
Life in exile

insert 13 #

I have been with this guy but I can't see him clearly in the face, but what I know is that he is tall and he has a sweet voice,even when I try to touch him the is something blocking me.

today promised each other that we will show our faces to each other and we will tell each other our names , we go and lay under the tree in a green grass wow this place is beautiful shame I can't leave it , I end up feeling sleepy, he try to wake me up ,him: "wake up please I have to know your name " I remember that I have to see him today , I open my eyes I'm in a different place , I look around , I see a person laying in a chair next to the bad that I'm sleeping in, ohhh God I'm in a hospital , my mind come back , ohh I was hitted by the car , I founded out that Brandon is my brother , Mr hunk(Tom) is my new father , tears start running on my cheek, I quickly wipe them , this person start moving , I act like I'm sleeping.

voice : Ndiwe please wake up, please.

I open one eye, I See Sihle what the fuck, I thought it was one of my two brothers.

me :Sihle!

he rush to me and hug me , my body start hurting I quickly push him.

him :sorry, it's just that I'm happy, I missed you.

my mind is not even here , what happened to my brother, aren't they supposed to be here , mom , dad yhoo.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Lackson_Mwangandacreators' thoughts