
Life as a Glitch in a Dating Sim

Not only have I been waiting for this god d*mned game to load for the past 5 hours, I spent nearly a month digging into its code trying to make it not crash long enough to get it running. I can't believe I took on this job for my self proclaimed "Friend" who would have beat the crap out of me if I said no. *Ding* "Finally! F*ck!" I exclaim. "Now just to click-" I start to say as I move the mouse over the start button before it throws up another error. "Son of a b*tch! I'm going to throw you in a f*ck*ng microwave! No, you don't even deserve that you piece of cr*p! Out the d*mn window with your b*tch *ss broken code!" I shout moving to launch it out my window and just as I'm pitching the computer out the window I slip and follow it to the street below. As I fall time seems to almost stand still as the ground slowly grows in my vision. I notice lights approach from my right as I notice a passing truck... "Well... Shit... At least my porn dies with me..." Is the last thing I say as I, my laptop, and the truck collide. I feel surrounded in darkness... Until a nightmare inducing sound sends shivers down my spine letting me know I'm actually in hell. The intro music of the game that lead to my untimely demise... And it's start screen. ************** Disclaimer: Any similarities between current or historical events, people, religions, cultures, ethnicities, popular media, etc... Are all purely coincidental. I am creating a story, and will not censor myself. So if you are easily offended or "triggered" I would advise you find a story that suits your sensibilities and thank you for your time and wish you the best. There is a world of content out there and I hope you find what is best for you. I reiterate, this is an 18+ rated adult experience story and will include references and/or graphical descriptions of sex, drugs, violence, r*pe, the LGBTQIA+ community, discrimination, etc... If you see all of these warning signs and continue anyways... I salute your bravery.

Lemon_Square · Fantasie
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13 Chs

I Hate This World I

Though I'm now wearing worn and tattered clothes of a homeless person and I can see my wings and tail sticking out with my horn bumps poking out just barely past my messy and unkempt hair.

Another thing I didn't take into account is the fact I'm probably only just over 5 ft tall. Give or take a few inches. Why wasn't there a damned height bar bar in the character creator?!

After venting my frustrations slightly, I study my body and discover a solid pink tattoo of a heart with a blank space in the shape of full, puckered lips, located just over my heart. After examining my body for a little bit longer I discover a strange dark purple pendant in the shape of a circle with seven Christian crosses that branch out from it with the shorter end closer to the internal ring and the ends ending in a Y branch formation, kind of like a snowflake but less decorative.

"Strange…" I think to myself as I run my fingers across the necklace's cool surface before I feel my stomach grumble, "Shit, I'm starving… What should I do?"

I say aloud before beginning to wander the terrifyingly familiar streets and alleyways, I start to see people… Well, I thought they were, until I realized they were a myriad of races. Some I recognized from my 'E&E' games but even more I had no clue as to their appearance or origin. Most were humanoid, but some that I thought were just large pets would curse me after accidentally bumping into them.

The fact that modern architecture was blending seamlessly with all these other races threw me for a loop. And I noticed that there was a mix of fantasy carts and seemingly modern cars driving through the streets together as some races and flying vehicles zoomed through the skies between the buildings.

Though, as I was wandering around, I would notice stares lingering on me and at first I thought it was because of my high charisma stat… But as it continued I started to realize it wasn't infatuation, and as our eyes would meet I would feel either an overwhelming sense of disgust or fear before they leave quickly.

'Huh… Must be my empathy ability… But why do they seem to hate me? I thought all races were welcome here?' I ponder to myself before some guys walk up and surround me.

They all had golden hair, luminescent eyes, angelic feathered wings, and a slight golden aura radiating from their skin. As well as wearing white togas held up by a golden rope and wearing sandals, while having golden laurels dawned their heads.

Once my eyes met with the leader I realize I'd messed up, in their eyes, I felt only disgust, revulsion, and murderous hatred.

"What's demon trash like you doing walking around with upstanding people?" The leader says before one of their underlings chimes in.

"Yeah, you should be in the Dark Zone where trash like you belongs!" He says before spitting on me.

"Says who you feather-brained pigeons!" I shout before thinking through my actions.

"The fuck did this demon scum just say? I don't think I heard you right, you're going to have to speak up. The favored son, Likon Nudreen, of the Nudreen Clan is very hard of hearing." The leader says with a terrifying laugh after darting forward and grabbing me by the neck before slamming me against the wall of a nearby building.

Knocking the wind out of me and breaking or at the very least shattering a large number of my bones and forcing me to spit up a mouthful of blood, deeply regretting my choice to dump my fighting stats as charisma doesn't mean shit against physical ability.

"What was that? I think you need to try a little harder you lowlife demon!" Likon says.