
Legend of the fated mates.

Werewolves, packs, fated mates, the moon goddess, the Alphas & their moon gifted Luna's, Omegas, Lycans and rogues, just to some up the most famous, well known and popular shifters of the "other" world. A world beyond our wildest dreams and imagination, a world where anything can happen, above and beyond, a world full of unending possibilities and unending fantasy! But besides those famous moon howlers, there are more living creatures out there! But they are sometimes being forgotten since they are living beyond the shadows of the famous wolves. Creatures who are much alike as their famous howling neighbors.... They are also shifters. Shifting between their human form and their true form, having also mates and feel the same way about them just as the wolves! But what if fate brings two people together. Two very different people coming from two very different worlds, not to say from extreme opposites! This is a tale about one of those "forgotten ones", a tale of love, passion, sacrifice, hope but also of fighting for your right of place in the world and for your hearts desires but above all, about the discovery of one's true nature that transcends all boundaries! A tale of two sisters, humans & two shifters, a grizzly and a lion pulled together by fate!

MarjoryBloom84 · Urban
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18 Chs

15. Bad feeling.

Days are passing and the preparations of Lionel's coronation are in full swing in the fantasy realm at the castle. The Royal lions palace is turning more and more into a beautiful world of special flowers and other quirky things.

All of the fantasy realm is helping, acknowledge the importance of the occasion this full moon!

The time for a new era of reigning in the Kingdom, from the old to the new.

Everyone is contributing. From the great to the small, full breed or half breed, animal, Fae or any other creature, all eager to do their utmost best to do what is needed to make this full moon special full moon even more special to the Royal family and also for themselves.

"Mom? Is dad around and available?" Lionel asked his mother, the lion queen.

"Yes he is in the throne room but i believe he is having a meeting with the Fae counsel and i don't know when that will finish dear" she answered him.

"With the Fae counsel?, I wonder why?"

"For the security of tomorrow's ceremony dear but i have to go, i have an appointment to see you at dinner?"

"Sure mom, I'll go see dad, enjoy!"

"I will answer you too and send my greetings to Grissom!"

"Ok will do!" Lionel says as he watched his mom walk away.

On his way over to the throne room he starts to think why his father has this meeting, his mom says for security but still the high counsel of the Fae is a whole other level.....

After knocking the door to the throne room is opened by one of the guards beside it, he steps inside and walks over and bows his head in respect of his father the king and then greets the Fae counsel with respect.

"Your majesty, esteemed counsel members, good day, hope you are all well?" He says before sitting down next to his father on his left.

"My son! Welcome, we are well thank you! To what do we owe the pleasure?" His father answers with a warm smile looking at his beloved son.

"Good day to you too your Royal highness, we are indeed well and we hope you too?" The head of the Fae counsel states after bowing his head to Lionel.

"Yes, yes I can thank you! I was just slightly surprised to find you here.....i hope nothing is wrong?" Lionel states looking from his father to the council and back.

"Don't worry my son! All i sunder control, you just focus on tomorrow!" His father says with slightly tight lips while he holds his hand up in the air to keep the head of the counsel, who is the uncle of Betty's bff Lee, from speaking up.

"Hmm.....okay if you say so father....but you know from tomorrow evening i will be King so if there is anything then please tell me, because i hate not to be prepared for something important!" Lionel says with a slight raised eyebrow to his father who just stares back at him without emotion.

"Yes as you have just said to yourself dear son, from tomorrow night you will be King! So today I still am King and as YOUR King i tell you, you don't need to worry! We are just making sure all the arrangements for your coronation will be in place on time and function as it should be ok such an Importend moment in your life and in ours so don't worry and just get yourself ready by rehearsing your speech and who knows maybe you will even find your mate tomorrow evening!, Just enjoy son and be happy because from tomorrow night your life will changes greatly!" His father states.

"Okay, well i already wrote my speech but i will check and rehearse some more just to be sure...and for my mate....well i hope but let's see!" Lionel answers after which het gets up to leave.

"Good day your highness we will see you tomorrow evening!"

"Yes sir, till then!....father, i will see you at dinner?"

"Yes son, we will! Enjoy your day and stay safe!"

"I will, thank you!" Lionel says and then after a last respectfully hoe he leaves the throne room deep in thought.

Outside the room he walked through the big halls onto the back of the castle where he entered the castle garden.

"Griss, are you busy?" He asked through the mind link.

"Hmm?....uhm kind of....but....ahhhh...okay wait" he hears Grissom sigh through the link and waits with smirk on his face.

"Sorry! Tell me what's up?" Grissom comes back to him seconds later.

"Hehehe....i hope i didn't interrupt something between you two?" He grinned.

"Uhm....nope...just tell me Lionel!" Grissom says while rubbing his face.

"Yeah right! It didn't sound like that buddy!.....anyways, just tell her that i need to talk to you in person!"

"Okay, where and what time do you wanna meet?"

"Your tree house in an hour if possible?"

"Sure! I'll be there!"

"Okay thanks, see you then!" Lionel says and closes the mind link and walks out of the castle garden still deep in thought.

Meanwhile in the human world, Grissom turned his attention back to his mate, Ava.

"You okay, you look a bit worried?" Ava asked Grissom who looked down at her.

"I'm okay love, it's just Lionel sounded weird.....something is off i don't know, i could hear it in his voice and now he wants to meet with me at the treehouse in an hour.....i hope nothing is wrong since tomorrow is very Important to him!" Grissom admitted to Ava who looked at him with love that almost gave him a meltdown.

