should we do first? any leads?"

"Let me think," Rubbing her eyes for a few seconds, Naveah blinked at them,

"Ok, What about these victim's love life? You know there's always a history behind the lovers."

"Well..." Nick stood up and sat beside them as he placed the papers on the table, containing all the victim's information. "The first one here was a minor that worked as a janitor in The office. She needed money desperately so the team leader allowed her. She has no lover only a sick old mother at home.

The 2nd one was married. Her husband was already questioned and was found innocent since they divorced 2 years before she was killed. She had no lover either. She used to work in a bakery and earned a normal Living." (Nick)

"I was there while the 3rd girl was killed. She had friends in the gay club, no lovers, and no family members.

Those friends from the gay club claimed, she used to hang out with a woman often but suddenly she started coming alone. And she told them she had good news to tell them the day before she died." (Samantha)

"And lastly the 4th one that I've seen had an ex-boyfriend that's dying in the police station to find out the killer. They broke up 7 months ago 'cause she said she was not feeling anything! He was planning to get back together with her until he found out she was gone. She has a friend in Tessa's office who works as a normal employee. So gathering all the information we have is ...0 clue." Navee smiled with her eyes open and stared at them with disappointment.

"Argh!! This is bad." Nick slid down on the ground and ruffled his hair.

"Ok let's name the victims as A, B, C, D by serial, for our advantage. I can't remember people's names that much" (Samantha)

"Ok wait!! What about that woman?" Navee suddenly asked.

"What woman?" Samantha looked at Navee with confusion!

"The 3rd victim I mean 'C' used to hang out with a woman in the gay bar right? Did you ask that woman anything?" (Navee)

"...No. We didn't find her! 'cause no one really saw her face clearly and she only came to hang out and left early. The bartenders there said she was just a normal customer who had a very gentle personality." (Samantha)

"We need to find that woman. She used to hang out with her so she must know something. people often share their history while drinking." (Navee)

"Yeah fools like you do that. There's a possibility they were talking about fucking or something like that. It's a gay bar did you forget?" (Samantha)

"Hey c'mon can you not say it like that" (Navee)

"Is it just me or does that woman sound super sketchy?" (Nick)

"let's be positive." (Navee)

"No! It's a murder case everyone's a suspect in my eyes." (Samantha)

"Me too?"(Nick) "yes" (Samantha)


"let's go to that gay bar today.. there's a lot of people. Who knows we might find out a lot of unexpected info." (Navee)

"Ewww do I have to join?" (Nick)

"What's with the reaction? No one asked you to hook up!" (Samantha)

"No, it's a girl gay bar so I have to dress up as a girl that's what I'm saying! Are you dumb or do you just act like one?" (Nick)

"Why do You two always argue? You aren't secretly in love with each other are you?"(Navee)

" HAaah?? This airhead? Even a fly wouldn't like him!" (Samantha)

"Well, you're worse than a fly." Nick sticked out his tongue. Samantha Ignored him saying, "Anyway these bars are active at midnight, we have enough time. Wanna have launch outside?"

"Well I was planning to have lunch with Tessa! But she might be busy so let's just go." (Navee)



Juvia's staring at her phone as if she's waiting for a notification to show up. Seeing Juvia like this Emmi asked, "Is there something wrong mam?"

"....Not really I was just planning to eat lunch outside," Juvia said while giving a slight spin in her chair. Seeing Emmi staring at her, Juvia asked "Do you have something to say?"

"Ah!....No mam! I'll get going then!" Emmi took her leave.

"Not a single text or anything since morning! Is my bird flying so freely that she forgot to check on me? well, that's too bad....I hope you don't force me to cut off your wings this early " Juvia got up and slicked her hair backwards!

"let's check what's my bird is up to!" She inserted her hand in her pockets and started walking!

"Oooh gosh! The beef here is super good!"(Samantha)

"look at Nick, he's eating like he was starving for 7 days!" Navee laughed.

"That's not completely a lie! It's been so long since I ate out! I eat from the canteen and the food there isn't that good!"(Nick)

"Ok I was joking eat up dude!"(Navee)

"So yesterday I sneaked around in her room and found this suitcase and the stuffs from our childhood and boom! I was so shocked! it's almost a miracle that we met after 10 years!" Navee said while chewing the rice

"it really is! it's almost like a movie Lol! 'the great CEO is my childhood bestie' what's it gonna be next? Lover??" Samantha knudged navee's hand and started laughing!

"Ha...ha so funny! She's my friend and SHE'S A WOMAN!"(Navee)

Samantha and nick seemed frozen, They're staring behind Navee!

"What's wrong? cat got your tongue? what're you staring at?" She turned around!

"Gaaahh!! Tessa?!!?" She was about to fall but Juvia grabbed her by the shoulders "You seemed to have some fun conversations so I didn't interrupt! Ah! don't worry I didn't eavesdrop on anything!" Juvia smiled with her eyes closed!

"DON'T SMILE WHEN YOU LIE!!" Navee shouted from embarrassment.