
Legend Of The United Moon

"Hail Selene, goddess of the moon" Allian greeted in tears. "Allian why return here again. Return back for that which you asked has been given and that which I desire taken" Selene asked. "How so do I rule without a Luna by my side. Mercy I seek that you take back your strength and give back the life of my mate" Allian pleaded. "For what is done can't be undone. Return and make merry for that which you had always desired had been done" Selene replied. "Not so will I be Alpha without a Luna. For this isn't my desire. Take back the strength and even my life in exchange of hers" Allian begged. "Return for what you request can't be granted" Selene said and Vanished. "Mercy I plead goddess" Allian wailed all night but Selene refused to reply. Deep in sorrow, Allian returned to the United Moon. This was never what he imagined but he couldn't turn back the hands of time. If only he had harken to the words of his father.

Charlotte_0693 · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 12

A boy with a very masculine physique, Tall, well built body, handsome face with pointed nose and straight lips, and colly brown hair in seen walking into a study room, the room was the Alpha's study.

"Father" The boy called.

"Odolff, What are you doing here?" Evander, Alpha of the Red moon pack under the United moon.

He had similar properties with his son Odolff just a older. Odolff was the second child and only son of Alpha Evander, Alpha of the Red Moon pack under the United moon.

"Actually father, I have gave your suggestions a thought, and I have decided to journey to the dark moon pack" Odolff said.

"Finally you have decided to work for the big picture, this alliances is going to help us alot" Evander said. "So when are you leaving?" He asked.

"Tomorrow, I would love to attend the moon bath festival in the dark moon pack, so I have to be there before the the day after next tomorrow" Odolff said.

"Good choice my son, Tell the staff to get everything prepared for your journey." Evander said. Odolff nodded and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Evander stopped his son. "Thank you for agreeing to this" He added tapping his son's shoulder.

"It is my duty" Odolff said and left.


"Father, Mother" Ariana bowed and greeted. "You sent for me father" Ariana said.

"Yes, take your seat" Alpha Cassius said and Ariana sat beside Belinda. "Now that everyone is here, I can proceed. I called this meeting for a very important reason. For a long time, We are having a visitor and a very important visitor. The prince of the Red moon pack is visiting us" Alpha Cassius said.

"Odolff?" Badra asked.

"Yes, He will be here before the moon bath festival and he may stay here for a month or two" Cassius said.

"And on what ground father?" Belinda asked.

"I don't know yet, he is here in respect of the moon bath festival and to tour and get acquainted with our customs" Cassius said.

"I believe there is more to that, He may be here for some sneaky business, we can't let our guard down during this process" Ariana said.

"That right but we also need not offend him. We need to give him the best, in as much as we don't want anything to do with them so also we don't want to be on their bad side, He may be the new Alpha of the Red Moon pack in future and we can't afford enmity" Alpha Cassius said.

"That true father but we also have to be wary of him, We don't know what he is coming here for" Ariana said.

"A word well said, According to intuition I think he is either her two reasons, for political alliance or enmity and whatever it is, it is not good." Alpha Cassius said.

"Why can't we refused him?" Belinda asked.

"That rudeness and we also can't afford to take that path, if they want war, we will give them but the fault shouldn't ours" Alpha Cassius.

"What do you suggest then?" Badra asked.

"Nothing, We shall welcome him but we should be wary of him at least till we find out his . I just wanted to inform you. That all, you can all get back to your various activities" Alpha Cassius said.

Belinda and Ariana bowed and left. Outside the court, Belinda stopped Ariana from leaving.

"You wretch, You were so brave the other day, you had the guts to challenge me" Belinda said.

"When did I challenge you sister" Ariana said looking so unhappy, She knew all Belinda wanted was trouble and she wasn't ready to pick a fight.

"Your personal knight insulted me and you stood there like a log of wood and couldn't correct him" Belinda said.

"Rendell was only trying to protect me, am sorry for his rude behaviors" Ariana apologize.

"Protect you, Why don't he try and protect you now" Belinda said as she raised her hands to hit Ariana.

"I wouldn't try that if I was you" Rendell said as he walked towards them.

"Rendell" Ariana and Belinda called.

"Belinda or what ever they call you, I thought I made myself clear, Princess Ariana is your elder sister, the first princess and you have no right whatsoever to raise your hands on her, I don't like repeating myself, so don't let this happen again" Rendell said. He held Ariana's hand and they left.