
Legacy of Ennea

Rey is a 16 y.o rich boy, live in this modern era and enjoy his living in this world. Until one day, he must face a cruel reality. He can't help his sister and both of them died in a case. When he woke up, he realize that he is in the new world. A different world, world of sword and magic. He got a new parents, new siblings, new friends, new name and new life. He decided to live his life much more serious, and his adventure begin I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

CurrySoto · Fantasie
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68 Chs

Chapter 65 - The Second Generation

I can see an old view... well, it's been almost a year, not that long but still... This is the place where I train my magic with grandpa for the last time... along with Tousan...

But Clement-tousan is alive! And this is not a dream!

We are right in the middle of the house complex... the houses around us is the place where we were used to stay. But now, it is all left behind, some of them are even destroyed. Is it destroyed by time? or enemy? Since it is seems to be heavily damaged.

"What is happening?" Ethan asked Maxim, a man with red eyes, and a golden sword with pegasus design on the blade. Mountain Slasher, is the name of the sword, and it is one of the legendary weapon in this world.

Maxim Maxwell, the wielder of the sword is one of the legend itself. He is one of the oldest person live in this world... well, at least the world we know.

"Hmmm... I don't know, but I found out that Clement is laying on a bed, alongside his friend..." Maxim said to Ethan, a boy who always wears his heavy armor, and I can see an expensive shield and sword he brought. His shield is hanging on his back, while his sword is covered by the scabbard on his left hip.

Ethan Perius, is the prince of Perius Kingdom, the Kingdom of Human Race. Well, Reudora Kingdom is a Kingdom for Human Race as well, but they only take control of less than 20% of the Middle Continent, or you can say Human Continent.

Perius Kingdom was one of the strongest kingdom in this world, not until Reudora Kingdom attacked us, yes, us is including me, myself.

My name is Nicolas Maxwell, one of the luckiest boy in this world, born with 5 elements under my control. Usually, the rate of mage being born in human race is less than 10%. And normally, a normal mage is only able to use one element, but I can control 5 elements... Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, and Holy.

Holy Attributes is one of the special attribute. It is a gift with a chance of less than 1% of mages could have it. And that is why I said that I am one of the luckiest person born in this world.

I have a father, not my real father, but the father who take care of me since I was born. His name is Clement Maxwell, and yes, he is a Maxwell too, and he is actually my uncle. But Commander Norman attacked him one day, during our mission to retrieve the Legendary Staff, or people call it as the. Auxillium Staff.

Auxillium Staff is a staff that belong to my predecessor, Auxillium Maxwell. He is considered as one of the greatest mage in the history, the one that invented Barrier Magic and even Auxillium Steel, a steel that is very strong but light at the same time.

Clement Maxwell was attacked by the strategist of Reudora Kingdom, Norman, under Navroth order. Not only Norman, but Orphamiel Aerios, the sixth attacked him as well, which makes the chance of survival is almost impossible.

I never had the chance to check his condition, since everyone thought that he is dead for sure, but Maxim told us that he is alive...

We are walking to a house, which is the furthest one from the Teleportation Circle and the nearest one to the exit door of the floor.

While walking, I can see a lot of dead bodies of soldiers, not our soldiers, but soldiers with Dragon Emblem on its armor. "Reudora troops?" Ed asked.

Ed is my brother from my real father Jeremiel Maxwell, and the older brother of Clement Maxwell. His full name is Edmund Maxwell, but all of us call him Ed... to make it short.

"Yes, when I returned to this place and found dead bodies everywhere, I immediately find for survivor..." Maxim said. He is tough from his look, but he is actually pretty kind. "I don't found anyone but your Father and that guy with broadsword on a bed..." Maxim said.

The guy with broadsword?! "Persey?!" I asked Maxim, and he nodded... "That hous-" Before Maxim finished his word I run away...

Tousan! If you are still alive! If you really is still alive! I will follow your words... I will obey you, and be a good son!

I open the door of the house where Persey pointed out... "Nico!" a man preparing his broadsword... he is sitting on a sofa, "Persey!!" I shouted and immediately come closer and hug him... He is truly alive!

