

Story of a teen girl Names AMELIA, passing through difficulties in her life, got love struck after denying that she will not fall for anyone, at a point of her age that changed her life. When a boy enters in her life, and turned it in something new, emotional roller coaster ride, with new experiences, magical love and past tragedies will she BE ABLE TO LOVE AGAIN , WILL HE ACCEPT HER. FOR interesting adventure of Amelia read the book and support me . this is my first novel I will be thankful if you all give it a read and appreciated it vote with power stones and do comment your thoughts I will do my best !!! ____________________________________

NASI38 · Teenager
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18 Chs



I looked over at Ander realizing what we did last night the vision is blurry but the kiss was very clear in my mind , I was surprised and embarrassed what did I do? this time I never drink but I was furious to see Sophie and him and the rest is blurred ,

Leah " ohhhh noo!" she looked at me from head to toe ,

"no no no it's just I vomit on my clothes right Ander tell her " .

"what ? I don't know ? Ander said acting like a stranger , " you are stupid she got us wrong " .

"USSS??!!" CODIE shouted , "ughhhhh !!" I was Soo confused, " it's okay Amelia it's your life but you should tell me details " she grinned at me " nothing happened I was just drunk okayyy ??!!nothing happened " I ignored her,

" but we didn't say anything happened Amelia " codie looked at me with raised brow

" god I m embarrassed " I said that in my head placing my palm on my face,

"codie and I are dating " Leah shouted , I looked up and said "oh my god I am so happy for you " I stood and hugged her , " don't ever make her cryyy" I said to codie , suddenly Leah move towards Ander and said " I will kill you if you her my friend" she said with thumb on her neck mimicking the kill in her head , " ooooff Leah shut up " I rolled my eyes , "okay Amelia just grab your stuff I am leaving my mom is calling she will kill me " Leah said , I realized my phone was on the bed and my dress was also not here, " I will drop her late after breakfast " , Ander said looking at codie, I realized they both want to spend some more time together " yeah guys you can enjoy yourself " I winked at Leah she blushed " aww I am happy for her",

"bye guys" I waved , they moved towards door and I walked in kitchen and my stomach grumbles , " someone is hungry " Ander said in my ear from behind as shiver ran down my spine, I looked at him moving back , "uhh don.. don't ,.. think to much ...uuhh .about ....that" I murmured and he looked at me confused , he came closer to my face " about what AMmy ?" I looked at him , he moved closer, and our face sides touch as he said something in my ear " my clothes looked better on you, you know what you did last night right ?n " he smirked and moved back , my eyes widened I was surprised but my stomach growled loudly making me want the floor to swallow me instantly , I was embarrassed let's make you some breakfast he said in his sexy voice , I gulped, "hmm", he turned over and cracked the eggs in the pan, "youu can cook ?!" I asked without knowing the cooking skills , " yepp I Doo when my helper is not here " he said , he looked absolutely gorgeous, his muscular hands making me breakfast, I only imaged why is he so perfect?, "I am feeling hot " he said looking at me , all memories of yesterday rushed in my head and I blushed hard he started laughing "I was joking " , he looked at me , as he placed delicious looking eggs and bacon strips , my stomach growled loudly, "dig in princess", I frowned "okay finee" he said " enjoy I will change and then drop you ," I shake my head in yes " direction , as he walked away I took the first. "ummmm heavenly delicious " my eyes rolled , being hot is hard Andy but it's harder to cook this good I mumbled to myself devouring the meal,

