
Lethal Weapon (DROPPED)

They called him Mactator, meaning ‘Slaughterer’… Born from his mother’s cold corpse, in a sea of bloody corpses and gunfire… He was raised by mercenaries, moulded into a perfect killing machine… He was trained to hunt, to kill, and sometimes, to annihilate… His body was filled with scars, the only proof of tales he is the sole living witness to… His mind wasn’t broken, for he never knew what it meant to be ‘right’, to be ‘normal’… He was a perfect ‘Lethal Weapon’…until his blade dulled… Then he, like any other rusty blade or cranky gun, was disposed of… And his tale came to end… Or it should have…

Azerial_0 · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs


. . . . . .



Human | 20 years | Male


(Pink Muscles : Lv-100(Max))

(Supernatural Combat : Lv-100(Max))

(Enhanced Craftsmanship : Lv-100(Max))


(Whispers of Origin)

(Unique Guide : System)

(Abstract Charm)

(Enhanced Concentration Capacity)

(Meta Luck)

(Totality Connection)

(Soul Anchoring)

(Mind Anchoring)

(Liaris Freese)


(Fate Stealer : 1)

(God Slayer : 1)

(Child of Nature)

(Child of the Sun)

(Child of the Moon)

(Skill Master : 1)

(Monster Slayer : 1)

(Monster Slayer : 2)

(First Blood)


(Fate Destroyer : 1)

(God Slayer : 1)

(Skill Master : 1)

(Monster Slayer : 1)

(Monster Slayer : 2)

(First Blood)