Ed, Ethan, Eria and Persey entered the house as well... "Persey! You are still alive?" Eria asked Persey, but Persey can only smile, "You are still as cold as you were..." Persey said...

If Persey is still alive... then...

"Your father is still sleeping in that roo-" and again, before Persey finished his word, the door is slammed to the wall... "Tousan!?" I run immediately and hug him... he immediately fall to the ground... "Ouch ouch ouch!" He said but I ignore him, I move further to see whether it is really him... and it is him...

"Tousan!" I shouted in front of his face and hug him once more... "Hey... Hey... my boy..." Tousan said as he keep laying on the ground... his hand looks injured...

I then looked at his eyes, and I can see tears flowing through his cheek, but somehow I feel my tears are flowing as well... so I don't care...

Until Tousan looked the other three person behind my back... "Ah, Eria, Ethan and Ed..." Tousan said as I move aside... "Clement! I am glad that you are alive!" Ethan said, and Clement nodded... "I am glad that I am alive..." Tousan said with a smile...

I helped him to stand up... then he looked very confuse...

"Nico... where is Nate and Nathalia?" He asked me... So, that's what he has in his thought...

"Some of us are staying with Jeremiel... including Nate and Nathalia..." I explained, Tousan then looked relieved... but then he asked, "How about grandpa?" He asked...

Everyone looked away... while I face downward... "He is dead is he?" Tousan suddenly ask... everybody looked surprised... "How do you know?" I asked...

He was inside the labyrinth, and he did not know anything about things happening on the surface...

"I met him... in a dream" Tousan said, all of us looked at him seriously, "He told me... that he tried his best to fight the eighth, but somehow with the other 10 S-Ranked assassins behind his back, he can't survive... but he is sure that he brought down everyone with him..." Tousan explained...

He then looked at me... "There is something that he keeps regretting..." Tousan said as he faced me...

"He told me that he want to teach you a spell... Wood Magic Spell..." Tousan told me... "It is called as [NATURALSELECTION]" Tousan said.... Natural Selection... Ed then looked at me, Ed told me already about this dangerous spell...

"This spell only attack your enemy... but Grandpa was out of mana back then... which is why it cost his life..." Tousan explained...

"I met him... in Haven..." I told Tousan... Tousan looked at me seriously, "Not his real body... but in a spirit form..." I told him, and Tousan looked a bit disappointed but he keep listening...

"He told me, that he has no regret... since he has two great son, and wonderful grandchildren..." I told Tousan... hearing my words, Tousan smiled, but I can feel how sad is he...

"That old man... always doing what he wants..." Tousan said with a smile... but he is holding his tears...

"Ummm, first thing first!" Persey stopped our conversation...

Persey then pointed Tousan... "How can you wake up!!" Persey asked Tousan... "Huh?!" All of us in confusion, except Persey and Maxim...

"He has been sleeping for months... but suddenly he woke up when we come..." Maxim explained...

All of us looked at Tousan... he then give a thought...

"Persey..." Tousan called him, "Huh?" Persey responded... "I saw your death... Orphamiel pierced your body with his sword after we fall from the height..." Tousan said...

"Yes... I remember that I hit you with my broadsword... don't you survive?" Persey asked Tousan... Tousan nodded...

"I landed on the water thanks to you... and I successfully cut Orphamiel's other hand... and I remember that he pierced my body with his sword as well..." Tousan said...

"Well... Orphamiel is dead..." Maxim said... both Persey and Tousan let a sigh in relieved.

"But how am I still alive?" Persey asked Tousan... "That is my question too..." Persey asked... everyone remain silent...

"I remember seeing someone..." Tousan said...

"Hmm? Who is it?" I asked Tousan, "A man with a staff... and he has red eyes..." Tousan said...

"Oh! Oh!! I see him in my dream too!" Persey said...

"You mean grandpa?" I asked to make sure... but both of them shook their head...

"What does he looks like?" Maxim asked... both Persey and Maxim give a thought... "Like his face? I think I remember seeing a sign on his forehead, like a tattoo..." Persey said... "Yes, a Maxwell Emblem..." Tousan said...