RINGG RINGG!!!!, I Walked upstair by the ring tone of my mobile " who could that be ?", I walked in room , and looked at the dress there neatly place on bed and my mobile phone ringing , I looked at my mobile " uaahh!! uncle Ed", I picked it up fastly , " a. Helloo !!Eddie!!! where were you guys I missed you " I said uncle Ed replied " Amelia darling we were stuck due to emergency and we are on our way home", " okay I have to drive just wanted to inform you this, " "okay drive safely" I stared at mobile for a minute , he sounded weirds , it feels like something is there they were hiding , I realized that the house is a mess, mom's room " oh no I have to leave soon " I said to myself, "who is Ed die?" , " oh my god you will give me a heart attack Ander " I said and stopped looking at him, he looked handsome, all the adjectives are nothing to describe him, he just came out of the shower and the beautiful honey scent spread throughout the room " his hairs were a mess, a beautiful mess ,the body is to die for, " , he placed his hand on his chest hiding it " heyyy stop staring !!" he said in a girly manner smirking , I looked up at his eyes , looked away, smiling " who is Eddie ? is he your boyfriend ?" he asked I rolled my eyes ," are you jelouse ? * ",

"what why would I be , I am your saviour after all you should tell me , If I will punch him accidently that would be wrong" he said looking cute, I wanted to laugh but I will have a little fun , "yess please drop me home he is coming" I said , "hey Amelia stop " he said , I rushed towards bathroom, " oh I shouldn't wear this " I looked at my dress, " can I borrow you shirt andyy" I gave him a puppy face, " stoppp I can't handle the cuteness"he closed his eyes, I laughed and stare at his sexy body , " I will your stares are harrasing me " he said and kisses my cheek and ran outside, "oh my god you jerkkk"I shouted, I could hear his laugh , I took my mobile phone and purse, I looked at my self "okay Amelia run home change and just clean the house, " I said to myself , I make a ponytail and looked myself in mirror okayy so it's fine I guess , I look fine.

I reached down stairs the maid was there cleaning the kitchen where is Ander I asked her , she looked in her 40's and she looked polite, she smiled he is waiting in the car outside she said " ,okay thankyou", what is your name ? "she asked "Amelia "I replied , she smiled ",you are pretty don't break his heart he never laughed like this from that day "she said and I was confused she walked towards the living room leaving my confused,

I walked out side , looked at him looking at his mobile phone by the car , he have a car ? I asked my self , I walked towards him "let's goo " I said to him, " okay are you ready " he smirked I looked at him confused he messed up my hairs and ran towards driving seat , "uggghhh you make me angry " I shouted , I opened the back door of car ad place my dress and hop in , "he looked at me " why are you sitting there come here" he said pointing towards passenger seat, "I have to pick codie , and Zack "he said to me I looked at him, "ahhh okay fine ".I said , "what are you looking at " I asked "you" he said , I blushed "come on drive fast " I said "why!?? Edie wants to meet you as soon as possible !?" , he said in a girly tone , "come on Ander " I said "okayy " he drove away from his house , "oh my god you will definitely kill me in an accident " I said , " you drive rashlyyy Ander " he ignored me again ,"good drive fast Eddie is waiting " I looked at him from side views his knuckles turning white on the wheel and he speed up the car, "okayyy stopppp !!!"I shouted "my mom is coming home that's why I want to go home " , * Eddie is my uncle " , his grip loosed and he applied break making me move forward with force "uuooff horribleeee " I shouted, " you should have told me before that's it's your uncle " he said driving slowly, " haaahh !!!, wow I didn't know you were jelousss" I said he looked at me throughly and drive , rest of the drive was quite peaceful I enjoyed the morning view,I though to myself that I have to start my job too today , uff I am tired I have to be fast ,

" we are here " he said and I got out of the car , took my dress , "thankyou Ander, I will return your shirt tommoroww" I said , he looked at me " keep it it looked better on you " he said and smiled. , "o.okhsyy bye " I said looking at him , he smiled "be safe Amelia you are important " he said "and call me I have saved my number " ,

"ooo fast services " I smirked we both laughed and said our good byes ,

I smiled it. was nice to start new chapter of life I said okay messed up house here I come I said unlocking the door "

I felt some one is looking at me I turned but there was no one there I shivered and ran inside locking the door .


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