"Oh, okay well give my greetings to him when you see him and come back save please!" She replies.

"I will love, and i can't wait to take you to the ceremony tomorrow night!" He husked in her ear maling her giggle the moment his breath tickled her delicate skin.

"Me too, can't wait!" Ava mumbles as Grissom starts to nibble on her sweet spot below her ear where tomorrow he would put his mark to claim her as officially his.

She closed her eyes as she enjoyed his touches who were gentle but steady, filled with love and desire for her.

He peppered her with kisses all over her jaw lips and then went back to the marking spot that made her gasp and then went down between the valley of her breasts.

Grissom could feel the happiness and the anticipation of Bruno in his head who was purring in excitement as Ava's sweet scent entered his nose and hit him like a tone of bricks.

*Bruno* "can't we mark her now? Please can we, i really want her!" He whines in Grissom's head who chuckled as his bear impatience.

"No Bruno, tomorrow night, at the full moon, it will be special for the both of us and her, just one more day, you can handle that can you?!" Grissom replied to him in his head while suckling on Ava's pebbles with desire.

Ava blushed with hazy eyes, as she looked at her man while he gave attention to her aching buds. She is happy she finally told him to mark her and she can't wait for the moment at the full moon!

Although she is still a bit shy and doesn't know what to expect exactly at this full moon event as she calls it in her mind, she knows that she trusts him fully and it helps that he showers her with love all the time showers her with so much love and care all the times together with Bruno afcourse.

After a long make out session Grissom says goodbye to Ava with the promise to be back for dinner.

He kisses her one last time on the lips while taking in her addictive scent and then get into his car and takes of to see his friend.

Sometime later he parked at the outskirts of the city at a frequently used spot by shifters.

After he scanned the place with his eyes for anything suspicious he gets out and walk towards the path inbetween the trees while still scanning his surroundings.

After some minutes he reaches a small open spot where he removes the flowers and tree branches in front of him, revealing a piece of rock and places the palm of his hand on it and inhales deeply and closes his eyes for a second or two.

Just as he opens them to step though the opened portal he hears some small noise behind him and he turns to see what it is but sees nothing but trees and bushes.

After a last glance he steps trough the portal what closes behind him and then he shifts into his bear form and let Bruno take over.

Once Bruno has the control he runs happy through the fields of lush green grass and beautiful wild flowers while enjoying the fresh air and different scents that hit his taste buds.

A shirt while later he sees his beloved Treehouse coming into view and sees his friend laying in his lion form outside in front eating something.

Upon reaching him, Bruno acknowledged his future King and stopped in front of him and bows in respect.

*Bruno* "Your highness, Cesar good to see you!" Bruno says trough the mindlink while Cesar liked his paws clean, removing the last crumbs of his afternoon snack.

*Cesar* "Bruno buddy how are you? It has been a while!" He replied to his bear friend.

*Bruno* "I am good! Our humans wanted to meet so that's why I am here, do you know why or?"

*Cesar* "not exactly but Lionel is worried about something, i can feel it!"

*Bruno* "Hmm....yeah that's what Grissom was also thinking about Lionel, well let's shift so they can talk, see you later!"

*Cesar* "Sure, later Bruno" he says and then both friends gave their control back to their human side and shift.

"Lionel, good to see you! Let's go up and get something to drink because I'm thirsty as hell!" Grissom muttered as the both wend inside the treehouse trough the stairs that were carved in the tree.

Ones inside Grissom pulled out some wine made of berries that he kept chilled and gave one to Lionel who took a seat on the sofa with a sigh.

"So, no please tell me what is going on because I'm dying with curiosity and also I'm slightly worried so spit it my friend!" Grissom say while keeping his eyes on Lionel who slightly hesitated before speaking.

"Well i don't know if i am right or not, maybe i am imagine things that are not there but i have a feeling that something is off, something is not right and the people i ask keep their mouth shut so i don't know what to think or to do about it Griss!" Lionel explained his feelings a bit.

"Okay, still talking a bit in riddles, just start at the beginning ok!" He encouraged him.

"Okay, well this morning my mother told me that my dad had a meeting with the High counsel of the Fae, they came to meet him throne room. Now as you know that doesn't happen often, only if really needed so i went there and asked all of them and they all denied, including my own father saying that all is well, that there is nothing to worry about and that i should just focus on the crowing tomorrow and they were just there to discuss if things were in place and ready for the coronation...but....i don't know but my gut keeps telling me that they were lying to me Grissom, my own father and the counsel are Hidding something from me, that what i feel and i dont know what to about it, it makes me feel restless and since tomorrow is very important i rather know if there is some treat of some kind but they used refused to talk to me and i don't understand why!" Lionel admitted frustrated to his friend who listened intently.

Grissom listened and thought about what Lionel was saying for a moment before he replied him.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" He asked Lionel then.

"I don't know if that will help Grissom and besides what if he thinks about me going to you with this accusing him of lying.....no i just go talk to my mother i think, hiepfully she knows something"

"You sure? You know i am wiling to help you know that do you?!"

"Yes my friend i know!.....just be there tomorrow and keep your eyes and ears open when you and Ava ar not too busy!" He smirked.

"Can't promise! But il try!" Grissom chuckled and both friends went on chatting about the festivities that were going to take place the next day at Lionel's Coronation, unaware of the darkness that was slowly aproaching the fantasy realm, with only one intention, to swallow all and take down everything and everybody in it's path!...