On his forehead? A Maxwell Emblem? And red eyes... He should be a Maxwell, but who?...

"That is my father... Moore Maxwell..." Maxim said. Now everyone looked at him, "Moore? He is dead isn't he?" Ethan asked Maxim. Maxim nodded, "But from that description... he might be still alive..." Maxim said...

I don't really want to hope that much... but if Maxim said so, I guess that's the best for him...

"He went missing during the Great War after protecting Perius Kingdom right?" Ethan asked Maxim. Maxim nodded, "Missing doesn't mean dead isn't it?" Maxim asked with enthusiasm...

Well, I don't expect Maxim to be alive either, since everyone believe that he was gone missing during the second great war...

Wait, Maxim is the third back then... even until now, which shows him that he is still alive, Moore Maxwell... if he is still alive, he should be stronger than Maxim himself right?

Moore Maxwell, the creator of this secret labyrinth and created Teleportation Circle. He should be a genius as well.

"He is the creator of Teleportation Technique... like this circle..." Maxim continue as if he reads my mind.

"Wow.... the Maxwells sure is amazing..." Ethan said. Hearing those words, Maxim laughed. "You are one of us... don't worry about it..." Maxim said, and Ethan smiled.

Maxim... he is nicer than I thought!

"So... where is this Moore Maxwell hiding?" Ed asked... hearing that question, everyone remain silent...

"Are you sure that it is not a dream?" I asked Tousan... "It is in my dream!" Tousan said, and Persey nodded as well... Now everyone looked at Maxim...

I touch Maxim's shoulder... "Sorry Maxim... but I think you are just overthinking it..." I told Maxim. Maxim looked around the room like something is coming... but then he say "Haha! My guess never wrong! He is here!" Maxim said.

I-Is he alright? "I-I think you need some rest..." I told him, but he then move outside the house...

"What's wrong with him?" Persey asked me, "I don't know? You are the one that talking about his father..." I told Persey... "H-Hey! I don't even know that it was his father..." Persey defend himself...

Ed then left to join Maxim... while I am still accompanying Tousan. Tousan looked at me and patted my head. "Tousan..." I called his name... "What is it?" He asked...

I was planning to give him the ring that Jeremiel-tousan gave, so that he can return to Nathalia and Nate immediately. But Ed return with pale face...

"Is something wrong?" Eria asked seriously... "M-Moore Maxwell is here!" Ed shouted...

"WHATTTT?!?!" All of us in unison... Tousan about to run, but he fell down suddenly, "H-Hey! Calm down! Even I haven't fully yet, while you just got up today... Slowly Clement..." Persey said. Tousan let a sigh, while I am helping him to stand up...

"I guess I will be staying here..." Tousan said, I nodded... that is the best for him for now...

"We will be back soon... don't worry..." Eria said, and I nodded...

Tousan and Persey smiled, and both decided to stay in the room...

The four of us leave the house and look for Maxim... but he is nowhere to be found, "Where is he?" I asked Ed... "H-He was here with a man with Maxwell Emblem on his forehead..." Ed said...

"There!" Eria said as she pointed the Yggdrasil... I can see two man talking to each other... All of us decided to come closer but...

Both of them suddenly got hit by a light beam... "T-Teleportation?!" I asked... and suddenly, the light beam hit the ground behind us...

All of us looked there and found Maxim standing in front of a man with black hair, and he uses a white cape, with Maxwell Emblem colored in black behind it... I can't see his face since he is facing the other way around.

After we come close enough, he turns back and look at me... And he asked me a surprising question. "What is your best magic?" Moore asked, I thought there are a lot of better question than that.

"Gravity Magic..." I told Moore, but Moore shook his head. "I can use it stronger than you..." He said with flat face. T-This man, what does he want! "Thunder Magic..." Maxim said.

Moore looked at Maxim... and he give a thought... "So..." He said facing Maxim... "He is the 7th generation?" Moore asked, but Maxim shook his head... "He is the 8th..." Maxim said.

