
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Divine Beauty

- For this reason I believe that we must eliminate prejudices. It's time to make drastic changes to reach our common goal, is not so, Oscar- Rigel drank his juice while he played with the pieces on the board

-It shows that in Mazzikim, the thought of mutual benefit is a priority. You are right, you have to make changes and that starts at home- Oscar just answered waiting for the moment

-I noticed that your industry is based on food as it has such fertile lands, it seems relatively small but if it expands, in the future it will exponentially become a staunch rival for other nations- Scuti joined the conversation

-Oh your imperial majesty is as you say, so I think we must join forces to make it happen. The how, should be dumped in the actions but since it is something that has not been proven, it would be best to study it- Archibald showed interest like other nobles sitting at the table

-Well that can be fixed with trial and error. Courage is what will bring you out of ruin. Example, this country has three academies, where there are potential customers from all over the continent accumulated in the small dormitory areas, if you open restaurants nearby or make deals with the local supply center to join the food list-

Scuti's comment came as a glimmer of hope for them. Those involved knew what they were coming for but had not the faintest idea that their intentions were so logical and overwhelming in terms of reforming the national economy. They saw the couple behaving like two businessmen whose goal was to take over the kingdom.

-Necessarily they will have to adjust their limits for when the unbridled growth stops and does not find them on the verge of collapse- Albert was coupled to the thought of his cousin

To those present, Albert was the youngest prime minister they had ever seen, and his remarks sometimes left them perplexed. The talk continued in front of the eyes of the servants, which was more than sure that they would go with the gossip to the four winds when they finished. Pretending was the trap to quiet her fears.

Suddenly, the door was thrown open violently. Henry got up late and angrily went to the dining room to scold his father.

-Father! How were you able to leave me behind! Those damn maids didn't even bother to wake me up, I should have them executed! -

The room was full of people in the middle of a breakfast that when they saw Henry behaving like a spoiled child they began to make faces of disgust and anger. A mocking laugh was heard putting Henry in a more bad mood and when he realized that he was a girl his anger increased.

-I didn't know they had clowns in this country, but you're a very stupid one. I know, why don't you dance to cheer us up a bit, we have a capuchin monkey playing the tambourine to accompany you- the massive mockery echoed from the table

Her anger did not make Henry see who he was dealing with and as he approached Olivia, he took her arm to slap her. Suddenly, all the guards pointed their rifles at him and brought their swords to his neck to stop him.

-Father! What does this insolence mean! -

-with which this is your son? I think you have failed as father Oscar. He is urgently asking for a corrective, can I? -Rigel got up from the table

-Go ahead- Oscar did not care what would come next

-So insolent and daring that you dared to touch my daughter with those disgusting hands- Rigel grabbed Henry's hair and punched him in the stomach that made him fall to his knees until he vomited

-With that I hope you will not commit such a sin twice. Today I let you live, but the next, you will not see a tomorrow again. Get him out of my sight and clean this place please-

As Henry was dragged outside by the guards, he thought he saw a monster grinning at him in a ghoulish way until he fell unconscious. The servants saw the level of command and importance that Rigel wielded that made that even the king did not object to the punishment of his own son.

The business meeting continued as if nothing had happened. Siri, who wore a veil like her sister and remained as a maid of honor, noticed the person accompanying the prince and who did not flinch in stopping her excessive action by choosing to run like a coward in the opposite direction.

- [Sister, I saw an elusive rat that went to warn its owner. Do you want me to take care of it?]

[Make sure they don't notice your children. That mangy bitch is going to show up soon and we must be vigilant]

They both drank slowly from their glasses thinking about how to clear the way before the main event.


The security around them was superior to anyone's. Scuti camouflaged his hawks to pretend to be imperial guards, cutting off the hopes of anyone but the kings or the Norton duchy of approaching without permission and with the support of the king they doubled the watch in the corridors.

After the beating, Henry decided to go back and talk to Rigel but his plan was cut short when the guards blocked his way. He demanded to be treated with respect but the responses he received made him look like a disrespectful and bullying jerk.

His patience was about to overflow when he remembered Luciana telling him that she, as the saint, would intervene to get an apology. He withdrew believing in her words hoping to return and win over the emperor.

The next day in the afternoon, the queen had arranged a tea party to entertain Scuti and Rigel. Only noble daughters and a few trusted ladies from Balthazar's faction were invited to participate.

The women could not stop admiring the man sitting cross-legged drinking tea from his wife's embrace. The love they expressed was such that the seated ladies began to ask how to make their partners and husbands be equally affectionate, making the party a pleasant chat.

When they were most excited, Luciana accompanied by Xavier suddenly appeared. The anger was absolute, as they arrived uninvited and behaved rudely.

Luciana very shamelessly approached the emperor to greet him and when she saw him up close she was amazed by the beauty that Rigel exuded. The guests were disgusted by the unscrupulous and grotesque reaction with which she wanted to sit at the table as just another diner.

The queen stopped her and Xavier stepped out in defense of her.

-You cannot refuse to sit Lady Williams. After all that she has done for the nation, I found the behavior of her majesty very ungrateful with her.-

-You are rude to answer your majesty like that. Lady Williams has committed a fault by coming uninvited and insulting the emperor with her daring behavior with the empress present- the Marchioness O'Connor was enraged at the scene

-Oh I'm so sorry, it's just that I felt left out by not receiving an invitation from the queen and I just wanted to share the moment with everyone. I did not know that the marquise was going to misinterpret it- Luciana shield herself on Xavier's chest to pretend to be hurt

-Marquesa, I didn't know that you was so insidious to think that way about my fiancée.-

-If you did not receive an invitation, by education you will know that you should not attend a meeting and then play the victim waiting for someone to come out to support your impudence- Circe did not remain silent and smiled at the badly planned rudeness

Luciana looked at her with hatred. She wanted to get her off her but Circe insisted on coming back and to top it off she earned a place at the guest table.

-Apologize appropriately to the empress and stop losing face- Lady Gallant pressed the situation

She turned away from Xavier and remembering her conversation with Yuya, she decided to do something stupid. She reached out to Scuti to offer an apology mixed with sarcastic comments.

-I'm sorry to have bothered your majesty. I hope you excuse my behavior because I know that deep down you are as pious and precious a person as you are on the outside-

The comment just made everyone's jaw drop. The insult was too obvious to them and they hoped the empress did not enrage. Pretending to trip over her skirt, Luciana grabbed the veil that covered Scuti in order to show everyone the face that was hidden behind.

Her victory went to waste when she realized that the person she tried to harm was someone out of this world.