
No matter how difficult life is, but in compulsion one has to live right.

Life everyone wants, that her life was openly lived in every possible way .May everything possible be with her, but it doesn't happen. That slice of life does not mean that some part of life but that of life, That slice is the part in which she finds pleasure. The part that she wants to live freely without any fear and live as always which will never end.

A girl who was very beautiful, likeable, well thought.But now she has completely changed. Her eyes are the fill with tears.her skin color has turned yellow. She finds happiness in everything.but time change, she was not as beautiful as before. No one could recognize her face,when someone sees her for years. She has become a woman now. A wife and a mother and she is just spending life. What does she want ,then the story of this would have started like this.

Five years ago,the one who wanted to move forward in her life but did not know that there comes a time in life in which she has to give up her dreams by following her parents advice. Although she passed with good marks in class 10th. She got admission in a well-known college in science side and she got third ranked in class eleventh.she had to study more, earn fame.But one day she got an offer of marriage. She also wanted to get married and become something achive in her life. Her engagement was done as soon as the 12th exam was over, but according to the society, at the behest of his parents, she crushed her dreams and just kept on moving forward.She never thought that her life would be cut short. She was very happy in the marriage, she married. She had a child. This was also a sweet flight in his life, which she took openly.The child who lived happily had become her life. She did not want to compromise with her child for the sake of her dreams.That's why she understood her happiness with him.But her soul was a little unhappy about this.

The child had become the star of his eyes, a very sweet delicate cares. Many times it happened to her that she has something standing in her life and does she know whether she is going to get that thing after moving forward or not. Just kept thinking alone. Never say anything Weeping throughout the night had taken the place of spending her life in her child. He was very fond of taking tuition.

Somewhere outside in her childhood, she taught as the only teacher and wrote words on the walls. She talked to her husband that she has to take tuition but the husband flatly refused her. Touching the heart was such a prick that even after removing the thorn,her wounds were deep, Very deeper.Who was going to remind her for the rest of his life that now you are a wife and only a matter of husband. Believe me, you just crush your ability. I cried a lot under my pillow.Inside,she felt a lot of heartache. She felt that now her life is in household chores and taking care of her child.The one who used to do it happily, but she also had to give up because of her desire that she should present her skills in front of everyone. After the tuition, the husband quarreled and said, I will give whatever you ask for. You don't do anything in your life, just take care of the house. Still,she tried to persuade the husband, but the husband did not agree, so she talked to her husband's mother and she said that you only explain to your son.She asked with him that you should explain something to your son in such a way that she will take care of the child after doing her household chores and take tuitions in her leisure time.On persuasion of breath, her husband agreed to take tuitions.

But not at her behest, but at the behest of his mother, his life has been put on hold. was very happy.She started taking tuitions. There were only five more months from the half semester which she was going to get.She loved teaching children very much. The first two then went on and on, the children kept on growing. She had also kept the tuition fee very low that those who are poor and want to give tuition to their children, but do not want to put it because of any compulsion. She can also teach tuition without any fees for poor childrens .At the end of the year tuition also ended. The children started getting holidays. Everything was going very smoothly, but the same thing happened between wife and husband a quarrel. There was a rift and because of which the husband categorically refused to take her tuition and said that whatever you have advertised for the new year, throw it away because from next year you do not have to take tension. She was astounded as to how her tuition could be stopped for any reason.The quarrel had to be made about something else.

Then she decided to leave the house, at the same time she left the house and took her child to her mother's house.She suffered by losing her husband but there is no choice. If she had known that life after marriage would be like this, she would never have married.Several days passed, neither did her husband ever get a call. From him, neither of his family members,

Just his child kept coming and going to his father's house.Her only wish was that the way she used to take tuitions earlier, in the same way, while doing all the housework and complaining about tuition, she would never give a chance to anyone because that was the purpose of her life,purpose of living.She just wanted to fulfill her dreams. You wanted to meet the needs, but they didn't.He never used to give money after marriage, nor did he see her needs.Will she be able to buy some things for her child if she is allowed to do ,whatever she wants?complete her some hobbies.

Sometimes she went with her mom in the market or sometimes online she liked something but she can't buy because she doesn't have a penny. All the children of the village had agreed to tutor her, but her husband did not agree and after leaving the house, one year passed.Neither she called his husband nor did his husband call him. Do not know ,that Ego was coming in the middle, then her relatives explained to her that it is very important to have a husband in the life of a wife and especially when a child needs the support of his father. But she decided to give it all under compulsion at their house.Before going to her husband's house, she got justice at her mother's place that if she is not being allowed to take tuition, then at least give her five hundred or one thousand rupees in a month so that she can buy something of her mind with her own.After justice, two years passed, but she never gave even a rupee in her hand and she just spent her son's whole life there. She had spent her time in household chores, but one day she wrote poetry and that poetry was a sign that apart from tuition, she had the art of handwriting.

And that poetry was heartwarming. Tell that poetry to many people in it and everyone's heart touched. When she came to know that she could become a songwriter and writer, she started writing her songs in it. English Hindi and Urdu language in this and she always used to search for any opportunity to get any chance from her writing, with the help of which she should present her ability in front of the people, but she was also afraid that if her husband had a fight again, then somewhere Husband should not restrict even her writing. That's why she would tolerate everything and just tolerate that if she does not end her passion for writing like tuition, because she found that writing make her happy and she want to eat this slice slowly slowly and store it in cool place for freshness and not waste fast.She enjoy this slice of life for life time.Now her age is Twenty four.Then she started searching for contest and she got this contest WEBNOVEL SPIRITY AWARDS SPRING 2021.Where she participated and presented some part of her life in front of people in the form of novel writing, hope you touched,that girl is none other,it's me myself.Thanks for reading.