W-What are they talking about? 8th?

Moore then looked at me seriously... "All of you sit down..." Moore said as he command us. Everyone looked at each other, while both Maxim and Moore is sitting down.

We decided to join them... and before a further discussion, I have to thanked him!

"M-Moore-san..." I called his name, and everybody looked at me, Moore face me with his scary face... "T-Thank you for saving my father... and Persey..." I told him, but he looked confuse...

"Father?" He asked me... I then face Maxim, asking him to explain for me, but he ignored me...

"So, he is my father's brother... but he has been the one that taking care of me since I was a baby... so I-"

"I see... that's fine..." Moore said as he stopped me...

He then looked at Ed seriously but then he looked away, I looked Ed and he looked back at me, what's with Moore, he is a weirdo...

"My name is Moore Maxwell, and I am the second generation... I am here to tell you something..." Moore said as he look at me.

"One night, I dreamt about my father... he was drawing a line in front of him with his finger... and a big barrier appears in front of him. The next day, when I wake up, he invented a new magic... Barrier Magic he called it..." Moore said...

Dream that come true? Or maybe just a coincidence...

"But the next day, I dream about myself... on a hill, I can see the tip of the mountain from my place... Suddenly, I was hit by a beam of light but I do not die... in contrast, I am on the peak of the mountain already... and from that day on, I was known as the founder of Teleportation Magic..." Moore said.

Everyone looked at him interestedly...

"Then... it continues..." Maxim said...

"The next day, I dream about my son... I had two sons, but I am sure that it was Maxim, since he has red eyes..." Moore said, and Maxim looked disappointed.

Maxim ignored him and continue, "He was on a land... surrounded by water, and the island has a good breeze. There is also rocks on the beach, and a camp fire. The weather is so hot, I can see the sun shine brightly, which is why he uses his umbrella..." Moore said.

"Is that important? Maybe just a stupid dream..." Maxim said...

Moore ignored him once more, and Maxim looked a bit pissed...

"Maxim suddenly shouted really loud, and suddenly... all of the rocks are gone, the water is gone, the breeze is gone, the campfire is off, even the sun is shut of, only darkness live...." Moore said. Everyone looked at Maxim, Maxim looked pretty annoyed.

"Tell me Maxim... Is it just a stupid dream?" Moore asked Maxim... and Maxim didn't say a word.

"Then... I decided to think that my father is the first generation, I am the second, my son Maxim the third, and there is also the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh and eighth..." Moore said.

Eighth is me, but... "Why does it stop at eight?" I asked. He then looked at me, "Maybe because of you can't save your life..." Moore said with a flat face...

Hearing that word, everyone looked at me...

"That's not true..." Eria said as she speak in front of me... but then he shook his face, "No one knows the future..." Moore said, and Maxim nodded, "There might be a chance that you are the last generation that will suffer war... and bring peace upon us..." Maxim said...

I nodded... I have to have a positive thought... And I will be the one that save the world!

"Then! I have a solution!" Maxim said after seeing my pale face.

All of us looked at him... what kind of plan is he thinking?

"Why don't you marry Eria now?" Maxim asked...


"T-That is not the time!" I told them... all of them are holding their laugh, except for Moore...

"And why it should be me?" Eria asked Maxim with annoyed face... I nodded in agreement.

"Then... both of you, tell me who do you want to marry?" Maxim asked both of us, and accidentally both of us face each other, and turns red.

"See... nothing will beat both you..." Maxim said, Ethan seems agree with that as well... but then a savior come...

"Ehem... shall I continue?" Moore asked, and now, everyone back become silent... I let a sigh in relieved... Somehow we manage to escape from that kind of conversation...

"The fourth generation has an incredible power..." Moore explained... "[ABSOLUTE]" Moore said, Maxim nodded in agreement... p

"My son never lose in a war with that magic..." Maxim said... the fourth generation, it should be Maximus Maxwell...

"[ABSOLUTE]?" Ed asked Maxim... Maxim nodded, "A Legend Tier of Earth Magic... it is support type of magic, that makes you impenetrable by swords... spears... and even arrow." Maxim explained.

