
It's Finally Over

(Harley's P.O.V)

It's fucking over with and we have won we saved the city and now it was finally over, Waller is dead, no batman in sight and the worst of the worst are now free and nothing can stop us!

"We did it!" Boomerang laughs with a few members of the squad I turn to say something to Flag but my smile drops as I can feel jealousy claw at my insides as I watch Flag and his girlfriend.

"That should be me and my Mista J." I growl under my breath as Flag kisses June and hold her close to him in his arms before I pocket my gun with a narrowed gaze at the happy couple. My dear Puddin' is now taken from me and I am once again all alone in this big and cruel world.

'You are never alone my dear kit.' The one voice that has been with me the longest rumbles lowly within my mind causing me to shiver lightly, I knew it almost as well as I know my own voice.

"Let's Party!" I barely hear, this voice had been my one constant companion for well over a decade now and only my Puddin' knew the true extent of the pain that this voice had put me through.

"You doing alright Dollface?" Deadshot asks me as he places a hand on my shoulder, he has a look of worry, his dark eyes are soft in a way that remind me of that life, of two men in particular.

"Harley?" I hear Flag ask with a tone of worry as I fight to not let a snarl leave my lips before I force my gaze away from the group, I control my breathing before I give them a forced smile.

"I'm fine guys." I tell them but the words are a lie they nearly always have been a lie that I've told they nod, taking them for what they were but kind enough to not to ask me about it at least.

"If ya say so." Croc says before Deadshot turns to face Flag, who is watching us all with gratitude lining his features at the fact that had just we saved his girlfriend and the whole words also.

"What now Flag?" He asks with a raised eyebrow as we all make our way over to hear from him ourselves what is gonna happen to the lot of us and weather we have to go back to prison.

"Yeah Flag? What happens to us now that the job is over with and if you dare to say prison then I'll kill ya right here, right now solider boy!" I decide to add my two cents into the chat between both Deadshot and Flag with a dark and insane laugh leaving my slightly parted blood red lips.

"What happens now?" He repeats with a raised eyebrow as he pulls his little girlfriend closer to him and I can hear the Nogitsune growl within my mind at the perfect little sight before me.

"Yeah that's what we just asked ya Flag." I say with a light growl and an eye roll while I look at my nails in a rather bored fashion before I pick up my bat and rest it up against my shoulder.

"Harls… play nice will you? We do not need you to piss Flag off or cause any trouble at the moment." Deadshot tells me from over his shoulder and I narrow my eyes at him as he has no idea of what I could do to him and most before he even notices it happening to him at all.

"You don't tell me what to do… no one does anymore." I mutter under my breath with a scoff in my voice as I have a look around to see if I can steal anything of use to me for a later time.

"Anyway… I have been offered presidential pardons for all of you for your services, Waller is dead though so we will need to head back to base to go over the details but besides that you are free." I freeze in shock before I turn around to face Flag to make sure that I had heard him right.

"You being serious right now Flag? You ain't shitting us at the moment with the fact that we are truly free now?" Boomerang asks with a raised eyebrow as he looks over at Flag in shock as well and who could blame him as I am having a hard time believing him and I've seen some shit.

"I truly mean it guys, you all are now free to do as you please." He says as we all stare at him still in shock of what he told us… he seriously has to be joking with us right? I study his face just in case that he is lying to us but all I can see in his expression is pure honesty… we are all free.

"Even my Puddin'?" I ask him with a soft hopeful tone in my voice and Flag sends me a soft look very similar to Deadshot's one from just before and I really want to kill him for that stupid look.

"Harls…" Deadshot starts to say with a tone of voice just as soft as Flags, I growl at them and I am pretty sure that my eyes glow an unnatural colour but I don't care I hate that look I'm getting.

"Shut up Floyd, I need to know if I was able to get him free as well!" I growl at him before I take a deep breath to calm myself down a little as now is not the time to lose my temper at them.

"Yeah… him too Harls, he is free." A weight lifts in my chest, if only for a second after hearing that coming from Flag I had managed to help my Mista J even if he isn't here to see it with me.

"You're free now Mista J, you're free at last." I mutter with a single tear slipping down my cheek as we all follow after Flag out of the ruined station just as a plane drops down to pick us up.

