
Chapter 11

One by one Lilly walked up to the models and gave them some orders, she slightly made them feel scared at first but when Lilly started to touch them and straightened up the way they walked and the way they balanced the books on their heads.

"Lilly slowly taught all of you so you better mesmerize it by next week." Leo said taking taking off her shoes and looked towards Lilly.

Knowing what her best friend wanted Lilly took off her heels and and handed them over she the gave a light smirk and turned towards the models and said, "Keep your eyes on her, you'll see the not only is she good she might just be a pro, I taught her all that I know..."

As she finished saying this Leo started to put on the tall heels and stood up straight, she then headed to the beginning of the taped stage and started to walk confidently down the small isle as if she had been born to be a model.

As the day started to pass Lilly was the last to leave along with Leo who continued to work on her designs, Lilly waited for her in her room and she would sometimes be questioned if this looks okay or does this look match our concept. Not wanting to wait for her anymore Lilly said that she would treat her to dinner and that tomorrow she would make her specialty dish for dinner. Quickly agreeing to her best friend's offer Leo quickly got her things finished and she then stood up quickly and dashed out of her office leaving Lilly and her things behind.

Loudly sighing Lilly picked up Leo's things and followed after her. As she arrived to the parking lot Lilly noticed Leo in her car impatiently waiting for her to arrive, rolling her eyes Lilly threw Leo's things into her window and walked towards her truck, she slowly started the truck and lead the way for Leo to follow after her. Driving for about 15 minutes they finally arrived, Lilly picked up her wallet and waited for Leo to get out, noticing that she didn't grab her phone Lilly walked back to her truck to grab the phone she then noticed a phone call from Dante.

Quickly answering the phone Lilly smiled and talked to him, "have you been well?"

"No! I miss you so much," Dante cried, "and I also don't like the food that is being served here in Afghanistan..."

Dante suddenly stopped he then realized that he misspoken, in the beginning he didn't have to go anywhere but after telling his grandpa that Lilly cried he was quickly sent to Afghanistan and he didn't want to tell her anything until he came back to Central city, but he accidentally said it without knowing.

"You're in Afghanistan?" Lilly asked choking up but she quickly calmed herself and walked towards Leo, she waved towards her friend and continued to talk Dante while being very calm and not crying not even a single one of her tears was falling down.

"yea, grandfather sent me yesterday...I didn't want to say anything to you until I got home but I accidentally spilled the beans." Dante sighed slowly.

"I just want you to be safe, and maybe if I find an ingredient that doesn't go bad I can send it over...." Lilly said as she got into the buffet and motioned for Leo to go get her food.

As the couple continued to talk Leo was on her 5th plate, after eating her 10th plates Leo poked Lilly and mouthed, "want me to go get you something to eat?"

She lightly smiled and nodded her head even tough she knew that Leo would give her something that looks really weird or even disgusting she still agreed. After awhile Leo came back with a plate, the food was black...all black, how is this possible?! there's even bubbles popping in the plate.

"Where did you get this?" Lilly asked covering her nose.

"I went in the kitchen and made it just for you." Leo said pushing the plate in front of Lilly and anticipating for Lilly to try her first cooking, she then smiled and placed her hands below her chin and smiled wearily.

Pushing the plate back Lilly stood up and went to go get a plate of her own, while walking around to get food she continued to talk to Dante and sometimes making him laugh. When she came back with her food of plate Lilly saw Leo working on her sketch for the next fashion show, sitting down beside Leo, she would sometimes point out what would look good for the models and what the mature and and grown ladies would like.

After she finished eating Lilly looked down at Dante's phone and heard Dante ordering his men around, she then got up and headed to the receptionist and payed for the food, waiting for Leo to finish up Lilly continued to Listen to Dante yelling at the men to toughen up or Stop acting like a sissy and the one she likes the most "get your weak asses up or tonight there will be no eating!" When Leo finished up Dante finished yelling and waited for Lilly to get to her car until he started to talk to him.

As Lilly got into her truck she turned the phone on speakers and talked to Dante on the whole way back to the house while Leo went to sleep, arriving at home Lilly took out her keys and grabbed all her things she then started talking to Dante non stop annoying Leo who was following behind her into the house. The couple only started dating the other day and they were getting along very well but last night when she walked downstairs and passed her room she heard Lilly laughing and and when she looked down at her phone and when she saw the time she was surprised to see that Lilly stayed up all night talking to some dude.

While Lilly was getting ready to go to bed Dante said good night and started to train with his men, he ran for a few miles with the boys and then he spared with the boys to train them with their hand to hand combat. Time to time he got really pissed and would yell bringing cold sweat to fall on the soldiers.

"Kris! take over!" Dante yelled loudly he then took the jeep keys drove out of the campsite to take a look around.

After clearing his head he thought about Lilly, suddenly he revived a call from his grandpa saying that he could return within the next 2 days which made him feel excited, so he quickly drove back to the campsite and made the soldiers work 3 times harder then a few moments ago.

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