T-That is cheating!?! If I could use that to the entire army of Auxem, then we could have no casualties at all...

"Where is he now?" I asked, Maxim looked away... I see... he is dead...

"He sacrificed himself for saving the alliance..." Ethan told me...

"I-I see... I am sorry..." I told Maxim, but Maxim ignored me...

"The fifth one... Megarus Maxwell... he has the power to destroy the earth..." Moore said... "[FROSTNOVA]" Moore explained.

What is that? Looks really cool but I don't know what he has done...

"[FROSTNOVA] is a spell where ice shards are falling to the entire kingdom... and it will keep falling for months" Moore explained after seeing our confusion...

Now, that is a scary spell...

"Megarus is also skillful in using ICE magic..." Moore explained... Hearing that Maxim looked confuse...

"My grandson playing with water magic? I thought Fire was his main attribute..." Maxim told Moore, Moore nodded in agreement...

"In my dream, Megarus play with both fire and water... he even use [SUPERNOVA], the God Tier of Fire Magic..." Moore explained...

Everyone looked at him speechlessly...

"Oh, [FROSTNOVA] is a god tier spell of water magic..." Maxim explained with a smile...

T-Those predecessor of mine are all crazy!

"Even Megarus can control magma, the second form of fire magic, or Master Fire Magic... when he was 8 years old..." Maxim explained with proud...

What?! Master Tier in the age of 8?! What did I do at the age of 8?! Did I just waste my time?!

"The sixth..." Moore said, "Zerotus Maxwell?" Maxim asked, but Moore shook his head, "I was dead at that time already, even before your grandson born..." Moore told Maxim...

What a complicated life they had there...

"But the sixth is the founder of Fusion Magic..." Moore said. "Founder?" All of us in unison...

Moore nodded, "He could use Wood Magic... by combining both water and earth magic..." Moore explained...

That is really grandpa...

"But, I thought you found the teleportation magic?" Ed asked. Yes, I am agree with Ed, Teleportation Magic is a combination between Holy and Earth magic... but Moore shook his head.

"There are no such thing..." Moore said, and all of us become more confuse, except for Maxim. "I was using the power of my eyes... but teleport further..." Moore said. T-That is the power of Maxwell Eyes when it is activated! Teleportation... but...

"I thought we can use it as far as our eyes can see...." I told Moore, and Moore nodded...

"Don't you think I created all of this place exactly the same?" Moore asked me with flat voice...

Created all of the place? You mean the special floor? I looked around, and found everything is exactly the same as the floor in Dwarven Kingdom, Aerios Kingdom, and even Elven Kingdom...

"Let me continue..." Moore said, "I have no more time..." Moore said once more...

"No more time? What do you mean? I thought you are still alive?" Maxim asked Moore angrily...

"Alive? No... I am dead already, this is just my magic..." Moore told Maxim with a small smile...

"Hey! You should have tol-"

"Seventh!" Moore said quite louder, and he stopped Maxim at the same time... "Cih!" Maxim said. But Moore ignored him...

"Seventh will be known as the God of Thunder... and he is the ruler of the sky..." Moore said while facing me...

"Are you really the God of Thunder?" Moore asked me, but I shook my head... "It seems that it is my father's..." I told him, and Moore nodded...

"Then... the last one, the eighth..." Moore said as he face me...

I gulped somehow, this is almost like the same as showing your future... I am a bit scared...

"I see a boy controlling the 5 elements at once..." Moore said, at once?! So far, I can only control two elements at the same time...

"You are one of the most talented person ever born... the same as Alduir... but in Witchcraft..." Moore said. Well, thank you?

"But..." Moore stopped me from being too happy... "The next day I dream about the same person, which is you..." Moore explained...

"I see death around you... everywhere you walk to..." Moore explained, "And your eyes become as red as blood... you become bloodthirsty" Moore said with flat voice...

Everyone then looked at me... That is scary...

"I won't become like that..." I told Moore... Maxim seems to agree with me...