"I never thought I would see the day that I am free while Zoe is still a little girl." Floyd says as we all climb into the large aircraft before it takes off into the sky and away from the wrecked city.

"So with us being free does that include our records being cleared and non-existent?" I ask him as I think over what I will do with my life now that I am free with records clear if they are included.

"Yeah they are it's like you lot will have never existed in the criminal world." Flag says and I grin at hearing this all the while try to ignore the tiny but familiar spark of warmth in my chest.

"So you're all free now." Flag's girlfriend says with a smile, freedom I have longed for it ever since I was thrown in Belle Reve two years previous and it was finally in my grasp after so long.

"Yeah and it feels great!" Boomerang laughs and while it's true that we are all free we still have a stipulation and it is that in the case of another metahuman attack is we return to fight again.

"You weren't in prison though!" It was a stipulation that I have no problem agreeing with, especially since I regained a family in my new teammates, one that will hopefully not leave me alone.

"What will people do now? What is the plan of action?" Deadshot asks us all interested, I think it over… I can't go back to Gotham there is just too many memories and way too much pain.

"That is an interesting question and I never really thought about it before." Boomerang says with a shrug of the shoulders before he goes through what he had managed to steal from the fight.

"I don't doubt that any of you have truly thought of what would happen after ever getting out of that place am I right?" Flag asks and we all nod in agreement to his words as I know that I have thought of ways to get out but thanks to Griggs I couldn't really do anything. If I go back to Gotham City right now I would lose what little sanity that I have left without my Joker there with me.

"Don't know…" I mutter as I envision the city burning down to the ground as I laugh at the screams of the people burning also, he was my anchor and now he is taken away from me for good.

"When do you ever have a stable thought in that head of yours, Harls?" Croc asks me for the first time after a while gaining the rest of the squad's laughter along with his own at the question.

'Back when that Alpha trusted and loved you.' The Nogitsune whispers in my ears with a rather cruel undertone and I mentally growl back at it for bring up Scott after ten years of silence.

"Well…. If you have no plans they why don't you go back to your old hometown, Harls?" Fla… no Rick asks me with a raised eyebrow, if they are now my new family then I should start calling them by their first names and not by any other names they might have. I notice that he is holding up a medium sized folder with the words 'Top Secret' printed on the front of it in bright red ink.

"What do you mean by that Rick?" I ask him with my own eyebrow raised in confused on what he could possibly mean by going back to my hometown after being away for so long. I notice that the others all seem to watch us interested in where this could be going and so am I, in fact.

"Waller, had you under her watch long before you ever became the Queen of Gotham, Harls. She saw you as a real threat, especially after you continued to show up at nearly every strange crime scene in your hometown." I let a small smile grace my lips as I remember all the trouble that I had caused for my father and the fun adventures I had with all of my friends and my secret crush.

"That was only because of who I knew in town." I say with a deranged smile on my lips before I motion for him to continue on with the story much to the growing confusion of the squad.

"She put you on the list while you were in Eichen House, but she didn't find out you were Harleen Quintzel until after you were imprisoned here." Rick finishes explaining as I look between him and the innocent looking folder in his hands and for once all of the voices in my head are quiet.

"What you thinking in that head of yours?" George asks me I have missed my hometown fiercely, always have, but I do not want to leave my new friends, not so soon after my lovers' death.

"Of many things." I say to him with a large grin as I go over my options on the other hand, Gotham was the most interesting town in the country outside of my birth town. I knew that I would be restless and bored like hell anywhere else in the world… until an idea hit me and I grinned.

"Oh oh…" Floyd laughs jokingly as they all notice my large and perilous grin on my blood red lips before I poke my tongue out at him rather childish gaining even more laughs from the squad.

"What do you guys think about moving to Beacon Hills with me? I hear that the weather is great, there is a lot of death and maiming, oh and animal attacks. The animal attacks are important we shouldn't forget about those." I ask them all with a smile on my face as they share a look with each other, my heart pounds fiercely in my chest maybe they didn't feel the pull like I do?

"Of course you focus on the killings that happen there over everything else." Rick mutters as we watch the others continue to think over the offer I made them… maybe they won't come with me after all I don't want to be alone again, Floyd is the first to smile at me and the others all follow after.

