
Legend of the Wind Mage

Illegal_3 · Fantasie
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19 Chs

The thief girl

When Kuroko woke up, the first thing he did was check his surroundings. He was trapped in a cage with iron bars that are close enough that you can barely fit your fist through. Around the cage, it looked like he was in the backstage of a theatre, there was a red curtain just to the left of him.

Infront of him, there was surprisingly an unconscious girl, but she wore rugged clothes and trousers that had certain holes and patches where it was sewn back together. Her shirt, had a grey-ish brown colour and looked like it had a rough texture. She was up to about Kuroko's shoulders in hight and her hair was a sort of silver but dirty enough to look dark grey like Kuroko.

It was safe to say, she looked homeless.

"Hey, you." He loudly whispered to the girl.

She slowly started opening her eyes and sat upright in her cage.

"Who're you?"

"My name is Kuroko"

"Oh so you're the village Elder's son?"

His mind went blank because of the memory and sound of the 'cut' inside their living room.

"Oh is he dead?" The girl enquired.

His mind couldn't take the amount of sadness he felt at that moment.

A deep red aura surrounded him as he slowly crushed the metal bars with his hands and walked out.

The girl quickly used one of her new skills she learned from a spellbook she stole.


/Name: Kuroko

/Level: 10

/Title: mage

/Vitality: 20 +60

/Strength: 10 +140

/Stamina: 20 -15

/Speed: 20 +80

/Intelligence: 45 -25

/Attribute(s): Wind

/Skills: Gust of wind *lvl 4 - Cold air *lvl 1 - Warm air *lvl 1 - Words of the World *lvl 10 - Demon enhance *Level 70

She opened her mouth in shock. She thought that the massive boost in power was because of Demon enhance.

'It must obviously have backlashes though. But why the f### does this guy have this of an overpowered of an ability. I need to calm him down before he does kills me or something.'

Just as the girl was about to do so, Kuroko started walking up to her. Once he reached it, she shuddered under how much pressure he was releasing and was starting to fear for her own life.

Instead of Kuroko killing her, he bent open the bars enough for her tiny body to crawl out.

She said, "Thanks." But definitely made up her mind to make him feel better because the longer this goes on for, the worse the backlash (just general knowledge on berserk skills).

"Kuroko. I'm sorry I said that but... How about this? We go off and find the Elder ourselves?" She asked.

"But he's dead..."

"How do you know for sure?"

"But... I heard the sound..."

"That doesn't mean he's dead."

The pressure around them instantly dropped and Kuroko fell to the ground and fainted, while the girl still needed some time to adjust to the sudden change in atmosphere.

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