"That's just a stupid dream... this soft boy won't turn to become such thing..." Maxim told me, and I nodded. What Maxim told me is true, I can even barely kill person with sword, but what Moore said will be a reminder for me...

"You can take this seriously or even ignore this... but I have predicted the other 7... and every dream become reality" Moore said.

"Tousan... I need to talk to you alone..." Maxim stopped Moore, and Moore faced Maxim, seeing Maxim's determined face, Moore nodded.

Both of them than hit by a light beam, and both are gone... teleported to the other side...

"Ignore about the last one..." Ethan said, and I nodded... Ethan seems to care about me...

"It is a reminder, and since you know what are you becoming in the future, you can stop it..." Eria said, I nodded... "Thank you..." I told the three of them.

Eria... she looked as pretty as ever, with her heavy armor and her wavy blonde hair...

Seeing that, Ethan say "You should think about that..." he said... "About what?" I asked Ethan,

"Marriage..." Ethan said. And again both of our face turns red... Ed smiled seeing both of our face...

What Ethan said is true... perhaps it is time already, talking about marriage. Tousan and everyone keep saying about that.

"Ed... Ethan... can I talk with Eria alone?" I asked both Ethan and Ed. Hearing that, both of them looked surprised... I can see Eria's red face....

"Let's go Ed..." Ethan told Ed and left, while Ed's give me a thumbs up... That boy...

Now, both of us are all alone... my heart pounds really fast...

I think I am sweating right now, although the weather is cold...

I should tell her about this marriage, I am afraid that she do not feel what I feel toward her...

Also, Jeremiel-tousan and Kasan asked me to marry someone before I reach 20, or else they will find the bride for me...

After both Ethan and Ed are a bit further...

"Eriaa..." "Nicoo..." both of us called each other...


"Y-You go first..." I said as I want to respect her... she nodded while facing downward... W-Wait! But I am a man!

"Eria!" I called her name a bit loud as she looked surprised... "I... I...." I said a bit nervous...

S-Should I really say this to her?! I have to embrace myself

"I love you!" I said while still facing her... and she looked at me with her red face. And I can see her smile.

I come closer as I approach her, I take her hand... and I hold both of her hand. "I love you ever since I met you..." I said, and she looked surprised...

"T-That long?" She asked and I nodded seriously... "I almost killed you 4x... are you sure you are not loving the wrong person?" She asked me with a smile...

I nodded, "Although you were about to kill me 4x, you saved me hundreds of time..." I said with a smile...

She looked even prettier than before... in this floor, everything looks really beautiful. "Nico..." Eria called my name as she looked downward... "Yes?" I responded as I keep facing her...

"Do you notice that you are a God Race? And I am not?" Eria asked me... I nodded, "I notice that... and I will only have one wife... and it will be only you" I said, as I said that, she looks surprised, and really happy... But then she said "I don't mind if you have another wife beside me... as long as it makes you happy..." Eria said...

"N-No... I won't! The only person I truly love is you!" I told her... and she smiled...

"Can you promise me one thing?" Eria asked me as she faced me... I nodded... "Anything!" I said seriously...

She smiled, and somehow she say... "D-Don't tell this to anyone..." she said shyly...

Now I am become curious... "Sure.." I said, and she give it a thought...

After quite a while...

"I...." Eria said...

"Love you too..." Eria said while facing away...


I immediately give her a hug... and her body seems a bit surprised... but then she gives me a hug...

"I will love you for my whole life..." Eria told me, I nodded... "I will love you even to the after life..." I said, hearing that she looks happy...

Our heads are getting closer, and we bump our forehead...

"I will never let you go..." I told Eria... and she laughed... "You are going to be tired if you keep standing up..." Eria said...

I give her a smile... She is really cute and beautiful, and elegant... and strong, she is perfect... I love her

"Eria..." I called her as our head still bump with each other...

"Yes?" She asked me with a smile...

"Do you want to marry me?" I asked her, hearing that, she smiled happily... "Nicolas... You are the only man I trust and love the most... I am very happy..." She said as she starts crying...

