
Heart •Soft heart •Stone heart

What do you feel passionate about ? What makes you feel happy ? How do you choose the way ?

The function of heart is not only to pump blood but it has its own truth regarding your whole life .

When our mind cant distinguish between the path to choose , always listen your heart because it chooses the right way for you . Have you ever wondered that you cant think of anything else and u choose something and it turns out to be for your good .

Your heart choose the soulmate . If you are passionate in riding you wont feel happy by swimming . Which means either you choose the way conciously or heart choose by itself .

Your mind can doubt youself but heart knows the real you .

In a spiritual world your mind should be alligned with god, and heart should have trust and faith in god .

Peace shall come from him when u let your heart open for god . Your mind stops working when u let your heart work according with the gods plan .

Proverbs 3 : 5 -7

Trust in lord with all your heart , and do not lean on your own understanding . In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths . Amen

Let your heart fo its work , if you cant think of anything else

Xmon_Cmoncreators' thoughts