"Well I am game to come along with you and who knows maybe the change will be good for me and Zoe as we could use some time outside of Gotham. We deserve to enjoy ourselves some and you can show us around the place as you grew up there?" He says with a short nod of the head at me and I can now feel as if I can breathe a little bit better at that as I give him a smile in return. I do not have to be alone when I go back to face the past and that includes the pack… it will be fun to watch all of their reactions to seeing me once again after all of these years of nothing at all.

"I have got nothin' better to do plus, I hear that there is a nice little jewellery store in Los Angeles, so why not? I'm in." George says with a shrug of the shoulders and a grin on his face next to him is Tatsu, she seems to be thinking it over a little before she nods her head with a smile also.

"I will come as I have heard of the many myths that are surrounding Beacon Hills." She says before I look over at Waylon who has a small frown on his face and I think I know what his issue is.

"There is a really large lake on the reserve that you will be able live in." I say with a smile and that frown of his turns into a large grin as he nods his head with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Alright then it should be better than the sewers under Gotham City." Rick chuckles at us all rather fondly as he has an arm around the waist of his girlfriend who I believe is also his fiancée?

"I'm retiring in two weeks. Y'all look for a place that we can live in Beacon Hills alright?" He asks us and we all nod as that seems to be the best plan of action that we have at the moment.

"We don't need two weeks to look for a place! I know Beacon Hills like I know my own mind and the reserve will be the best place for all of us to live… I might need to fight the owner for it but what's a girl to do?" I say with a large fox like grin as I think over the possibility of fighting Derek and possibly the pack for the land but with the squad it'll be easy to take it from them.

"So anyway… you guys want to meet my baby girl before we do anything else?" Floyd asks us with a smirk and I nod my head with a wild giggle leaving me as I have heard so much about her.

"Can I? Can I? Can I? Pretty please?!" I ask him as I bounce up and down in my seat just as we land back on the ground outside of the building that has given us all our freedom out of prison.

"Sure Harls, come on I'm sure that Zoe would want to meet you as well as she's heard all about you from on the news." Floyd says with a laugh leaving him, we all get out and watch the chopper leave us on the ground, I wave up to the others and Rick waves back at us with a small smile.

"We'll see you all in two weeks." We hear Rick call out to us before the chopper is gone, I turn to Floyd with a bright smile before I let him lead the way to where his little girl is at the moment.

"Oh really? Then maybe Auntie Harley could tell her a story or two?" I say as I rest my bat over my shoulder with a raised eyebrow up at Floyd… I've always been short and at times I hate it.

"Yeah… I don't think so not at least until she is sixteen." Floyd says with arms crossed and a sarcastic tone of voice that makes me pout lightly at him before I shrug it off with a laugh.

"It was worth a shot." I say with a shrug of the shoulders as we go down the quiet and abandoned street… maybe I should do something with my hair before we leave for my hometown?

"Yeah well, you will have to do much better than that." Floyd says to me with a light laugh leaving him just as we head up the stairs towards the apartment of his ex-wife I think? I listen closely through the door and I realise that only one person is in the apartment and it's a young child.

"There is only one person within." I tell him, he looks at me with a slightly confused look before we enter the empty looking apartment but I know better, I listen for any sound any at all.

"Zoe?" Floyd calls out and instantly a pair of footsteps come running towards us and a little girl jumps into Floyd's waiting arms with a smile on her face as he hugs him around the neck.

"Daddy! It's really you!" The little girl who looks a bit like Floyd says with a giggle leaving her while Floyd spins her around in his arms with a smile of his own on his lips as he holds her close.

"Hey baby girl, I've missed you so much." He says and I feel that same jealously from earlier claw at the insides of my stomach again as I watch the happy father, daughter duo before me.

"I've missed you too daddy, so, so much." The little girl who has to be named Zoe says, I clear my throat gaining the attention of the two back onto me and Floyd gives me a sheepish look.

"Sorry… Zoe this is Harley a friend of mine and the three of us plus some other friends will be moving to a small town in two weeks as we are all free." Floyd says to her with a smile and I can't help but to smile with excitement pumping threw my blood at the thought of what will happen in about two weeks. I'm going back home after so long my smile sharpens into the deadly grin that my Puddin' had oh so dearly loved, the Pack wouldn't know what hit it... purrfect.

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