Seeing her face dropping tears, I wiped it and ask her... "Are you okay?" I asked with concern... and she nodded...

"I am okay... and about the marriage..." she said...

"I want to marry you..." she said with a smile, and I return the smile... and somehow the room becomes brighter...

I decided to come closer and about to kiss her....

"HEY!" A man shouted behind us... and both of us immediately looked at the direction. "T-Tousan?" I called his name...

H-He is so disturbing...

"I need some private time!" I said as he come closer but he looked angry!

"No kissing!!" Tousan said as he pointed out his finger at me...

"W-What?! We are about to get marry!" I told Tousan, but Tousan ignores me...

"You can kiss her after you marry her!" Tousan said... T-There is no such rule?!

Tousan then faced Eria... Eria looked a bit nervous, but Tousan asked a stupid question...

"Are you sure you won't regret marrying my son?" Clement-tousan asked her...


"C-Clement-dono! You should not disturb them!" Ethan said from distant as he run toward us...

"H-Huuh?! Why?! He is my son!" Clement-tousan said... hearing he called me as his son, makes me really happy...

Clement-tousan suddenly raised me and put me on his shoulder...

"T-Tousan!" I shouted, but he smiled...

"See! He is just a kid!" Tousan told Eria and Eria can only smile after seeing me being lifted up easily by Tousan...

Tousan... he do has a big posture... but he is a strategist...

"I will marry him!" Eria told Tousan... hearing that, Ethan and Tousan stopped...

"W-What did you say?" Ethan asked Eria... Eria then face Ethan... "I will marry Nico... and I want to..." Eria said with red face...

Tousan is froze like stone... "T-Tousan?" I called his name, and suddenly he hold my body with both of his hand...

"Tousan?!" I asked in fear, he immediately throw me up to the air...

"WOAHHHHH!!?!?" I shouted...

"My boy has turn into a man!?!" He shouted happily...

Hearing that I can smile as I about to fall to the his grasp...

He catches me back...

"But! Are you going to be alright?" Tousan asked Eria... Eria nodded... "I will be fine, as long as we have each other..." Eria told Tousan and Tousan smiled...

"Okay..." He said as he put me back to the ground, and I feel a bit dizzy from Tousan's throw... but Eria hold me on her shoulder...

Both of us faced each other, and we give each other a smile...

"N-Nico! Eria!" Ethan called both of us... Both of us faced him... "Congratulation!" Ethan said with a smile...

"Thank you..." I said with a smile... "We will be serving you Ethan..." Eria told Ethan as she looked at me... I nodded, "You are the future king! Don't worry about Perius Kingdom! It will be safe with us!" I told Ethan, and Ethan nodded energetically...

"Hoy!" a voice behind Ethan... and the three of us can see Ed is running toward us, as Ed waved his hand...

What's with him? He looks pretty in hurry...

As he is close enough... "Clement-san! You should not left the house!" Ed said to Tousan...

"Clement-san?! You must call me with Tousan!" Clement-tousan said with annoyed voice, hearing that Ed looked a bit embarrassed... but then Ed looked at me holding Eria's hand...

"D-Did you?!" Ed asked me in surprised... I smiled and nodded. "We are going to marry..." I told Ed as I hold Eria's hand...

Ed then looks very happy...

"I will tell everybody else!" Ed said as he immediately left us...

I let a sigh... "This is going to be annoying..." I said, and Eria smiled... "Are you having a problem with me around?" She asked me with scary smile...

"N-No... of course no..." I said nervously... Seeing that Tousan and Ethan laughed.

=== Maxim's Point of View ===

"How is it that you are still alive?" I asked Tousan. Yes, my father name is Moore Maxwell, the second generation of Maxwell...

"Alive? I am dead..." Tousan told me with flat voice as usual...

"How?? I mean, who kills you? I am pretty sure a three elemental user can't die easily!" I said, and he gives me a smile...

Moore Maxwell, he can use Holy, Wind and Earth Elements... but there is something odd with his Wind Orb... the orbs is slightly bigger in size, and it shines brighter compared to a normal orb. And also, his Wind Element is much stronger than other element he used.

