
Light Devil Fruit in Tales Of Demons And Gods

Stealing devil fruit from a world noble. Hunted by thousands of marines. Finally, died at the hands of admiral. A single mistake, costs him his very life. Despair fills his thought as he closes his eyes. But then, Ye Xinghan found himself woke up in the world of cultivation. The world he is very familiar with, Tales of Demons and Gods. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This fanfic mainly for TDG X ONEPIECE. But i will add a few characters from other anime to help the plot's development. (Nah, i wont throw all anime girls in this novel. Thats just wish fulfillment) I've been wondering lately, what will Rokushiki & Haki do in the world of cultivation. But so far, there's no novel that satisfy my curiousity, so i make one myself. *Please kindly leave a comment and review to motivate me

Rashta · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

New Identity

"Extreme Yang Body?" Ye Xiao frowned when he heard the sentence. He was someone with high vision and horizon, furthermore Snow Wind family surely had access of large amount of knowledge that commoners are unaware of. Maybe there were some people who managed to awakened this type of body, but remained unheard of because the lack of knowledge.

"Three Physicians, please keep secret about what happening in this room. My son has just recovered, i don't want him to receive unnecessary attention because of this news. I will report this event myself to the city lord and elders." Ye Xiao continued, right now there were a lot of hidden conflicts between Glory City and Dark Guild. He didn't want to push his son into danger by putting him on the limelight.

"You can count on us. Our lips are tightly sealed. Now, if you excuse us." Physician An said with a smile and bowed. The physicians too understand the current situation.

"Very well, let's talk about this topic on another day." Ye Xiao nodded as he watched the physicians retreated from the room. Now there are only Ye Xiao, Ye Xinghan and the maid in this room.

"Xinghan, do you really not remember who i am?" Ye Xiao asked as he patted his son's head. It was really saddening that the kid he nurtured suddenly didn't recognize him, but Ye Xiao knew that it was the best outcome possible after surviving from the accident.

Ye Xinghan honestly shook his head, there was really no need to pretend at all. "I really dont know who am i, who are you, where are we, and the accident you were talking about. I really dont know anything."

"Sigh, let me tell you briefly. My name is Ye Xiao, your father. You have a mother and a younger sister. Your mother is Lu Yingmei, and your sister is Ye Qingyu. Well, they are currently unable to meet you." Ye Xiao awkwardly laugh. He continued

"The city we are currently live in is called Glory City, the last hope of humanity. The strongest family within the city is our Snow Wind family, followed by another two major families and twelve aristocrat familes.

The current city lord is my brother, Ye Zong. And the current strongest practitioner is my father, or your grandfather, Ye Mo." Ye Xinghan eyes slowly widened the longer he listened to Ye Xiao.

Glory City, Snow Wind Family, Ye Zong, Ye Mo. He was not a stranger to these names, this world is Tales of Demons and Gods. And from the information he could extracted from his father's words, his current identity was the cousin of Ye Ziyun, the main female lead.

But, Ye Xinghan was also puzzled. He never heard the name of Ye Xiao, Lu Yingmei or Ye Qingyu when he read the series. But he just shrugged it off, probably they were only minor characters unrelated to main plotline.

When three physicians interrogated him, they only asked general knowledge known for toddler. If only they told him straight away these names, he wouldn't took so long to understand everything.

"Looks like you didn't completely lose your memories." Ye Xiao said with a smile, he noticed the abnormality of Ye Xinghan. There was a faint hope for his son to completely recovered his memories.

"Yes, Demon spiritualist, Holy orchid institute, Bronze to Legend rank. I know it all." Ye Xinghan nodded at his father, then he continued "Um, what actually happened to 'the accident' you mention earlier?"

"Sigh, it was my negligence. The main culprit of this whole event is called Dark Guild, I can only tell you this much. It's not good for you to know everything right now, i hope you understand my decision."

"Alright, i think that's pretty much for today. I'm afraid you will be overwhelmed if i tell you everything. Rest well son, i need to inform your mother about your recovery." Ye Xiao said as he retreated from the room. There were really a lot of stuff he need to do right now, collecting information, searching for cultivation technique suited for his son, and many more.

Ye Xinghan watched his father back until he was completely gone.

Tales of Demons and Gods, this is the world of cultivation, and it was no less dangerous than One Piece. Kill or be killed, or most importantly survival of the fittest.

But, judging from the current situation, his starting point was not as bad as when he was in One Piece. At least, he could get a lot of advantage in this beginner level.

Still, it didn't mean he could slack off. For the ultimate boss was countless times more terrifying than One Piece, and he couldn't really depend on Nie Li as he didn't know the current time line he was in.

If this was the timeline when Nie Li got reincarnated back in his younger body, then that's okay. If this was the timeline when Nie Li completely powerless, then it would be really bad for Ye Xinghan.

Ye Xinghan was not a pessimistic person, yet he was also not one without a brain. The hope of survival was absolutely bleak if he couldn't get a long with Expert Nie Li.

Ye Xinghan also didn't know a lot of heaven defying techniques. He didn't have mind reading ability, or Library of Heaven's Path system like other protagonists.

Also, the novel was still ongoing by the time he transmigrated into One Piece. So, his current knowledge regarding this world was very limited. Damn, the author really lives up to his name, Mad Snail. Crazy and Slow.

"Maybe i should try my luck to find the Temporal Demon Spirit book?" Yet, Ye Xiao didn't really have the confidence to get the book.

Temporal Demon Spirit Book was an artifact that has its own intelligence and is constantly searching for its master. And the last known person who managed to get the book's approval is Nie Li. So, it might be possible for the book to hide itself if Ye Xinghan really went to visit the Endless Desert.

"Forget it, right now it is completely useless to think about overpowering the final boss when i can't even defeat a lowest rank of demon beast.

Come to think of it, i suddenly have this body constitution. Is it because i ate the devil fruit? Cause according common sense of cultivation, Light is Yang energy.

And i'm a Logia devil fruit user. So according to One Piece common sense, they shouldn't be able to touch me unless they have Armament Haki." Ye Xiao muttered as he stroked his chin. Then, he looked at the maid at the side of the bed.

"You, can you get me books about alchemy, array, and cultivation technique. Oh, don't forget the dictionary about ancient languages."

"Yes, young master!."

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