"I stopped Navroth's Spell multiple of times... and I am dead..." Tousan said, "Barrier Magic?" I asked, he nodded...

"What kind of spell that she used?" I asked...

"Both God Tier of Earth Magic and God Tier of Fire Magic..." Moore said...

That would be very hard... but... "Is that it?" I asked... and he shook his head, "When I am low on mana... she casted another God Tier spell... [FROSTNOVA]" Tousan explained...

I let a sigh... blocking 3 God Spell Tier is annoying...

"I was in the battlefield that day when you casted the Barrier Magic... but I do not see you at all..." I told him...

During the Great War... I do not see him, along with Kasan...

"I was here... in this labyrinth..." Tousan told me...

"Wait! Are you saying that those Barrier Magic is?!" I stopped as I think something unbelievable...

He smiled... "Yes... I teleported them from this place..." Tousan said...

Is that even possible? But I have no interest at all in magic, all I care is Voice Magic...

"That boy... is dangerous..." Moore told me... "Who? Nico?" I asked... Tousan nodded.

"That is just a dream, or maybe nightmare..." I told him... "But I predicted from he first to seventh accurately... you won't deny that right?" Tousan asked me, I nodded...

"There is one more think I haven't told him..." Tousan said. "What is that?" I asked...

"Among those dead bodies... I see two dead bodies with red eyes... and a Bios Eye..." Moore said...

3 Maxwell huh? "Maybe he will be the one that kill Alduir..." Tousan said, but... "No..." I said... he then faced me...

"What do you mean?" Tousan asked me...

"Nicolas has another brother... and he has Bios Eyes... exactly the same eyes as Alduir's" I told Tousan, hearing that Tousan looked disappointed...

"Then... he could change and become the most dangerous person in the world..." Tousan said, but I shook my head...

"No... he will be under my care..." I told Tousan... he looked at me seriously, he then say something very unexpected...

"You should leave him be..." Tousan said...

"Huh? Why?" I asked... "Remember what I said? He will kill 2 Maxwell with red eyes, and a human with Bios Eye" Moore said...

"What? Are you saying that I am going to be killed by that boy?" I asked... Tousan is a strict man... but I know that he loves all of his children... he is the man that has three great children... me, Maxim the creator of Maxim Style in swordsmanship... Alice the creator of Alice Style in Spear-Wielding... and Ares the creator of Ares Style in swordsmanship.

While Tousan? He is a mage...

"Leave that boy under my care... I will train him, and make sure that he will be in the right path..." I told Tousan, hearing that... he just stood still...

Then he let a sigh...

"Do what you want... that's what you have been doing since the past..." Tousan said, and I give him a smile...

"I will be around the labyrinth... since my magic is still exist in this place if you want to ask me anything..." Tousan said...

"Kasan..." I said

Tousan looked at me intensely... "She is dead... protecting my Barrier Magic with her Barrier Magic...

So... a double barrier, but Kasan is not a God Race... she is a normal human race, which has a low amount of mana. Holding a God Tier Spell is a suicide...

"She did it after I blocked the [EARTHQUAKE] and [ARMAGEDDON]" Tousan said, "Seeing me unprepared for the next spell Navroth casted, she buy me some time and create a Barrier Magic in front of me..." Tousan explained...

Kasan... she even do something so heroic before her death.

"Do you have another question?" he asked me...

I shook my head, but then I remember something...

"I met Auxillium..." I told him, and he looked very surprised with that... but then he remain calmed.

"Auxillium Maxwell? The first?" Tousan asked me with flat voice as usual... I nodded, "I see... so he is alive?" Tousan asked me, but I shook my head...

"No, he is just the same as you... the magic he left behind..." I told him, and he nodded...

"His magic should be with the sky... since he really love the sky..." Moore said, and I nodded... "He is.." I said...

The first time I met Auxillium was when I was in Sky Kingdom...

"That will be the end... I will come to you if you need help... just knock the tree thrice, and I will be summoned..." Moore explained and I nodded...

He suddenly disappeared by the light beam that hit him...